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Re: JB WIP thread: several ships

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2020 5:33 pm
by GearsNSuch
jackiebean wrote: Fri Jan 31, 2020 4:31 pm
I just recently got reliable internet again. It's been a frustrating two years of craziness and when i finally updated linux i found out that blender nerfed support for OGL 3 in favor of OGL 4 so blender just stopped working! So until i figure out a work around, it will be some time until i can get more models finished. Sorry for all the delays. The project is not dead, just a little detained. Looking for the handcuff keys.
Glad to hear that you're still around! I hope the craziness abates soon and that you will be able to continue work on this fantastic project. Thank you!

P.S. - I may not be able to provide the keys, but please give me a shout if you need any paperclips.

Re: JB WIP thread: several ships

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2020 5:40 pm
by jackiebean
I never intentionally disappear. It's just been a little frustrating trying to make things happen. I do still have plenty of models completed, but since some of them are bundles i would probably only be able to release a very few as teasers. However i am still not really clear on how to get them into the game working. Since i am unable to run the game (no gfx card) it's not something i can experiment with. perhaps i can release a mod pack that focuses on some of the drops from ships. like engines or weapons.

Re: JB WIP thread: several ships

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2020 6:07 pm
by GearsNSuch
jackiebean wrote: Fri Jan 31, 2020 5:40 pm
However i am still not really clear on how to get them into the game working. Since i am unable to run the game (no gfx card) it's not something i can experiment with. perhaps i can release a mod pack that focuses on some of the drops from ships. like engines or weapons.
What segments of getting them in to the game are causing you trouble (other than not being able to launch it, of course)? Is it exporting the models for Blender and converting them to .dat files? Is it the shipdata.plist file being problematic? Either way, I'd be more than willing to help or do the putting them in to the game for you.

Re: JB WIP thread: several ships

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2020 3:48 pm
by jackiebean
Well the biggest issue i have is finding all the tools to do the conversion because i had to transfer my hard drive to another laptop. Getting the OS to function again took considerable effort just by itself. Now i really dont remember where i put the tools i need to use and i really dont want to download them again if i can help it. (clutter) But then theres the question of whether or not they will even work since i have updated the OS. It's like ripping out some kidneys and transsplanting them, they work, sort of... There's no guarantee that they will keep working. I'm also missing about 3-4 TB of hard drives since last August, they were stolen out of my storage unit. So while i was in the process of moving i lost several years worth of tools and files that i cant replace.

I would be really grateful for any help geting something into the game. I don't mind collaborating on the packs at all, I just want to make sure it is quality before i just upload it for consumption though (like making sure all the normal maps are correct, which i am not really well equipped to do)

Re: JB WIP thread: several ships

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2020 8:14 pm
by GearsNSuch

Sorry there’s been so much exhausting / frustrating chaos. I’d be happy to review the ships, do the conversions, and put the ships in to the game if you can send me the .blend or .obj files.

Re: JB WIP thread: several ships

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 1:45 pm
by Cholmondely

Re: JB WIP thread: several ships

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2022 7:40 pm
by Cholmondely
jackiebean wrote: Sat Feb 01, 2020 3:48 pm
I would be really grateful for any help getting something into the game. I don't mind collaborating on the packs at all, I just want to make sure it is quality before i just upload it for consumption though (like making sure all the normal maps are correct, which i am not really well equipped to do)
JB, how are things? Did you sort out your computer issues? Do you still have your files? Are you still enraptured by Oolite?

And if you are still beavering away with this, is there anything that I (or anyone else) can do to help?


Re: JB WIP thread: several ships

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2024 8:44 am
by Cholmondely
jackiebean wrote: Fri Jan 31, 2020 5:40 pm
I never intentionally disappear. It's just been a little frustrating trying to make things happen. I do still have plenty of models completed, but since some of them are bundles i would probably only be able to release a very few as teasers. However i am still not really clear on how to get them into the game working. Since i am unable to run the game (no gfx card) it's not something i can experiment with. perhaps i can release a mod pack that focuses on some of the drops from ships. like engines or weapons.
Any chance of seeing some of your ships? - even your images have started disappearing (eg.: SAP)!