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I May Regret This...

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 12:58 am
by Dragonfire
I decided that my Ooniverse is too boring. I'm spending a few hours loading EVERY SINGLE OXP SHIP EVER into Oolite.

I may not be surviving that move, despite the fact I fly a tricked out Morrigan. I WANT MY WYVERN!

Re: I May Regret This...

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 1:01 am
by Fatleaf
Dragonfire wrote:
Try one of these instead. It is the mature choice :wink:

Re: I May Regret This...

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 1:04 am
by Dragonfire
That would well be considered suicide. At least my Morrigan is next to impossible to blow to smithereens. I take out Pythons and Cobras for game. Lock on and fire at 'em for three seconds, and they is history.

Re: I May Regret This...

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 1:18 am
by Fatleaf
Dragonfire wrote:
That would well be considered suicide. At least my Morrigan is next to impossible to blow to smithereens.
But where is the point in that? Where is the strategy? Where is the spirit of the game? It doesn't take courage to cheat and go beyond the ethos Oolite is designed for. It is a space trading game not a shoot em up. Treating it like a shoot em up would only lower us. And who likes to be lowered?

It is not suicide if you learn how to fight properly (and please don't be offended by that last comment) as it takes a wee while to really learn the little subtitles that differentiate between an Elite commander by number of kills and an Elite commander by merit.

(Still ranting)

Re: I May Regret This...

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 2:32 am
by Dragonfire
Fatleaf wrote:
(Still ranting)

Well, to each his own. There's a reason why this is a single-player game.

Re: I May Regret This...

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 3:46 am
by Commander Wilmot
Fatleaf wrote:
Dragonfire wrote:
That would well be considered suicide. At least my Morrigan is next to impossible to blow to smithereens.
It is a space trading game not a shoot em up. Treating it like a shoot em up would only lower us. And who likes to be lowered?

It is not suicide if you learn how to fight properly (and please don't be offended by that last comment) as it takes a wee while to really learn the little subtitles that differentiate between an Elite commander by number of kills and an Elite commander by merit.
The Website: wrote:
Oolite is a space sim game, inspired by Elite, powered by Objective-C and OpenGL, and designed as a small game that is easy for users to pick up, modify and expand upon. Almost every aspect of the game can be changed by using simple, free graphics packages and text editors.
It is a space trading game not a shoot em up. Treating it like a shoot em up would only lower us. And who likes to be lowered?
Really? I know many people on this forum, including myself, complete random hits missions or otherwise engage in mercenary/bounty hunting work to earn their Oolite character's "living." Most of the missions, oxp and native, involve combat in one way or another. Furthermore, I have almost every ship oxp installed, I am a good fighter, Oolite is a casual space game for me, the other space sim I play Evochron Legends has Newtonian physics, and there I also fight for a living (dogfighting is much harder when you are drifting inertially.) I have at least 92-98% accuracy with my military lasers, even when dogfighting and not sniping. There are systems, usually anarchies but not always, where I have learned to avoid the main space lane; even back when I was flying my fully outfitted werewolf, before I felt I needed more maneuverability and traded to my current ship, a Vampire Diamondback MK. IV, which is mostly, but not fully equipped. It is not suicide, but it is very dangerous even in an "uber"-ship.

Re: I May Regret This...

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 4:06 am
by Commander Wilmot
Oh, forgot to mention, I fly with toughguys 2 level 2 and npc shield installed. I guarantee that (if you make your Ooniverse like mine) no matter how "uber" your ship is or isn't, survival is not assured, by any stretch of the imagination.

Good Luck, Commander!

Re: I May Regret This...

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 4:07 am
by Dragonfire
When the Wyvern is ready, would you mind taking it for a test spin in your Ooniverse? I'm curious to see how it stands up.

Re: I May Regret This...

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 4:16 am
by Commander Wilmot
Dragonfire wrote:
When the Wyvern is ready, would you mind taking it for a test spin in your Ooniverse? I'm curious to see how it stands up.
Sure, I'd be glad to, especially since I am having problems with my main game save. My ship isn't worth anything on my computer, but when I sent my save to Ahruman, Oolite on his computer says it is worth at least 600K.

Re: I May Regret This...

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 5:08 am
by CaptSolo
Dragonfire wrote:
I fly a tricked out Morrigan.
I know at least one person on this board (not me) who stayed with the Cobra Mark III and he is now "ELITE". Can you imagine that? I upgraded to a ship with just a wee bit better specs Than the Cobra when I could afford her, but won't be buying any more ships. Its more fun and challenging living on the edge in this game.

