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structural armor idea

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 8:48 am
by commanderxairon
i want to suggest a "structural armor" oxp that adds that in fact, that comes from a tought i have... how is that a massive ship like a anaconda would have the same strenght to hits as a Adder? im not talking about how many hits it can take energy banks take that... but if you can add armor (at the cost of tonnage) to the ship? and that would decrease in a ammount the damage taken on hull by lasers or annother weapon... this idea is taken of the game Navyfield... you can divide the kinds of armor in 3

light structural armor :
1t weight
very light protection still you can note a difference after the loadage of 5 tons

midweight structural armor:
5t weight
mid protection but it turns effective in the range of 10 or 15 tons

heavyweight structural armor:
30t weight
notable protection but you need to carry at least 50 to 100 tons of it

they can also cause the drop of alloy when a ship takes a rirect hit this would give the player the possibility to make a armoured ship also giving the possibility to the npc's to buy it would make the fighting more fun (and long) im tired of sneaking on anaconda's ass with an adder and blasting them with 2 or 3 mil laser discharges (red baron style of dogfighting) while im still agile enough to dodge all her attacks i mean this would give more point to have a big ship like that

Re: structural armor idea

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 8:57 am
by Thargoid
Some of that isn't scriptable. But in general concept, try my IronHide OXP ;)

Re: structural armor idea

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 10:03 am
by Smivs
As Thargoid says, Ironhide is as close as you'll get.
Normal shields are energy dependant, and therefore you can improve them by upgrading shield boosters and military shield enhancement. And a ship upgrade will bring more energy banks depending on the ship you choose.
Ignoring Uber OXP ships an upgrade to a Boa Class Cruiser will give you eight energy banks (and a much more useful ship!), and if you add an extra/naval energy unit and shield boosters and enhancers to it as well you'll have one hell of a tough ship!
Tonnage isn't really relevant, as ships will all have the same shield strength etc (it's not size-dependant), and the same thickness of hull. Truth is, once lasers are hitting the hull (shields are down and energy is drained), you're dead anyway.

IronHide OXP bug?

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 11:57 am
by JazHaz
Was looking for a thread for the release of the IronHide OXP, but can't find it, so this will have to do.

Think I've got a bug! :twisted:

Got in a firefight at a space bar, and my civilian IronHide armour got damaged.

When I arrived at the main station, there wasn't an option to repair (well to get a quote) but there was an option to buy another IronHide. I bought it. When I arrived at the next station, there was now an option to obtain a quote and repair. Now do I have two armours, or one (my save file says no lol) :?

From my save file, here are the relevant bits. I don't know if anything is of use though.:

Code: Select all


	<key>IronHide Armour Script</key>
        <string>IronHide Armour Strength - 100%</string>


Re: structural armor idea

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 12:13 pm
by Smivs
Hi jazhaz,
Good to see you around a bit more. The ironhide thread is here

Re: structural armor idea

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 1:11 pm
by JazHaz
Smivs wrote:
Hi jazhaz,
Good to see you around a bit more. The ironhide thread is here
Thanks, have crossposted there. Not strictly a good idea but it should have been in there really.