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Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 7:33 pm
by Eric Walch
pagroove wrote:
can you mail the files back to me then I release a patch and credit you for it.
Thanks for mentioning it.
I put it here Its a 8 kb file with 3 changed files. Everything moved 483.5 meter backwards. So also the exhaust and the scripted pods. I also put them 20 meter more outward as most of them collided with the main ship on launch.

NB I still have the Oolite freezes though. With the light texture used and this time only during the use of my laser fire at the ship. The crashes only happen when the ships energy drains. Or by script, or by laser fire.

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 9:00 pm
by pagroove
Eric Walch wrote:
pagroove wrote:
can you mail the files back to me then I release a patch and credit you for it.
Thanks for mentioning it.
I put it here Its a 8 kb file with 3 changed files. Everything moved 483.5 meter backwards. So also the exhaust and the scripted pods. I also put them 20 meter more outward as most of them collided with the main ship on launch.

NB I still have the Oolite freezes though. With the light texture used and this time only during the use of my laser fire at the ship. The crashes only happen when the ships energy drains. Or by script, or by laser fire.
Thats strange. How much memory does your computer have? @my computer the problems stopped with a lighter texture. And what happens when you resize the texture even further down to 512 by 512?. Does anyone else has this problem?

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 8:48 pm
by pagroove
Quick situation update & help asked


Due to not much energy because of Real Life(tm) problems (work) a.t.m. this project is going a bit slow. For those who are waiting for the Orisis Patch: I hope I can do that in the weekend.

Anyone getting crashes when shooting at it? I want to know if I have to make a lighter than light version of the texture. It seems to use much rescources.

Model done and textures done and you can even dock. However I need somebody to make a script for it so that it appears at a fairly high tech level and only at large population planets as a replacement for the main station. Can do that for me? It's a really nice model and I won't want to see it go to waste.


Probably also needs re centering. I will look into that after the Orisis. I need also someone for this ship to make a special OXP around it.

Model and shaders: done
Centering: Not done and not right
AI tweaking: Not done (it turns to fast)
It maybe needs special AI to stay away from the main station as it's so large.
Can anybody make the docking port work? I dont't have a clue.

EDIT. I want the ship make so rare that there is only 1.
- Is it possible to make a route for it so that it jumps from planet to planet. For example from Lave to Tianve?
- I want to give it nice facility's on board such as a high tech shipyard, a hoopy casino and a special space bar. Are such things possible?
-I also want to add an unloading procedure near stations that work the same as the hammerhead. In fact there are 2 hammerhead container points under the belly.

Sorry for asking so much questions.

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 2:42 am
by Nemoricus
pagroove wrote:
EDIT. I want the ship make so rare that there is only 1.
- Is it possible to make a route for it so that it jumps from planet to planet. For example from Lave to Tianve?
- I want to give it nice facility's on board such as a high tech shipyard, a hoopy casino and a special space bar. Are such things possible?
-I also want to add an unloading procedure near stations that work the same as the hammerhead. In fact there are 2 hammerhead container points under the belly.
It would be fairly easy to write a script that has the Aurora at certain places at certain times. Just forward me the route you want it to follow and I'll write the script for you.

Tech level is easy. Put the following code in the ship's entry in shipdata.plist.

Code: Select all


Just replace the integer with the tech level you want it to have minus one.

Hoopy casino I haven't seen the script for, so I can't help you there at the moment.

For special space bar, what exactly do you mean?

Talk to Thargoid about the Hammerhead script.

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 9:36 pm
by pagroove
Nemoricus wrote:
pagroove wrote:
EDIT. I want the ship make so rare that there is only 1.
- Is it possible to make a route for it so that it jumps from planet to planet. For example from Lave to Tianve?
- I want to give it nice facility's on board such as a high tech shipyard, a hoopy casino and a special space bar. Are such things possible?
-I also want to add an unloading procedure near stations that work the same as the hammerhead. In fact there are 2 hammerhead container points under the belly.
It would be fairly easy to write a script that has the Aurora at certain places at certain times. Just forward me the route you want it to follow and I'll write the script for you.

Tech level is easy. Put the following code in the ship's entry in shipdata.plist.

Code: Select all


Just replace the integer with the tech level you want it to have minus one.

Hoopy casino I haven't seen the script for, so I can't help you there at the moment.

For special space bar, what exactly do you mean?

Talk to Thargoid about the Hammerhead script.

I will put them up at my box account so you can download both the Superhub and the Aurora OXP's this weekend.

On the Orisis. As Eric has patched it. I will put up a new version with the patch applied this weekend.

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 7:36 pm
by pagroove

I decided to share a preview version of the Aurora. Just to see if someone is willing to include this in an OXP.

Known issues:

-Collision box has to be fixed.
-I did nothing to the AI.
-I did nothing to the ships parameters
-No readme

- Shaders By Griff
- You can see how big it is.
- You can test if such a ship works

So its a very premature version.
This version has a spawn script included.

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 2:18 pm
by Nemoricus
Looks fabulous. And huge.

However, the collision is off. I was able to clip through its nose. But otherwise it's very good.

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 8:09 pm
by pagroove
Like I pm'd you the collision box is the problem. I collide very early with it. Probably due to the same problem like on the Orisis. The model is ( I think) not centered

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 8:45 pm
by pagroove
New version can be downloaded here.

- Tweaks in shipdata.plist> Ship is more easy to destroy
- Updated texture > Light versions included
- Bigships.OXP 1.01 included


About The Orisis Ferry

The Orisis Ferry is a large Megaship by GASECspaceliners.It is based on the basic Orisis Hull. It is a large passenger carrier intended for longer distances and also for systems outside the spaceways.

Currently it is operated by Oo-Go which provides different trips and cruises along the 8 galaxies. The Orisis Carrier does not dock.
It loads from within the Safety zone.

Known facts
First testflight was a disaster. An Astroid that travelled through the Witchspace hole impacted the ship @ Diso and the first ship was destroyed. (read about it in Daddyhoggies' excellent story Lazarus:
Later versions of the Orisis have some structural upgrades to prevent such disasters. Now the auto lifepod system ejects the passengers in case of disaster.


Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 9:32 pm
by Lestradae

Downloading now ... very 8)

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 11:33 pm
by pagroove

Download link

Orisis V1.3. OXP

Concept and Idea: P.A. Groove
Reskins and new models: ADCK
Scripting and help: Thargoid
Some fiction facts: Thanks to Daddyhoggy: Read his story Lazarus

Included with this OXP is the excellent Bigships.oxp from Thargoid and Eric Walch. Before using this ship install the Bigships.oxp

V 1.3. changes from v1.2

- Ship now has shaders
- Several variants by ADCK

On the ADCK variant

Large trade companies needed a workhorse. Gasecspaceliners contracted shipbuilder ADCK for that. ADCK built a lighter yet stronger hull giving the ship even planetary landing capabilities.
It is now a common sight in the safer systems.

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 12:19 am
by DaddyHoggy
Cor - thanks for the mention!


It's such a classy ship - it had to go in Lazarus!

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 2:08 am
Hehe the red one's my favourite, reminds me of Red Dwarf :P

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 2:50 am
by JazHaz
As requested by P.A.Groove, this OXP is now on the Wiki:

Re: (RELEASE) Orisis Class (updated to 1.3)

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 3:02 pm
by spara
Download link does not work anymore :(?