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OXP recommendations

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 6:22 pm
by Taihus
Hey everyone,
New guy here! I've been looking at all the OXP's on the wiki, and the sheer variety is a bit overwhelming. So I'm wondering, which OXP's would be considered "must-use" for every pilot, and what OXP's would you recommend that people try to avoid?

Re: OXP recommendations

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 7:12 pm
by RyanHoots
I guess it would depend on what kind of hardware you have... Griff's ships are way too hard on my computer, but Smivs' Shipset looks great, and doesn't slow my system a bit. Nobody can decide on a master "Must-have" OXP list, though.
My all-time favorites:
1. Smivs' Shipset
2. Asteroid Storm
3. Boa II Clipper Class
4. System Redux
5. Tianve OXP
6. Venom

Re: OXP recommendations

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 7:25 pm
by Disembodied
Taihus wrote:
Hey everyone,
New guy here! I've been looking at all the OXP's on the wiki, and the sheer variety is a bit overwhelming. So I'm wondering, which OXP's would be considered "must-use" for every pilot, and what OXP's would you recommend that people try to avoid?
Hi Taihus, welcome to the boards! Friendliest forum this side of Riedquat, some say ... and those that said otherwise are all dead. :twisted:

Yours is not an uncommon question, but it doesn't really have a satisfactory answer. Much depends on your skill level, your playing style, your own personal concept of what the ooniverse contains, and not least the capabilities of your machine. Nothing is compulsory, everything is permitted: ultimately it comes down to taste and equipment. There's a dirty joke in there somewhere but I'll pass on ...

There are some simple rules of thumb. Regarding missions, there's no point in installing OXP missions set in Galaxy 4 unless you're in Galaxy 4, for example. If your machine can't handle shaders, then eye-candy is not going to be much good to you. If you're a beginner, and you're fresh out of Lave in an unmodified Cobra III, don't install any fearsome ships, because life is hard enough as it is: wait until you're a bit tougher yourself.

My advice is: try it and see. You can always uninstall an OXP if you don't like it.

Personally, I like to keep my ooniverse fairly Elite-y (so no guest appearances from films or TV shows or other games). I also like to keep the Cobra III as pretty much the best all-round ship, so I don't have any ship in my game that's faster AND stronger AND carries more cargo than a Cobby. I like a few more trading opportunities and a bit of local colour, so I've got a few other dockables installed, like Your Ad Here! and Commies. Snoopers is also good fun. Griff's ships are amazing, so I've got those too, and the Background Set (BGS) is also a tremendous enhancement to the visuals. I find the Fuel tank to be a very useful bit of kit to carry around with me.

Other people have other priorities and preferences. Let us know what you're looking for – missions, ships, job opportunities and so on – and I'm sure lots of people will chip on their ₢2's worth!

Re: OXP recommendations

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 7:30 pm
by Svengali
He, welcome Taihus.

Yep, the list is long and Disembodied is absolutely right. Let us know what you are looking for.

Re: OXP recommendations

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 7:32 pm
by Smivs
Hi, and welcome.
The best general advice is to keep it simple to start with, so go for a suitable shipset and maybe a planet OXP (system redux is just one). Get to know the 'core' game before you add anything that will affect things too much.
And build it up slowly, adding one OXP at a time so you can work out what it does before you move on.
In time you will be able to build a Ooniverse of your own that suits you, but get to know the 'Vanilla' one first.

Re: OXP recommendations

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 8:55 pm
by CommonSenseOTB
Here's 2 recent viewtopics to look at:

First piece of advice would be to install oxp's ONE AT A TIME and see how it affects your game. If you like it keep it in and try adding another one, etc.

Second piece of advice to avoid problems: ALWAYS READ THE README for every oxp you install. If an oxp has requirements or compatibility issues or even just special features that may be critical to oxp operation, you will usually find it all detailed in the readme.

Lastly, if you have a low-spec computer, it may be slowed down considerably with many eyecandy and shader oxps installed. Moderation is the key here. Try things out and keep what you like. This will depend on your style of gameplay. Balance in gameplay is also something to be aware of. If the game is too hard some helpful equipment could be just the thing. If the game is too easy then you will want to add more challenging oxps with tougher opponents. Balance is the key to having a lot of fun with this great game. Experiment and make the game your own.

There are so many great oxp's available that I would have to recommend trying most of them to see if they fit your taste.

If you happen to be looking for a traditional style of Heads-Up-Display(HUD), perhaps have a look at Captain Beatnik's CB-HUD, Cmdr. Wyvern's MilHUD, or Killer Wolf's Generic HUD. All excellent classic style HUDS similar to the original but enhanced in different ways.

If you happen to be looking for a non-traditional style of Heads-Up-Display(HUD), perhaps have a look at the numeric hud(number style gauges), the pie hud(pie chart style gauges) and the sniper camera system(zoomable weapon camera for sniping and surveillance). There is animation and morphing in the last 2 that you may find visually interesting.

If you have any questions about an oxp, do a search for it on the board and if you need to please don't hesitate to ask. Someone will usually be around to help you out. And don't forget to have fun with all the great stuff available for your game. :D

Re: OXP recommendations

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 9:59 pm
by Cody
What Smivs said... and welcome aboard.

Re: OXP recommendations

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 4:14 am
by Cmd. Cheyd
It's all a matter of personal taste - Missions, ships, eye-candy... Or an Argellian Love Slave in a Gorilla Suit.

Re: OXP recommendations

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 10:46 pm
by fronclynne
  1. Beer cooler. Never ever go more than 0.2 lightyears without beer. (you could die, you know)
  2. Torus station.
  3. Your Ad Here.
  4. Galactic Navy.
  5. Dictators/Commies/Feudals