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Feature requests for Oolite 2.0

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 6:36 pm
by Zireael
For more info on what Oolite 2.0 is, see this post by Ahruman.

Griff's shipset will be the default one.
There will be more types of lasers in Oolite 2.0.
There will not be energy bombs nor laser cooling boosters.
Strict Mode will be removed.
NPC shields will be implemented, (possibly like inhere)

List format
No. feature - nick of person requesting - possible or not?

Names of groups should be self-explanatory.

Features already requested:

#17. Save everywhere - pagroove -
#18. Passenger system with group cabins - pagroove -
#19. Crew for bigger ships - pagroove -
#23. Different starting point/ships/starting without a ship but with money - Disembodied -
#24. Choice of starting point/difficulty level - lohwengk, Mauiby de Fug -
#25. Multiple voices and usability of eSpeak for OXZs - Svengali -
#27. Being able to go backwards - Fatleaf -
#32. Incorporating ambience from some OXPs - Lone_Wolf -
#33. Jump drive as a fast-forward (time acceleration) - SimonB, DaddyHoggy, others -
#38. Storing the state of stations, objects and asteroids and recalling it - pagroove -
#39. Safety zone hyperdrive lock - pagroove -
#41. Galactic hyperspace jumps taking time - Mauiby de Fug -
#46. Mass-lock radius turned down - Commander Wilmot -
#54. Scale standard - ADCK - not being done
#59. Extra detail on enlarged dock interior - Disembodied -
#60. Easier docking, maybe in 3 difficulty settings - maik -
#61. More advanced/greater difficulty as you go from galaxy to galaxy - Thargoid -
#62. Progress of ships as above - Killer Wolf -
#64. Elite-NES's opening (being attacked by 3 weaklings) - ADCK -
#65. Being forced to take a short mission to earn pilot's licence & money - CommonSenseOTB -
#72. Make collision damage smaller - Zireael -
#73. Gamma and/or contrast setting - Zireael -
#74. Flares - Zireael - probably not, as there will be a new lighting model

#1. Changing the way weapon overheating works - Zireael -
#7. Precision setting - lohwengk -
#9. Multiple lasers/guns - lohwengk, Zireael, others - probably not
#12. Better collision detection - Killer Wolf - not promising anything
#28. Different colored lasers depending on their type - Zireael - yes
#31. Numeric readouts - Zireael - already done in a proof-of-concept OXP here
#47. Players and NPCs having the same features - Ganelon, Smivs -
#48. Combat missions being added to the contracts - Commander Wilmot -
#49. Converging lasers - Zireael, others - discussed
#50. Universal frangibility - Ganelon, others -
#51. NPCs being able to get additional equipment - Lone_Wolf -
#66. Allowing NPCs to respond to player's strength/reputation - Disembodied -
#67. Variety to NPCs tactics/responding to player's Elite ranking - Disembodied, others -
#78. Using spammer names as pirate names - Rxke, Staer9, others

#2. Changing/expanding the galaxy setup - Gimi - yes, planned
#3. Making the galaxy 3D - Killer Wolf, others - yes, there are maps half-way done here
#5. Natural disasters - Griff -
#6. Hiding systems - Griff - yes
#21. Multiplanet systems with multiple spaceways - pagroove -

#8. OXP equipment taking cargo space - lohwengk -
#14. Buying and selling of second-hand ships - lohwengk -
#20. Realistic system of fitting equipment - pagroove -
#22. Separate rarity of ships from rarity of their equipment - Switeck -
#40. Not getting your exact ship after ejecting - SimonB, Zireael -
#42. Insurance premium (varying depending on the ship and commander) - Ad_Astra -
#43. Cargo insurance - Bugbear -
#44. Naming your ship/NPC naming ships - Bugbear, Disembodied, aegidian -
#45. Ship-switching - Commander Wilmot -
#57. Anaconda model resized/NPC only - Switeck, others -
#58. Cargo contracts capped at 175t - Commander McLane -
#77. Financial options when buying a ship (premiums, interests, income deductions, down payments etc.) - Azured -

#15. Special goods selling better between galaxies - lohwengk -
#16. More varied prices/localized products/alternative trading methods - Disembodied -
#34. Political situation affecting prices - SimonB -
#35. Differentiating medical supplies from narcotics - SimonB -
#37. Different prices in different systems - Switeck -
#68. More commodities or the ability to add them - ADCK, others -
#69. Different buying/selling prices in the same system -
#71. Making station stock dynamic - Killer Wolf -

