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Status Quo

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 11:59 am
by danny_galaga
Enjoying this so far. The odd grammatical error aside, it's a bloody good read! I'm sure I've missed a few, but I'm enjoying the pop references. The elegant reference to 'blue screen of death' is a good example. As is the nod to the Magrathean automated defence system- "Galcop is gratified that your enthusiasm for countering Thargoids remains undiminished, but respectfully requests that you move your fleets to more appropriate locations whilst performing your drills" 8)

Re: Status Quo

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 8:54 am
by drew
Thanks Danny, glad you're enjoying. You'll be able to continue the adventures in Mutabilis and Incursio (parts 2 and 3). The Saga completes at the end of this year with Finis. Details in my sig.

Let me know about the grammatical errors. After 5 years we thought we'd got them all! :wink:

I should make a catalogue of the pop references, there are a lot in Status Quo (not so much in the later books). Some are deliberately more obscure than others. Rebecca's credit count, for example, is the top of the memory address space on an 8-bit computer. (extra geek points) - 65535.

I think you're the first one to own up to spotting the Magrathean reference though - well done!



Re: Status Quo

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 9:56 am
by Wyvern Mommy

maybe you should recruit simon for that. i'm sure he would be soooo glad to help.