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OXP issues in windows version...

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 11:13 am
by Lfalex v1.1
Hello all, and first of all, thanks for Oolite and all the associated material made available by everyone's generosity.

I used to play Elite as a kid in about 1980 on a friend's BBC B, then subsequently on my Spectrum, a mate's C64 and latterly Frontier on my Amiga, so I was delighted to rediscover it in the form of Oolite from the link from "Elite" on Wikipedia while I was researching/reminiscing.

Whilst I'm enjoying the original incarnation of Oolite, I wanted to try some basic OXPs out to add some depth to the game and new hardware for my ship.

I've read the advice on here, downloaded a few, unzipped them and added the .oxp components in the Oolite file directory at the same level as the application itself (not within it).

I had to create a folder named "AddOns" (as typed) and put the .oxps in there.
No effect.
One of the oxps is new object/ship textures, so I'd expect to see the result of that being applied immediately.

Is there an existing "AddOns" folder that I haven't found? I note that "Resources" holds many of the same components, and tried an "AddOns" file in there, too. Still nothing :(

I'm running Oolite 1.75.3 (the latest?) in Windows 7. Is there something blindingly obvious that I've missed?

Beware! I'm an utter n00b with such matters, so you may have to speak very slowly, loudly and clearly for me to understand!

Thanks in advance,


Re: OXP issues in windows version...

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 11:32 am
by Gimi
Hi Lfalex 1.1, and "Welcome the the Friendliest board this side of Riedquat(tm)"

I assume you have installed version 1.75.3 of Oolite, the latest beta. If by any chance you have installed 1.65 (latest supposedly stable release), please upgrade to 1.75.3 as the improvements are many.

As for OXP's they should go in the [C:/Oolite/AddOns] folder, and it should have been there after you installed. If you have installed in the Program Files folder, may I suggest that you un-install and reinstall in a different directory, C:/Oolite being the preferred. Strange advice, I know, but it has to do with the way Win 7 and Vista use Shadow folders for security reasons.

Re: OXP issues in windows version...

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 11:37 am
by another_commander
Hello and welcome, please try this:
- With your OXPs placed in the AddOns folder just under the root game's folder (C:\Oolite if you have not changed the default install settings), start up Oolite while holding Shift down. Wait until the spinning Cobra appears. Once it appears, exit the game.
- Go to Start->Programs (maybe All Programs in Windows 7, not sure)->Oolite->Oolite Logs. In the window that opens, find the file Latest.log and paste its contents here.

Also, can you confirm the exact location where Oolite is installed? Is it by chance installed under Program Files?

Finally, note that some ship texture OXPs are adding textured ships rather than replacing them completely. In these cases you may not see the effect of changes immediately but it does not mean that the OXP is not there. Note also that the AddOns folder in Windows is created upon installation for you and you should not have to create anything yoursef, just drop OXPs in there. Anyway, the log asked earlier will most likely tell us what might be wrong.

Re: OXP issues in windows version...

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 1:51 pm
by Lfalex v1.1
Thanks for the prompt help.
I can confirm that I am using v1.75.3
Oolite is installed inC:\Oolite, and I've dragged the Icon onto my desktop for ease of access.
I would post the log as requested, but I definitely don't have an AddOns file present at any location, so I can't put the .oxps in it!
I did create one, in what appears to be the appropriate location, but to no avail.
Next - I'm going to salvage the game saves and .oxps and delete/re-install Oolite and see if it does anything different...

Back soon!

Re: OXP issues in windows version...

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 2:12 pm
by Lfalex v1.1

And the answer is this;

(With the Oolite icon on your desktop) when you right-click and "open file location", it automatically drills down 2 levels, thus;

C:\Oolite\Oolite app.

You need to go back up one level to C:\Oolite

I was foiled by the assumption that the file location would open at the lowest level (why wouldn't it?) and by not checking the location in the bar at the top of the window.

"AddOns" was right there all along. The .oxps I'd downloaded are fully functional now they're in the right place.

Thanks for the help, guys.
Hopefully this may help out anyone else with similar issues...