#4. Lens flares - ClymAngus - no, but the lighting will be more realistic
#11. Suns being spheres - Cmd. Cheyd, drew - unlikely
#26. Overhauling the icons used for pylons - TGHC - yes
#30. Video cutscenes - Kaks -
#36. Self-shadows/transparency - SimonB, DaddyHoggy - no
#52. Animated/moving models - ADCK -
#53. Visible shields/custom shield effects - ADCK -
#55. Visibly different suns - ADCK -
#56. External view with panning and zoom - Ganelon -
#63. A shipset having variations in look in each of the galaxies - CommonSenseOTB -
#70. Recolor a ship/get new decal - ADCK, others -
#75. Exhaust plume editability - KillerWolf -
#76. Switchable HUDs (Combat, Navigation) - Azured -

#10. Much larger area for stuff to be spawned in - Cmd. Cheyd - unlikely
#13. More limits (galaxy?) on where equipment and ships can be bought - lohwengk - hard to be done
#29. Being able to add new galaxies/sectors via OXP - Staer9, Lestradae, others - yes

That's all for now, I'll try to update this as regularly as I can. Could a mod please sticky this?
Would one of the creators be kind enough to tell me which unmarked ones are doable?

Re: Feature requests for Oolite 2.0

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 7:08 pm
by Commander Wilmot
Zireael wrote:
There will be more lasers in Oolite 2.0.
What do you mean by this? Do you mean more different types of lasers and other primary weapons? I confused as to what this means, because you said:
Zireael wrote:
9. Multiple lasers/guns - lohwengk, Zireael, others - probably not

Re: Feature requests for Oolite 2.0

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 7:11 pm
by Zireael
Types of lasers. Fixed, thanks.

Re: Feature requests for Oolite 2.0

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 7:32 pm
by Lone_Wolf
47. Players and NPCs having the same features - Ganelon, Smivs -
51. NPCs being able to get additional equipment - Lone_Wolf -

51 is one of the things that i think will be needed to achieve 47, maybe combine them ?

Re: Feature requests for Oolite 2.0

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 7:52 pm
by DaddyHoggy
I requested Transparent textures - I think it's a no go - but I did ask.

Re: Feature requests for Oolite 2.0

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 7:55 pm
by DaddyHoggy
Numeric HUD - thread:

As requested

Re: Feature requests for Oolite 2.0

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 7:56 pm
by DaddyHoggy
3D galaxy prototype link:

as requested

Re: Feature requests for Oolite 2.0

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 8:02 pm
by DaddyHoggy
57, 58 are interrelated - Ahruman himself stated that he wants to rescale the Anaconda and/or make it too big to dock. Commander McLane requested Contracts be capped to 175TCs because the Anaconda will become an NPC only ship (too big to dock) and therefore massive contracts will no longer be possible for the player (if he can't own a Anaconda and specialise in super contracts) after I pointed this out.

Re: Feature requests for Oolite 2.0

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 8:58 pm
by aegidian
44. Naming your ship - Bugbear, Disembodied -
It'd be sensible to extend this to NPCs (occasionally) naming their ships. The random description generating system is quite suitable for that.

Re: Feature requests for Oolite 2.0

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 9:05 pm
by Cody
Zireael wrote:
There will not be Q-bombs
Do you mean energy bombs?

Connected to #41, I had suggested that npcs could very occasionly make a gal-jump (although I doubt if it's possible).

Re: Feature requests for Oolite 2.0

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 12:32 am
by Switeck
Zireael wrote:
57. Anaconda model resized/NPC only - Switeck, others -
I am actually completely against this in the form it was presented.
I neither want Anaconda ships to be NPC only nor do I want them resized so they can no longer dock at regular stations.

Re: Feature requests for Oolite 2.0

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:15 am
by Killer Wolf
did i ask for 3D galaxies? :-/
i did ask for exhaust plume editability.

Re: Feature requests for Oolite 2.0

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:47 am
by Zireael
I'll fix the list and add the links, thanks.

BTW I'll probably group the requests into Combat, Commerce, Eye-candy etc. this afternoon. The list is somewhat huge.

Re: Feature requests for Oolite 2.0

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 8:48 am
by Azured
Could we have different switchable HUD modes?

For example:
1. General - like it is now
2. Combat - Stars and planets dimmed out
3. Navigation - Highlighting asteroids and stations

Re: Feature requests for Oolite 2.0

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 9:18 am
by Rxke
aegidian wrote:
44. Naming your ship - Bugbear, Disembodied -
It'd be sensible to extend this to NPCs (occasionally) naming their ships. The random description generating system is quite suitable for that.
(this is a joke:) we could re-use banned spammer's names/handles :twisted: