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Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 6:38 pm
by Fatleaf
Switeck wrote:
Just a shame such a cool toy is so buggy. :(
Buggy? I have been using it for ages now and so far I don't remember having one problem with it. In what way is it buggy?

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 9:28 pm
by Switeck
It's got logic bugs on how to react to anything other than Missiles and Military Missiles. (Doesn't always trigger those bugs fortunately.)
It goes negative on chaff remaining OFTEN.

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 2:44 am
by Fatleaf
Aah now I see. I don't have any fancy missile oxp's so I wasn't aware of it. But it is very effective against the standard hard head.

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 8:21 pm
by uua90
Two tales of natural selection at work in the Ooniverse:

- I was departing the station when a furball broke out. I decided to get in on the action, but instead of deviating from my course, I switched to the aft laser and opened fire on the first fugitive that popped out behind me. My aim was slightly off and I hit the Coriolis station. A squadron of GalCop Vipers was immediately dispatched and the two furballers I was after became the least of my worries... press space commander.

- I managed to make it to Fugitive status after doing a few narc runs to pay the bills. I was laying low in lawless systems to avoid the cops, but unfortunately, this meant I was often scrapping with pirates. On one occasion I was overwhelmed by a big group of them and I was out of missiles. All I had left was a distress beacon from the Missiles and Bombs OXP. I activated it, and a squadron of GalCop Vipers were d'[ispatched to my location in order to assist me. I had forgotten that I was a wanted man, but their memory was much better... I was wiped up with the rest of the baddies.

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 10:11 pm
by Grey Area
Indulging in a spot of bug-splatting on behalf of the Galactic Navy, I found myself in a bit of a tight spot with a very angry Thargoid Battleship looming large in front of me and a front Military laser overheated from dispatching one of his colleagues.

I quickly flipped through 180 degrees and gave him what for with my rear Military laser, resulting in an even angrier (but still intact) Thargoid Battleship and very badly dented rear shields.

Deciding that discretion was, after all, the better part of valour I pressed "I" to put some room between my Caddy Omega and the battleship before returning to dish out some righteous smiting.

It might have been a better idea to have pressed "1" before I pressed "I", as the first thing I noticed when I did select forward view was a Thargoid Cruiser rapidly expanding to fill the entire screen.

Press Space, Commander....... :oops:

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 9:14 pm
Does your caddy go backwards then?

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 10:19 pm
by DaddyHoggy

I'm presuming he hit his injectors while still looking out of his rear view - and switched to a front view just in time to see what he was about to hit...

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 6:55 pm
by luminous
So, there I was having another wonderful trading trip. Well, I say trading trip, but blatant piracy is a little closer to the truth...

At any rate, my cargo hold is nice and full of loads of goodies, my space compass is pointing towards the station and I think enough is enough. Time to hyperspeed to the station to sell up. I see the spinning station in the distance, perfectly in line with my compass and hit J. The station gets bigger and closer, my fingers are poised on the docking computers, and BANG!

Nice space station shaped asteroid I thought :oops:

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 7:20 pm
by Smivs
Reminds me of the one I found yesterday. White flag on the scanner, "Ooo, free cargo!" thinks me. Hit the Torus Drive and aimed at it, and at the very last second noticed a frickin' huge asteroid in complete shadow filling the screen dead ahead. :shock:

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 7:25 pm
by Grey Area
DaddyHoggy wrote:

I'm presuming he hit his injectors while still looking out of his rear view - and switched to a front view just in time to see what he was about to hit...
Excellent summary, Sir!

You weren't there, were you? :shock:

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 8:10 pm
by luminous
Smivs wrote:
Reminds me of the one I found yesterday. White flag on the scanner, "Ooo, free cargo!" thinks me. Hit the Torus Drive and aimed at it, and at the very last second noticed a frickin' huge asteroid in complete shadow filling the screen dead ahead. :shock:
oops, sounds like you had a similar experience to me then!

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 5:46 pm
by Cody
Last night, deeply immersed, I was slugging it out with a ‘wardog’, having splashed its escorts. Lasers overheated, shields and energy banks low, I had one maybe one shot left in the fore laser, and one hardhead. Last chance saloon… I lobbed the hardhead at the bandit, which began to evade. Unfortunately, my trigger finger twitched and the one shot left in my fore laser took out my own hardhead… I could almost hear the pirate laughing, as he came about to finish me off… press space commander!

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 7:42 pm
by uua90
I ran into a fierce firefight on my way to the main station. The pirates had a Boa and her escorts outnumbered and outgunned, but those civilians put on quite a fight, and it was my obligation to assist. Despite our best efforts, the Boa went down, but I pulled up just in time to see the captain eject only moments before the hull exploded. I immediately targeted the escape capsule and hit the fuel injectors, zipping away to rescue my downed comrade. I lined myself up perfectly for the scoop and swooped in. But instead of the comforting noise of the fuel scoops, I heard a dull thud. Turns out my cargo hold was full, and the dear Boa captain was now splattered against the nose of my Cobra.

Hoping that no one had seen my actions, I slipped away to the station and spent the next five hours scraping slimy blue frog guts off of my ship.

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 11:42 pm
by SandJ
Darwin Award? Self inflicted removal from the gene pool? :oops:

Being a clever newbie, I downloaded the Cargo Shepherd OXP and "improved" it. I increased its attraction ability by a factor of 1000 or so.

Then I discover it doesn't attract all the stuff in the Cargo Wreck Teaser OXP. So I have a BRILLIANT idea. I set everything that isn't a ship in shipdata.plist to be of cargopod type.

All's well - loads of killing pirates and getting the cargo. Then I get to an asteroid field. I launch the Cargo Shepherd and...

. . . . . . . . Press Space Commander

How odd. Oh well, I must have not spotted a missile or something. So I reload the saved game and zoom off and kill loads of pirates and get their cargo and come across an asteroid field. I launch the Cargo Shepherd and...

. . . . . . . . Press Space Commander

I managed this about 5 times before I realised my was being spontaneously splatted by asteroids travelling at 100s of kms / hr and I'm in between one of them and the über-mega-suped-up Cargo Shepherd. :oops:

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 12:10 am
by DaddyHoggy
SandJ wrote:
Darwin Award? Self inflicted removal from the gene pool? :oops:

Being a clever newbie, I downloaded the Cargo Shepherd OXP and "improved" it. I increased its attraction ability by a factor of 1000 or so.

Then I discover it doesn't attract all the stuff in the Cargo Wreck Teaser OXP. So I have a BRILLIANT idea. I set everything that isn't a ship in shipdata.plist to be of cargopod type.

All's well - loads of killing pirates and getting the cargo. Then I get to an asteroid field. I launch the Cargo Shepherd and...

. . . . . . . . Press Space Commander

How odd. Oh well, I must have not spotted a missile or something. So I reload the saved game and zoom off and kill loads of pirates and get their cargo and come across an asteroid field. I launch the Cargo Shepherd and...

. . . . . . . . Press Space Commander

I managed this about 5 times before I realised my was being spontaneously splatted by asteroids travelling at 100s of kms / hr and I'm in between one of them and the über-mega-suped-up Cargo Shepherd. :oops:
Are you sure you're not secretly Mr. Wile E. Coyote?

Meep! Meep!