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Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 6:31 am
by Uncle Reno
TGHC wrote:

And another!
:shock: My god, spam bots have got cloaking devices now!
Capt. Hesp! We're going to have to install some more detection equipment in the clocktower!! Perhaps we can use DaddyHoggy's room, he hasn't been around for a while.... :wink:

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 2:06 pm
by Captain Hesperus
Uncle Reno wrote:
TGHC wrote:

And another!
:shock: My god, spam bots have got cloaking devices now!
Capt. Hesp! We're going to have to install some more detection equipment in the clocktower!! Perhaps we can use DaddyHoggy's room, he hasn't been around for a while.... :wink:
maybe.. ... ile&u=1789
This one obviously tried to cloak an Adder.
<proot> FWWWWWWOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooossssssssh!! ... ile&u=1788
<proot> FWWWWWWOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooossssssssh!! ... ile&u=1787
<proot> FWWWWWWOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooossssssssh!!

Capt'n H

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 4:40 pm
by Uncle Reno

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 8:16 pm
by Captain Hesperus
* ... ile&u=1792
<proot> FWWWWWWOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooossssssssh!!

Capt'n H

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 9:51 pm
by Cmdr. Maegil
Captain Hesperus wrote:
<proot> FWWWWWWOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooossssssssh!!
What was that, an "Trumble Inside" ManPADS?!

BTW, you said you were installing a cannon... May I suggest an 88mm FlaK 37?
It's old but you couldn't get any more stylish, and so good it's still in use... During the WWII the Allies dubbed it the 'anti-all gun' as it could be used in the roles of a AA gun, anti-tank, field artillery and even coastal defense... Besides, its muzzle velocity of over mach 2 reduced infantry to a red haze (just as you like)!
There was this book I read once, "The God of War", where an army of deserters fought simultaneously against the Americans and the Germans trying to save a small Italian town, and they used '88s to great (or should I say, grating) effect. I've Googled for it, but couldn't find it. :cry:

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 6:28 am
by Uncle Reno

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 8:00 am
by Captain Hesperus
Cmdr. Maegil wrote:
What was that, an "Trumble Inside" ManPADS?!
Something like, yes.
Cmdr. Maegil wrote:
BTW, you said you were installing a cannon... May I suggest an 88mm FlaK 37?
I'm not sure, this project is reills' baby, but judging from the enhanced crossbracing and massive reinforcements to the foundations, it's a biggie. Hang on, I just found a brouchure on his workbench.

Oh, boy!

Captain Hesperus

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 1:05 pm

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 1:13 pm
by drdenim
TGHC wrote:
What's the collective name for bots? I know that bankers is a wunch.
other than bots...I've seen botnet...but I don't think that would necessarily be used in this situation...although I suppose it's a possibility...from what I understand a botnet is a collection of bots that is controlled by one person...but I can't swear to that...I do know that a group of crows is a murder...

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 2:07 pm
by Captain Hesperus
TGHC wrote:
What's the collective name for bots? I know that bankers is a wunch.
An 'irritation' of spam-bots ... ile&u=1801
<proot> FWWWWWWOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooossssssssh!!

Captain Hesperus

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 4:22 pm
I like that Cap'n, I suppose it could also be an "annoyance" of bots

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 6:28 pm
by Captain Hesperus
* ... ile&u=1801

Capt'n H

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 7:02 pm
by Cmdr. Maegil
Captain Hesperus wrote:
Cmdr. Maegil wrote:
What was that, an "Trumble Inside" ManPADS?!
Something like, yes.
Cmdr. Maegil wrote:
BTW, you said you were installing a cannon... May I suggest an 88mm FlaK 37?
I'm not sure, this project is reills' baby, but judging from the enhanced crossbracing and massive reinforcements to the foundations, it's a biggie. Hang on, I just found a brouchure on his workbench.

Oh, boy!

Captain Hesperus
The only thing I say for it is that it is large. LARGE, but not quite as useful - nor stylish! :roll:
Besides, you still have to get some sort of anti-aircraft point defense (for those planes that drop leaflets, tow banners over the beaches, etc.)

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 8:24 pm
by drdenim
Cmdr. Maegil wrote:
The only thing I say for it is that it is large. LARGE, but not quite as useful - nor stylish! :roll:
Besides, you still have to get some sort of anti-aircraft point defense (for those planes that drop leaflets, tow banners over the beaches, etc.)
I suggest using a Big Bertha style gun (which shot a 1-ton shell) or one of the 2-ton shell one (can't remember what they called that) for anti-aircraft...hideously ineffective...but it's bound to be a funny sight...

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 1:10 am
by Cmdr. Maegil

Code: Select all

        ENTER = ("scanForNearestUserWithRole: spambot");
        "ATTACKED" = (fightOrFleeHostiles, setTargetToPrimaryAggressor, "commsMessage: [insult-spammer]", performAttack); 
        "INCOMING_SPAM" = (fightOrFleeSpam, "commsMessage: [spammer-nuisance]");
        "ENERGY_LOW" = ("commsMessage: [senseless_bravado]", performAttack);
        "TARGET_FOUND" = (setTargetToFoundTarget, "commsMessage: [insult_spammer]", performAttack); 
        "TARGET_DESTROYED" = ("commsMessage: [victory-gloating]", "setStateTo: LOOK_FOR_SPAMBOT");
        "TARGET_LOST" = ("setStateTo: LOOK_FOR_SPAMBOT"); 
        "NOTHING_FOUND" = ("setStateTo: LOOK_FOR_SPAMBOT");
        EXIT = ();
UPDATE = (performAttack);
That should take care of these bots! ... ile&u=1802 ... ile&u=1803 ... ile&u=1804 ... ile&u=1805