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Re: OXPConfig

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 12:33 pm
by Lone_Wolf
Ok, verified that name in the supported oxp list needs to be the value of the main oxp script.

Version 2.34 released.

Re: OXPConfig

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 12:29 pm
by Lone_Wolf
For those wondering :

While working on OxpConfig V3, i realised i needed a lot more JS experience to make it work.
I decided to focus on improving my other oxps first AND looking at oxps from other authors to increase my JS knowledge / insight.

I do intend to get back to OxpConfig this year.

Re: OXPConfig

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 3:03 pm
by Lone_Wolf
Svengali helped me overcome the biggest obstacles i faced wrt OxpConfig v3 , and i have finished updating several other oxps now.
My oolite to-do list is a lot shorter now, and OxpConfig is first item on it.

Re: OXPConfig

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 4:51 pm
by Lone_Wolf
I'm working on OXPConfigV3 again and making progress.
Below you see a final draft for the methods and oxp_data object.
The .hide property is gone,as the new method allows defining multiple setups for one oxp and/or changing oxp_data at runtime.

Currently OXPConfigV3 has 6 js-files :

OXPConfigTest.js (written by svengali)

The last 2 will become separate oxps, but have very little documentation atm so i'm keeping them in OXPConfig V3 for now.

Code: Select all

// Methods
/*  All methods described here can't be used until OXPC Server has completed it's own startup.
    Either use any point after startUp (e.g. startUpComplete) 
    or call OxpC Server startUp explicitly like this :
    if ( worldScripts["OXPC Server"].startUp() ) { worldScripts["OXPC Server"].startUp; };
    All methods require an object as input and return an error code :
    errorcode : 0 - ok , >0 - error (see "OXPC_Error.js" for details )
    Register oxp with OXPC Server
    worldScripts["OXPC Server"]._oxpc_register_set(oxp_data);
    unregister oxp
    worldScripts["OXPC Server"]._oxpc_unregister_set(oxp_data);
    update oxp_data for registered oxp
    worldScripts["OXPC Server"]._oxpc_update_set(oxp_data);
    perform basic checks on oxp_data
    worldScripts["OXPC Server"]._oxpc_check_set(oxp_data);
    perform extensive checks on oxp_data, used in debug mode
    worldScripts["OXPC Server"]._oxpc_verify_set(oxp_data);
