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Re: Introduce Yourself.

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2017 9:42 am
by Cody
Aye, welcome aboard, Commander!

Re: Introduce Yourself.

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2017 11:35 am
by Smivs
Hi Commander Bond,
Great story, and it's good to have you here.

Re: Introduce Yourself.

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2017 2:02 pm
by Redspear
"Now listen carefully 007.

This is a fully-equipped, state of the art, Cobra Mk III multi-role ship. The Mk I wasn't much to shout about, and the Mk II was a bit of a disaster to be frank, but this time I think we've cracked it.
Homing missiles, military lasers front and rear, sides too should you need them, and a 7 light-year range. Fuel-injected thrusters, ECM anti-missile system, shield boosters and fuel scoops for self-sufficiency."

"What's this?"

"DON'T touch that 007... It's the trigger for the quirium cascade mine, a highly sensitive device that could blow up every hyperdive within the vicinity, including this one. You'd better be ready to run if you're going to deploy that, especially as I want the ship back in one piece this time! :| "

"But of course :wink: "

"Yes, well...
With four energy banks she's pretty tough and fast enough to keep even you away from trouble... in theory :roll:

There is also a passenger seat SHOULD you happen to fraternise with any of the locals :? "

"Oh, you know me Q, I'll be very focused just getting on top of things :wink: "

"Quite... Well you won't be needing the escape pod that comes with it then or the docking computers for hands-free landings, were you to be otherwise occupied."

"Very thoughtful :wink: "

"Do be careful 007 :| "


Welcome Mr. Bond.

Once you enter Oolite you will find that escape is, quite impossible...

Glad to have you with us and I hope you enjoy your stay :)

Re: Introduce Yourself.

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2017 3:34 pm
by maik
Heheh, welcome, Bond. And well captured, Redspear!

Re: Introduce Yourself.

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2017 12:09 pm
by phonebook
Hello all, not new here, but havn't been playing oolite for a long time. Anyways, back for a while so I thought i'd better say hi

Re: Introduce Yourself.

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2017 2:16 pm
by Norby
Welcome back, Commander phonebook!
Feel free to post your tales.

Re: Introduce Yourself.

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 9:23 am
by Diziet Sma
Welcome back!

Depending on how long you've been gone, a lot has changed in Oolite. Probably, the things that might catch you out the most are the upgrades to NPC AI and behaviours, and the fact that neighbouring systems' political types now have an effect on how many pirates you're likely to encounter. (If a traditionally 'safe' system has a few feudal and/or anarchic neighbours, it's no longer quite as 'safe' as it used to be..) Pirate behaviour has been upgraded as well.. 'pack' tactics have improved, but on the plus side, pirates now demand tribute before opening fire.. comply with their demands, and they should leave you alone.

Re: Introduce Yourself.

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 12:36 am
by Redspear
Hi phonebook and welcome back.

Re: Introduce Yourself.

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 9:57 am
by phonebook
I had noticed something different haha probably getting murdered at Diso was a hint. The game is certainly more challenging, or seems to be, not had that ' excellent I might just about be alright at this thing' moment yet, but there's still time.

Loving the new menu screens, installing OXP, well OZP expansions in game.

thank you all for the welcome :)

Re: Introduce Yourself.

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 4:04 pm
by oldelitefart
Hi, old elite player here, just found videos of Elite Dangerous on youtube, but dont have a machine that would run it so i found this place.
Figured i better say hi before i go ask silly questions.

Re: Introduce Yourself.

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 4:07 pm
by Disembodied
Hi, oldelitefart, welcome to the boards! Questions are welcome, silly or otherwise - most will get sensible answers, eventually …

Re: Introduce Yourself.

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 4:17 pm
by Cody
Welcome aboard, Commander! What the BIAM said.

Re: Introduce Yourself.

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 5:34 pm
by Smivs
Hi, oldelitefart. :)

Oolite is an AMAZING effort!

Posted: Sat May 27, 2017 5:52 pm
by Harmless
I've git synched, but although I'm ancient C knowledgeable, I understand OO/C++ only at a very high level, with no experience. Is it self-documenting, or should I be looking for a high level summary of the program structure?

I'm not sure when I first discovered Oolite, but I've played quite a bit off and on a few years back. My current machine has remnants of Oolite-1.73.4-test.x86_64.package (2010) and Oolite-1.80_x64.exe (2014), with a huge number of saves from each of those eras.

Recently I played Oolite-1.84_x64.exe, then tried Oolite-1.84_x86.exe because x64 doesn't support full screen well, but the x86 seemed to have the same full screen artifacts (my motivation was to try to take advantage of time compression with pause/left-right arrows, only accessible in full screen mode).

The new Oolite graphics are vastly improved over 1.73.4-test! It's really much more immersive with the level of detail and realism. Elsewhere on these boards, I hugely enjoyed the suggestion that we surround ourselves with 4 monitors for full immersion. Today, my laptop supports 2 monitors, and perhaps I could attach 2 more via USB 2.0. My kid has two 40" 4k monitors and a smaller HD 22" monitor - he might try front and rear views, perhaps with the 3rd screen supporting one of the info options. Wouldn't that be something?!!!

I'm working on the theory that combat is noticeably harder now, or else that I've massively aged over these few years, because I'm routinely getting my butt kicked when there are more than 4 opponents or so. It seems to happen very quickly. For comparison with my earlier experiences, I've restarted the old 1.73.4-test, but until my economics supports mil lasers, I won't have an opinion.

I do have to save a great deal under 1.84, because it crashes frequently on my laptop. I've filed a few bug reports, at least one of which was very repeatable. Hopefully that level of detail can be helpful, even if I never do figure out C++ and the Oolite program structure in order to make a better contribution.

What a great community this is! This stuff isn't easy - it takes a lot of time and commitment. I just want to say, thank you so much for all the effort and devotion, which clearly shows in the latest Oolite.

Re: Introduce Yourself.

Posted: Sat May 27, 2017 6:28 pm
by Smivs
Hi Harmless, and welcome. Yes, this is a great game, and a fantastic community as well. Welcome aboard.