Re: I May Regret This...

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 6:37 am
CaptSolo wrote:
Dragonfire wrote:
I fly a tricked out Morrigan.
I know at least one person on this board (not me) who stayed with the Cobra Mark III and he is now "ELITE". Can you imagine that? I upgraded to a ship with just a wee bit better specs Than the Cobra when I could afford her, but won't be buying any more ships. Its more fun and challenging living on the edge in this game.
Now all you have to do is start a new game, buy an Adder, and never upgrade to another ship, Get Elite in an Adder and you'll be King of the Universe!!!

Re: I May Regret This...

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 10:44 am
by DaddyHoggy
Dragonfire wrote:
Fatleaf wrote:
(Still ranting)

Well, to each his own. There's a reason why this is a single-player game.
I love the fact that Oolite is single player, because as long as the core game remains true to Elite I don't mind how silly somebody else's game gets, with some caveats...

The silliness that some desire in their game is the reason why Oolite should never ever be multiplayer because I've seen the desire of mind-numbing (that's mind-numbing for me I hasten to add) uberness in other (multiplayer) games leads to bad feeling in-game (rich uber-players killing off low spec new players for fun (for them, not their victims) and because they can) and that bad feeling quickly spilling over into the forums and there ends my participation in all of the online multiplayer games...

An additional caveat would be that I hope the dev's resist the pressure for those who desire additional uberness - laser coolers, turreted lasers, multiple player lasers etc - because none of those things belong in Oolite - they may well belong in your* version of Oolite, so feel free to take the source and release your own version - that's what Lestradae did when he wanted to create his own version of the game - as far as I know Oolite Extended is not yet out - it's clearly harder than it seems (not necessarily from a programming point of view, but from the encouragement and enthusiasm of thousands of followers point of view)

My final caveat isn't really a caveat it's more of an observation/warning. If Oolite is a cake then OXPs are either flavour enhancements or "hundreds and thousands"**. You can add a thousand new ships, and that's fine, but you're only sprinkling on more hundreds and thousands, the cake remains unchanged. But missions... ah, a good mission can take the flavour of the base Oolite cake and turn it into something truly magical. Cataclysm is one such flavour enhancement and I can see why CML sees little point in in bringing it up to spec for 1.75+ a carefully crafted/balanced mission designed to be hard work, but poses little challenge/risk to the uber-ship player...

I know Thargoid is more pragmatic about his missions - once they're out their he doesn't mind if the uber-ship player takes 10 minutes to complete a mission and thinks it was all too easy (the player is after all only cheating/kidding himself) - but CML is more protective of his creations and I'm in his camp. Without the depth missions like Cataclysm Oolite will still be a good cake, but it'll never be a great cake again, and it'll be covered in an increasingly large number of pointless decorations...

As the Chinese say (as a warning) - "May you live in interesting times"


* "your" in this case is a non specific catch-all for those who don't want to play Oolite the way it currently works.
** Also called "sprinkles" I believe depending on your geographic location

Re: I May Regret This...

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 10:44 am
by DaddyHoggy
ADCK wrote:
CaptSolo wrote:
Dragonfire wrote:
I fly a tricked out Morrigan.
I know at least one person on this board (not me) who stayed with the Cobra Mark III and he is now "ELITE". Can you imagine that? I upgraded to a ship with just a wee bit better specs Than the Cobra when I could afford her, but won't be buying any more ships. Its more fun and challenging living on the edge in this game.
Now all you have to do is start a new game, buy an Adder, and never upgrade to another ship, Get Elite in an Adder and you'll be King of the Universe!!!
Only if you start again each time you die - other wise it just takes time...

Re: I May Regret This...

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 11:10 am
by Wildeblood
Dragonfire wrote:
I'm spending a few hours loading EVERY SINGLE OXP SHIP EVER into Oolite.
Well, it's been more than a few hours since you posted that remark, so presumably you've done it by now.
Please go to latest.log and copy/paste here the list of OXPs being loaded on startup. I'm interested to see if you've got any ships I don't have.

Re: I May Regret This...

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 12:21 pm
by Disembodied
Adding stuff is easy. The real trick is knowing what to leave out.
Robert Louis Stevenson wrote:
"The only art is to omit."
Mind you, there's something to be said for the process of finding this out for oneself! :wink: