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Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 10:58 am
by Arexack_Heretic
sounds good.
<key>autoAI</key> </True>

compare role called to standard rolelist
pirate - pirateAI/ trader - incoming trader etc

Maybe I'm complicating things here needlessly, but what about location?
In the case of a trader, location is an important factor in deciding on incoming or outgoing AI.

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 11:17 am
by JensAyton
Arexack_Heretic wrote:
sounds good.
<key>autoAI</key> </True>
No, <key>auto_ai</key><true/>. :-)
Arexack_Heretic wrote:
Maybe I'm complicating things here needlessly, but what about location?
Yes, you are. Outgoing traders are generated by stations and have their AI set explicitly. Scripts that need to generate an outgoing trader will have to make their own arrangements. This is a bug fix, not a magic new way of specifying behaviours.

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 1:15 pm
by Arexack_Heretic
yes, i live to make your oolite... more complex.

Actually this makes me very happy.
as I usually want my ships to be generated internally by trader role etc, but then AI override caused (Armoured Transport) it to run away like a normal trader.

auto_AI = false/, would fix this problem. :D

(This will fix escorts with customised AI as well, I assume)

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 3:13 pm
by JensAyton
No. auto_ai only affects script-generated ships. Setting it to false will have the same effect as not setting it, which is to act exactly as it does at the moment. A separate force_ai flag might be possible for the sort of thing you’re talking about, but that won’t be in 1.69.1. (However, it looks like launch_actions is called when spawning any ship, even if it isn’t actually launching; you could probably use setAITo: from there. This will definitely be possible from JavaScript ships scripts in 1.70.)

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 5:23 pm
by JensAyton
Due to several “new” bugs, Oolite 1.69.1 will not be released today as hoped.

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 7:51 pm
by Arexack_Heretic
or use "setup_actions" to script "setAITo: myAI.plist"

good idea A 8)

sorry to hear about the bugs.
as a side remark: all four oo-threads I am currently replying to have now references to a type of bug. funny that.

edit: Now I am no longer clear on the purpose of seems superfluous.

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 10:11 pm
by Commander McLane
Just to be sure: Will the problem that script-spawned escorts always get escortAI, regardless which AI is given to them in shipdata, be addressed as well? Or is it already in 1.69?

I'm asking because it is one of the issues that keeps Anarchies.oxp from being released.

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 12:43 am
by Commander McLane
A question: When searching the board for the discussions about laser cooling I stumbled across two remarks by Giles about more variety in the weapons systems. Do you know anything specific about his ideas? And is there a chance of getting something in this direction implemented?

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 12:55 am
A laser cooler OXP was put up which effectively doubled the cooling rate, but Giles was not happy with it because he felt it affected the game balance (wrongly IMHO), and it was taken down after a couple of days. A few fortunates were able to download it though ( :D :D :D it still overheats in a battle, max strength shields are far more important)

I think it should be available at a very high price at really high tech planets.

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 12:32 pm
by JensAyton
Arexack_Heretic wrote:
or use "setup_actions" to script "setAITo: myAI.plist"
No. setup_actions are executed too early.
Arexack_Heretic wrote:
edit: Now I am no longer clear on the purpose of seems superfluous.
The purpose of auto_ai is and has always (for the whole day and a bit of its existence) been to address the problem discussed here.
Commander McLane wrote:
Just to be sure: Will the problem that script-spawned escorts always get escortAI, regardless which AI is given to them in shipdata, be addressed as well? Or is it already in 1.69?
As discussed with A_H just above your post, that problem is unrelated, but it should be possible to work around it using setAITo: in launch_actions.
Commander McLane wrote:
A question: When searching the board for the discussions about laser cooling I stumbled across two remarks by Giles about more variety in the weapons systems. Do you know anything specific about his ideas? And is there a chance of getting something in this direction implemented?
No. I do not have access to Giles’s scribbled notes, and I have more than enough stuff to work on before the next stable release. There are bits of Remora Torpedo support in the game, but I don’t know how complete it is or how to use it.

I am not going to do anything about the laser cooling issue at this time.

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 11:38 pm
by Commander McLane
Ahruman wrote:
Commander McLane wrote:
Just to be sure: Will the problem that script-spawned escorts always get escortAI, regardless which AI is given to them in shipdata, be addressed as well? Or is it already in 1.69?
... it should be possible to work around it using setAITo: in launch_actions.
Hey, I didn't know that. Will try it out. Would be very nice if I could get my escort asteroids working with that. :D They really have been a headache.

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 7:10 pm
by Griff
i realise this is a discussion about script spawned AI's but i've noticed if you spawn cargopods or alloys etc in a death action, they won't be scoopable.
on a lighter note, v1.69.1 has also fixed the problem i was getting with oolite vanishing when a subentity was shot off a ship!

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 10:07 pm
by JensAyton
Griff wrote:
i realise this is a discussion about script spawned AI's but i've noticed if you spawn cargopods or alloys etc in a death action, they won't be scoopable.
Ahh, finally a context in which that happens.
Griff wrote:
on a lighter note, v1.69.1 has also fixed the problem i was getting with oolite vanishing when a subentity was shot off a ship!
Oh, good… that was one of the specific bugs addressed, so it’d be a little embarrassing if it still happened.

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 11:15 pm
This seems like a good moment to acknowledge Ahruman on the terrrific work done so far since he picked up the baton from Giles, I for one (and Im sure everyone else is) am very grateful. May I also thank all the other contributors too.

Oolite is beautiful.

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 3:49 am
by nijineko
i second the thanks. it's a great game! =D