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Please read: Record Breaking Attempt on the BB

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 2:42 pm
by RyanHoots
Could one of the mods please make this a sticky until after the record attempt is over? Thanks.

The most users on the Oolite BB was 291, on Jul 15, 2007. I want to try to break this record on August 10, at about 4:00 PM (16:00) UK time, about 11:00 AM EDT. I would love it if as many BB members as possible logged on then, to try to break the record. Thanks to all who are willing to help break the record.
If we can't do it in August, I assume we will try again in September. If September doesn't work, we go on to October and so on.
Sorry to the webmaster if too many users log on and we crash the server. :lol:

Re: Please read: Record Breaking Attempt on the BB

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 2:55 pm
by Thargoid
Those kind of numbers are usually due to spambots. I think you'd be hard-pressed to find that many active users to do this.

Re: Please read: Record Breaking Attempt on the BB

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:00 pm
by RyanHoots
Thargoid wrote:
Those kind of numbers are usually due to spambots. I think you'd be hard-pressed to find that many active users to do this.
I can always try, right? If it was spam, July 15, 2007 must have been a bad day for the Assassins.

Re: Please read: Record Breaking Attempt on the BB

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:09 pm
by Thargoid
By all means. I'd just be surprised if we have that many currently active members, even if everyone joined in.

Re: Please read: Record Breaking Attempt on the BB

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:20 pm
by RyanHoots
Thargoid wrote:
By all means. I'd just be surprised if we have that many currently active members, even if everyone joined in.
My prediction is that we will make it in either October or November, if at all.

Re: Please read: Record Breaking Attempt on the BB

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:24 pm
by Bugbear
This has been suggested before..

The real challenge now is to see how quickly this thread can be hijacked.

Lesbian black widow spider seasoning anyone?

Re: Please read: Record Breaking Attempt on the BB

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:30 pm
by RyanHoots
If we can do it, we will. Let's just see if we can.

Re: Please read: Record Breaking Attempt on the BB

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 4:32 pm
by Dragonfire
You'd have to count a lot of us west-coasters out. That's 8 AM our time.

Re: Please read: Record Breaking Attempt on the BB

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:00 pm
by CommonSenseOTB
Bugbear wrote:
This has been suggested before..

The real challenge now is to see how quickly this thread can be hijacked.

Lesbian black widow spider seasoning anyone?
I'll have some of that for my soup. i make this really mean soup with vegetables and beans and I use a chicken stock for the broth. Mmmm good. There was this time I used a beef stock instead and it was just awful, it has to be chicken stock or don't bother. I also make this really mean vegetable chili that tastes as good as regular beef type chili and personally I like to "heat" it up with lots of cayenne and tobasco and jalepeno peppers and man is that goooood! After that you feel much better as whatever ails you hits the road. I must say that I live in a climate that is too cold for black widow spiders but that appears to be changing and most of the spiders around here are the good kind and usually stay out of the house but a few come inside and then I have to wack him. Probably the reason it rains so much around here the last 2 years.Hehe! And then there was this time I put too much hot spicy seasonings in the chili. I nearly cried for a week let me tell you! The other day I attended a black tie event and everything was black, the napkins, the suits, ladies lipstick and nailpolish, all black. And this lady came into the room with a bright yellow dress and pumps and man did the heads ever turn. Wow! It was like someone sneaking up on you and saying "Boo!" that was the reaction type of way the heads turned and all in unison. Wish I had a video camera at the time, man that was cool. And she had these killer shades on it was like something out of the matrix it was. And outside a short while later she went back to a sweet little red miata and got in and started necking with this other woman and everyone around was like doing a double take like "wuhh!? and it was really so hot everyone was watching and staring and just stunned watching. Wow! I guess nobody pegged her for being a lesbian but, a well, that's life. Turns out my buddy J. Edposts was there so I said "Hi Jack! :)


Re: Please read: Record Breaking Attempt on the BB

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:04 pm
by Cody
CommonSenseOTB wrote:
and jalepeno peppers and man is that goooood!
Hmm... I prefer habanero chillis, myself.

Re: Please read: Record Breaking Attempt on the BB

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:57 pm
by Cmdr James
Dragonfire wrote:
You'd have to count a lot of us west-coasters out. That's 8 AM our time.
You can also count out any brits or mainland europeans who have jobs that they dont want to lose.

To be honest, you can also count people like me out as I have no interest in inflating user stats. If we grow so much that there is a new record organically then I think its cool. Asking people to log in so we can increment a number doesnt fire me up. Sorry.

Re: Please read: Record Breaking Attempt on the BB

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:06 pm
by Okti
+ 1 :D

Re: Please read: Record Breaking Attempt on the BB

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:10 pm
by Selezen
Call me an old fuddy-duddy if you like, but actually planning to break the record kind of demeans the count itself. It would be nice to know that the "most users" count was due to the amount of people who wanted to visit the site at the same time.

Re: Please read: Record Breaking Attempt on the BB

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:33 pm
by RyanHoots
Selezen wrote:
Call me an old fuddy-duddy if you like, but actually planning to break the record kind of demeans the count itself. It would be nice to know that the "most users" count was due to the amount of people who wanted to visit the site at the same time.
Let's prove we're better then spamers!

Re: Please read: Record Breaking Attempt on the BB

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:01 pm
by Mauiby de Fug
Since that record was due to spammers, and I don't think there are that many regular active users, I don't think you'll have much luck. I would be interested to see how high we can get to naturally though... Clear the old record and start again, so to speak.