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Growl integration disabled

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 7:01 am
by JensAyton
As of r4571, Oolite’s ability to display Growl notifications while in full screen is disabled by default. This is because the next major release of Growl, version 1.3 (for Mac OS X 10.7 only) is going to change protocols. The preference for Growl priority level has also been removed.

It is possible to reactivate support at the command line as follows:

Code: Select all

defaults write org.aegidian.oolite groolite-disable -bool no
This is expected to silently stop working with Growl 1.3, but shouldn’t cause any actual problems.

It may be practical to re-enable Growl support in a release after 1.76, if there is demand. For Oolite 2.0, I anticipate using a less intrusive form of full-screen mode in which Growl notifications will work as normal, so Groolite will be obsolete.