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Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:03 pm
by Dragonfire
What are the weirdest, best, and worst dreams you've ever had?

This topic kinda came to mind while I was thinking about the dream I had last night...a rather common early morning one for me. I "sorta" wake up (in that I'm somewhat aware of my surroundings), but I can't move. What's weird, if I force myself to move and get out of bed, as soon as I leave my room, I walk into a dream.

And then, there was the dream I had one time that purple gorillas broke into our house. They had a key. How they got it, I'll never know. :P

Re: Dreams....

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 7:59 pm
by Griff
Dragonfire wrote:
...purple gorillas...
Quick run for the hills!

Re: Dreams....

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 8:00 pm
by Dragonfire
Oh my, we had that once. Maybe that's what brought on the dream...

Re: Dreams....

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 8:05 pm
by Griff
Yeah, my parents installed him on their pc ages ago and he brought it to a grinding halt with his annoying voice and antics, I can still remember him guilt tripping me something awful when i hit the uninstall button on him in add/remove programs *shudder*

Re: Dreams....

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 8:57 pm
by CaptSolo
Dragonfire wrote:
What are the weirdest, best, and worst dreams you've ever had?

This topic kinda came to mind while I was thinking about the dream I had last night...a rather common early morning one for me. I "sorta" wake up (in that I'm somewhat aware of my surroundings), but I can't move. What's weird, if I force myself to move and get out of bed, as soon as I leave my room, I walk into a dream.
This is a common nightmare caused by REM deprivation. I used to experience that a lot in my younger days when I had the weekend off from work and stayed out late partying with friends.

Re: Dreams....

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 6:21 pm
by Dragonfire
All the same...what are the weird dreams YOU guys have had?

Re: Dreams....

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:11 pm
by Smivs
Dragonfire wrote:
...what are the weird dreams YOU guys have had?
I have not dreamt (or at least remembered any part of any dream) since I was about 12. Give or take that's around 40 years.

Re: Dreams....

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:17 pm
by Dragonfire
Wow, seriously? That's incredible.

Re: Dreams....

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:54 pm
by Smivs
Yes, honestly. People do find it odd...I find it odd!

Re: Dreams....

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:40 pm
by drew
I very rarely remember dreams, perhaps once or twice a year at most. I do have a recurring dream though; being trapped in a room with alternately bright and dim illumination. I always get this if I'm about to be ill, it's like a sort of warning. Very reliable. Odd, eh?



Re: Dreams....

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:53 pm
by CommonSenseOTB
Smivs wrote:
I have not dreamt (or at least remembered any part of any dream) since I was about 12. Give or take that's around 40 years.
Smivs wrote:
Yes, honestly. People do find it odd...I find it odd!
Pumpkins don't dream. :P

Re: Dreams....

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:04 pm
by Dragonfire
drew wrote:
I very rarely remember dreams, perhaps once or twice a year at most. I do have a recurring dream though; being trapped in a room with alternately bright and dim illumination. I always get this if I'm about to be ill, it's like a sort of warning. Very reliable. Odd, eh?
Hmm, that is unusual. But handy.

Re: Dreams....

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 10:28 pm
by Mauiby de Fug
I had a very strange one last week... We (my friends and I, friends from completely different parts of my life who have never met) just left our GCSE History lesson and were heading up to our Welsh one. And for some reason Bruce Forsyth turned out to be our teacher, and he was absolutely rat-arsed and babbling nonsense. Then, a whole group of little kids come parading through the door, doing the conga. They head up the spiral staircase that I just noticed in the corner of the room. Bruce staggers over and joins in, and disappears out of the classroom. We all then burst out laughing, and then start talking amongst ourselves, enjoying apparently having a free class. Suddenly, a substitute teacher, who I've never seen before, comes bursting through the door. He was bald, but had a stubbly beard, and was bearing a beige suit. He screams at us to be silent, and when we all shut up, he pulled out a cassette player from under the desk, and told us that our task was to silently write out the music he was about to play. I was then feeling very proud, as I had music manuscript paper in my bag for composing on. I pulled it out, and tried to focus on the music. I can't remember much about it, except it was in E Major (I remember writing down the key signature) and it was a baroque composer. I wondered if it was maybe Bach, or Vivaldi, and then I had a Eureka light bulb moment! It was... Unfortunately, someone sitting across the table from me had been whispering to the person next to him, at which point the substitute came over in a foul mood, and bit his head off. Literally! I then woke up with quite a start, feeling really pissed off that I couldn't remember who I thought the composer had been. I also couldn't remember the melody I'd written down, except I was sure that I hadn't ever heard it before, it was quite nice, and I could have made a composition out of it. Thoroughly weird dream!

Re: Dreams....

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 10:33 pm
by Smivs
Now you see this is why I'm glad I don't have dreams.

Re: Dreams....

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 10:50 pm
by Mauiby de Fug
I don't tend to remember mine, but every now and then some, like the one above, just stick in my head, either the whole thing or fragments of it. There was one time I woke up, and the thought that was going through my head was "You can't do that to the chicken!?!" Goodness only knows what I'd been dreaming about!