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(RELEASE) RX.Software simultanium Shipset Release

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 10:21 pm
by commanderxairon
and there is our gift to this wonderfull comunity...

Rx-Software proudly announce his shipset, it replaces every ingame ship with new semi abstract models featuring cammouflage and 2 new ships the Anaconda Panzerschiffe and our version of the Cobra mk2

it also increases a bit the dificulty of the game because some of the cammo's mesh very well with the space's colours

you can download it here:

new post available (use search button ;D)

Re: (RELEASE) RX.Software simultanium Shipset Release

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 10:59 pm
by Smivs
I've just downloaded this to have a look - I like to keep an eye on the competition :wink:
The models I like. They're quirky but on the whole really interesting shapes, and add a good alternative to the shipsets already out there.
I have to say many of the ships are so dark I do wonder how they will show up in-game though. I just ran the start demo-ships display to have a quick look, and some just seemed to be disassociated blobs of colour on a black background.
I also noticed a few absentees...there's no Transporter, Shuttle, Thargoid warship and Thargon and perhaps more.
Also the DL file is huge, and you can perhaps tweak the textures file (22.8MB) to reduce this. For example my Smivs'Shipset texture file (with 40 ship textures plus emission maps) is only 15.2MB and that's for the High-definition version. Feel free to PM me if you'd like some help or advice here.
First impressions are therefore favourable, with some reservations. Whatever, this is an impressive body of work, and perhaps with some tuning and tweaking will hold it's own amongst the shipsets, and certainly adds a different perspective that many will find appealing.

This is the Krait, one of the 'dark' ones...


One of the 'lighter' ones, the Boa Class Cruiser.


Re: (RELEASE) RX.Software simultanium Shipset Release

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 1:03 am
by commanderxairon
hooray thanks for the download... and they do mech TOO well with the space making sniping more difficult, i wondered why intergalactic companies woudnt do ships with cammouflage and there is my answer to that, and for the ships missing there will be a expantion pack with those and more ships o.o

Re: (RELEASE) RX.Software simultanium Shipset Release

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 5:50 am
by Thargoid
commanderxairon wrote:
hooray thanks for the download... and they do mech TOO well with the space making sniping more difficult, i wondered why intergalactic companies woudnt do ships with cammouflage and there is my answer to that, and for the ships missing there will be a expantion pack with those and more ships o.o
Grab a copy of Aquatics oxp or Stealth OXP and tell me that the Barracuda isn't camouflaged ;)

Re: (RELEASE) RX.Software simultanium Shipset Release

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 5:53 am
by commanderxairon
ok but thats barracuda and thats your oxp's damm im trying to actually do things for myself not mixing/finding someone's else job to obtain a near-to-my-idea result... i think this community needs more users that are willing to colaborate more creativity is hardly needed here...

Re: (RELEASE) RX.Software simultanium Shipset Release

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 5:57 am
by Thargoid
Oh I quite agree - the more designers, skinners and OXP makers the better.

It was just your question as to why no ship makers have made camouflaged ships before - it has been done. Albeit not a full ship-set.

Re: (RELEASE) RX.Software simultanium Shipset Release

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 6:26 am
by CommonSenseOTB
Hello commanderxairon and thanx from all the oolite community for putting together a new replacement shipset. Must have been a fair amount of effort to remodel the standard ships, in some cases a very unique way.
I'm not a modeller and good advice can be had from Smivs, Staer9, Killer Wolf, CaptSolo, Griff, Simon B, Thargoid and many others that have produced very nice ships. As I'm a fan of the original shipset perhaps I'll give you my results of some playtesting done this evening.
First, I noticed a few bugs. The escape pod's exhausts don't line up properly, the cargo pod has "quality" spelled "cuality" and I was routinely attacked by offender GalCop Viper Interceptors.
Second, I like the Python model. I think it is a nice addition to all the other Python models out there. Nicely done. :) On the other side, I don't like the Moray Star Boat. It is too different with external engine pods hanging off the back and looks like a xurian spy ship from the last starfighter movie. The escape pod also is a little strange but I can live with it. :wink:
Third, many of the textures are too dark, some so that you can not really see the ship in close dogfighting unless something brighter is behind it. The krait is especially dark. I understand what you're trying to accomplish by making the ships harder to see in combat but there is a point where it becomes unpleasant to look at for the player. Again the best abstract pattern is probably the one on the python as I don't mind looking at it.
Fourth, the textures themselves. I believe that this is in the eye of the beholder. They are quite different from most of the other oxp ships textures and looking at them gives me the impression of being in a different galaxy(9+?). Interesting.

Overall, my impression is a good one. Some of the models look really nice but the current textures prevent fully enjoying/seeing them. Perhaps a way can be found to make the textures more visible. The dark colors are like a matte finish. If they were more reflective that could help. Would materials for the ships that define shininess help? Or maybe emissions and normal maps? Again models and textures is not my area but others could help you with this. I look forward to future ship releases. Good job commanderxairon. :)

Re: (RELEASE) RX.Software simultanium Shipset Release

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 7:56 am
by commanderxairon
ahh dang dang dang thanks for your feedback ill take it in mind for the next expansion

Commonsence, about the cuality it is kinda a internal joke a spanglish misgramall may be? and about the normal maps for my GMA 945 it woudl be hard to code that ill have to ask help to someone with a real graphic's card all my shipset was made on a Toshiba Nb 105 running ubuntu natty narwhal so you could imagine

THANKS AGAIN im very glad that you guys like my work i feel very motivated for my next run (that would be after i get a good blender tutorial XD) also i feel specially good in the fact that the fist model i made for this shipset (the python) was actually my 3rd model my first one are the loyalty class cruiser so that wonderfull feedback make's me feel the effort was worth at the end...