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New member- HI!

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 8:23 am
by danny_galaga
I'm just starting to get into Oolite so I thought I'd join up here and say hi. HI! :D

I just bought a new Mac Mini and for some time had been thinking of setting up an emulator and Elite on it. Then I discovered Oolite. I have to say to those who've had a hand in creating it- EXCELLENT JOB!

I actually never played Elite back in the day. I read about it in Retro Gamer a few years ago and knew straight away this was something pretty special. It also jogged memories of playing Taipan on a (Macintosh I think). A trading game set in the Opium Wars period, obviously inspired by James Clavell. I really enjoyed that game, and it didn't even have any controllable objects in it! A lot of the thrill I guess with both is that age old thrill of buy low, sell high. I invest in shares in real life and Oolite is giving me a safe outlet for crazy strategy. I'm no Gordon Gecko :D

Anyway, enough of that. I normally join a forum when everything is going completely wrong, like with my last PC, which was Ubuntu. This time, all I can think of for now is a little niggle, which I'll start a different thread for. I'll probably be pretty quiet here until I try my hand at making my own models :lol:

Re: New member- HI!

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 8:28 am
by Fatleaf
danny_galaga wrote:
I'll probably be pretty quiet here until I try my hand at making my own models :lol:
When you do there are a few around here who will be eager to help you with that and Welcome the the Friendliest Board this side of RiedquatTM

Re: New member- HI!

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 8:37 am
by Smivs
Hi, and welcome.
Glad you're enjoying the is pretty amazing isn't it, as is this community. You'll certainly be joining a team of dedicated nutters :P if you do start making models or doing anything OXP, and you'll find plenty of help and good advice here.
Best wishes,

Re: New member- HI!

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 9:24 am
by Ironfist

Glad you found Oolite. You will find the group here are really friendly.
Remember the most important point about it is to have fun and enjoy.
Best wishes,

Re: New member- HI!

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 8:46 am
by drew
Welcome aboard Danny. I'm assuming Galaga is a nod to the 80s? :wink:



Re: New member- HI!

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 3:40 pm
by ClymAngus
Welcome to the Galcop Frequent flyers club!

We would like to reward your ardent brand loyalty with the most recent G1 orienteering guide:

We wish you many happy hours of safe intergalactic trans-location.

Re: New member- HI!

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 7:20 am
by danny_galaga
drew wrote:
Welcome aboard Danny. I'm assuming Galaga is a nod to the 80s? :wink:


Yep, I come to this point from a more 'arcade' background. When I signed up to a forum for the first time, it was BYOAC which is arcade related. I actually prefer the game Galaxian, but I thought Danny Galaxian didn't sound as cool!
ClymAngus wrote:
Welcome to the Galcop Frequent flyers club!

We would like to reward your ardent brand loyalty with the most recent G1 orienteering guide:

We wish you many happy hours of safe intergalactic trans-location.
Very impressive. Scary, but impressive :D

Re: New member- HI!

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 9:07 am
by Alex
danny_galaga wrote:
I'm just starting to get into Oolite so I thought I'd join up here and say hi. HI! :D

I just bought a new Mac Mini and for some time had been thinking of setting up an emulator and Elite on it. Then I discovered Oolite. I have to say to those who've had a hand in creating it- EXCELLENT JOB!

I actually never played Elite back in the day. I read about it in Retro Gamer a few years ago and knew straight away this was something pretty special. It also jogged memories of playing Taipan on a (Macintosh I think). A trading game set in the Opium Wars period, obviously inspired by James Clavell. I really enjoyed that game, and it didn't even have any controllable objects in it! A lot of the thrill I guess with both is that age old thrill of buy low, sell high. I invest in shares in real life and Oolite is giving me a safe outlet for crazy strategy. I'm no Gordon Gecko :D

Anyway, enough of that. I normally join a forum when everything is going completely wrong, like with my last PC, which was Ubuntu. This time, all I can think of for now is a little niggle, which I'll start a different thread for. I'll probably be pretty quiet here until I try my hand at making my own models :lol:
Yes you sound exactally like a profiteer. You want to control and profit from Oolite.
Ergo the private convo with writers and oxpers.
Did you forget about the Oxpers?

Sorry Ooliters, I tend to get a wee bit upset when the imagination of a game is to be set by profit.

He never played Elite, and never Oolite. What would he know about playing? And the arguments for a good game!

Certainly. If the major writers of Oolite want paid, No worries, But they will have to take into account all the oxpers.

Surely that will be heaps.

Re: New member- HI!

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 9:23 am
by Alex
Hi Dan G,
Sorry but I get a bit upset sometimes.
Any way play away.

Not to me to say what a game is. Just ask Ooliters.

I'll say this..

Join the seedy bar.

Err well....

Re: New member- HI!

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 11:40 am
by danny_galaga
Alex wrote:
Hi Dan G,
Sorry but I get a bit upset sometimes.
Any way play away.
Don't worry about it! Nice to meet enthusiastic people (",)

If you think about it though, isn't Elite about being one (or a combination) of three or four different types of profiteer? That is- Trader, Bounty Hunter, Pirate, Smuggler...

You pretty much have to be one of those things to play. Not sure what else I could play as, a Salvation Army Officer maybe :lol:

Re: New member- HI!

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 3:36 pm
by CommonSenseOTB
Salvager? :)

Re: New member- HI!

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 10:04 am
by danny_galaga
CommonSenseOTB wrote:
Salvager? :)
A Salvager Army Officer :D

Re: New member- HI!

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 10:13 am
by Smivs
danny_galaga wrote:
CommonSenseOTB wrote:
Salvager? :)
A Salvager Army Officer :D
"We'll save your ship and your soul"


Re: New member- HI!

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 10:30 am
by Rxke
Smivs wrote:
danny_galaga wrote:
CommonSenseOTB wrote:
Salvager? :)
A Salvager Army Officer :D
"We'll save your ship and your soul"


But it'll cost ya! :lol: