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[Solved] Debain 6.0.1/amd64+Oolite 1.75.2 -- speed troubles

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 7:34 pm
by WhiteOwl
Previously I had Ubuntu 10-11 (amd64) and Oolite 1.74.2 - everything was working perfectly, so I know that my hardware is powerful enough.
A week ago I replaced Ubuntu (tired of the Unity) and replaced it with the Debian 6.0.1 (also amd64). Downloaded the new Oolite and... well, I am unable to play at all. It gives me around 5 fps and each button had to be pressed for a second to get a response from the game.

According to Oolite's log, it is using:
13:32:07.348 [rendering.opengl.version]: OpenGL renderer version: 2.1.0 ("2.1 Mesa 7.7.1"). Vendor: "Mesa Project". Renderer: "Software Rasterizer".

Tried to install nVidea-glx package - failed to start at all. Looks like it does not recognize my display.

What to do? Where to look?

Re: Debain 6.0.1/amd64 + Oolite 1.75.2 -- speed troubles

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 8:10 pm
by Ironfist
I had a very similar problem. This was fixed by changing the graphics card driver for one from the manufacturer. The one loaded by the OS did not have support for OpenGL.
Installing the driver fixed this completely. Hopefully it will for you as well.

Re: Debain 6.0.1/amd64 + Oolite 1.75.2 -- speed troubles

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 8:14 pm
by Ironfist
OK - I am an idiot and did not read all your post.

Re: Debain 6.0.1/amd64 + Oolite 1.75.2 -- speed troubles

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 8:39 pm
by WhiteOwl

Solution which worked for me:
a) using Synaptic Package Manager install the package nvidia-glx
b) create (or modify) the /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Code: Select all

Section "Module"
	Load		"glx"

Section "Device"
	Identifier	"Video Card"
	Driver		"nvidia"
c) reboot.

On my first attempt to install nvidia-glx I did not create the xorg.conf, and in my case the failed to automatically load nvidia driver, (it tried to load vesa which does not work with wide monitors). Somehow before installation of nvidia-glx, loaded the nouveau driver which worked perfectly (but without direct rendering). This last part is still puzzling me, but... well...
Once I realized that I need to specifically inform which driver to load and created the xorg.conf - everything become wonderful.

Re: Debain 6.0.1/amd64 + Oolite 1.75.2 -- speed troubles

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 8:49 am
by McDjanoff
Somehow before installation of nvidia-glx, loaded the nouveau driver which worked perfectly (but without direct rendering). This last part is still puzzling me, but... well...
As the nouveau driver is not considered stable with the 3D rendering by the development team itself, this redenring isn't yet configured on Debian (unfortunely).
Note : to avoid any problem with kernel update, there is a DKMS package (nvidia-kernel-dkms) which rebuild the nvidia kernel module automatically ... great.
