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Re: Xenon UI OXP

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 10:12 pm
by phkb
Again, it seems to have got stuck on the setBackground command. I'm becoming suspicious the issue is related to the size of the images. What I might do is create a smaller version of the images, and give you a special download link to try it out. The image quality will go down, but the image sizes will be much smaller. I'll let you know when I've got something for you to test.

Re: Xenon UI OXP

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 11:03 pm
by Cody
Cool! It is pretty rare though, and doesn't affect gameplay. <grins mischievously> Perhaps it doesn't like the text overflow?

Re: Xenon UI OXP

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 11:12 am
by Svengali
Just a thought - as it triggers most likely on/after reloading - what if you simply implement setScreenBackground("my_oxp_black.png") pointing to a small black image in .startUpComplete?

Re: Xenon UI OXP

Posted: Thu May 05, 2016 5:58 am
by phkb
I'm working on an update for Xenon UI, adding the additional "Sub-Commands" section for the F7 screen, as that screen now has some key commands, thanks to the update added here. My thoughts at the moment are:

Home - Current system
End - Current destination
Left - Prev system on course
Right - Next system on course

Is that descriptive enough, do you think?

Re: Xenon UI OXP

Posted: Thu May 05, 2016 12:08 pm
by Norby
phkb wrote:
Is that descriptive enough, do you think?
Enough for me, yes.

Re: Xenon UI OXP

Posted: Thu May 05, 2016 12:13 pm
by Cody

Re: Xenon UI OXP

Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 12:17 am
by phkb
I've just uploaded a graphical refresh for all the Xenon UI resources. There's a couple of changes in these versions:

First, I've made the images considerably smaller (OXZ file size has been reduced from around 30mb to 5mb) by using 16bit colour images, rather than 32bit. This means there is a small reduction in quality, but it's hard to see unless you look really closely. At least that's what I think. I can easily revert back to 32bit colour images if these new ones prove to be too much of a disappointment.

Second, I've cleaned up the images, removed a few small glitches here and there, and made the side 'windows' consistent with the man central window (where the header background is aligned with the window itself. The previous offset headers were attempting to achieve a particular look which I couldn't apply consistently.)

Third, I've added two additional resource packs, I and J, which use the "Dosis" (formerly "Dangerous") font.

Fourth, with the Redux images, I've added a bit of extra width to the main window, which should hopefully work better with screens that don't wrap text well.

One of the goals of getting the file size reduced was to reduce the number of times Oolite would timeout the script for taking too long to load. Until this morning I thought I had nailed it, but I had another instance of this happening on my final playtest. So, I can't claim to have completely solved the issue, but there is hope that the smaller file sizes will help reduce the frequency of the errors.

All the resources should be available through the download manager.

Let me know what you think.

Edit to add: I forgot to mention the other addition in these images. This really only applies to Oolite 1.83 and the non-Redux versions - the F7 system info now has the default key function info displayed. The key function info will be displayed in 1.82 as well, but the keys won't actually do anything. Think of it as a teaser for the next version!

Re: Xenon UI OXP

Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 12:45 am
by Cody
Cool - thanks! Using the Redux variant: the Oolite intro and Select Commander background screens don't seem to override the BGS screens. The rest are fine!

Re: Xenon UI OXP

Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 12:51 am
by phkb
Cody wrote:
the Oolite intro and Select Commander background screens don't seem to override the BGS screens
Ah - I think BGS must be winning the dual to be the last (or is it the first - who can tell!) OXP to claim the setting from screenbackgrounds.plist. Those two screens (and a couple of others) can't be set with JS. The only workaround is to rename the BGS screenbackgrounds.plist file (to say, "screenbackgrounds.bak.plist") so XenonUI can be forced to have precedence.

Re: Xenon UI OXP

Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 12:55 am
by Cody
Okay - though I think it was fine before. Perhaps 'cos I'm running Svengali's WIP BGS 2 now?

Re: Xenon UI OXP

Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 12:56 am
by phkb
Cody wrote:
Perhaps 'cos I'm running Svengali's WIP BGS 2 now?
Yes, that could be it. My next task is to dive into that system and make Xenon fully compliant with it.

Re: Xenon UI OXP

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 9:21 pm
by Ross154
Hi guys, I like this mod but I also liked BGS backgrounds, so I made a mix (16:9 only for now, 16:10 would require some additional work but it's easy to do, if there are requests in this sense).

Here you can see some pics (some more backgrounds in submenus are included):

As you may notice from the pics, the backgrounds are semitransparent to increase readability and to mantain the feel of the Xenon UI.

Here is the download link for the OXP

Extract in the Addons folder. It only contains images, but you need the base Xenon UI OXP installed. It doesn't need BGS, but I use it anyway because it's great.

Re: Xenon UI OXP

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2016 12:35 am
by phkb
Very nice! Well done!
Ross154 wrote:
16:9 only for now, 16:10 would require some additional work
I've got some files and a VB.NET program which I use to create the different versions of the images. You're quite welcome to it if it would be of any assistance.

Re: Xenon UI OXP

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2016 7:48 am
by Ross154
phkb wrote:
Very nice! Well done!
Ross154 wrote:
16:9 only for now, 16:10 would require some additional work
I've got some files and a VB.NET program which I use to create the different versions of the images. You're quite welcome to it if it would be of any assistance.
Thanks, I use Gimp to edit pics, I could easily make a 16:10 version with what I have, but to repeat the process for every font type would be a lot of work. I could extract the central part of the pics (the frame with the background) because that should be the same in all variants, maybe you can tell me how your VB program works? Thanks

Re: Xenon UI OXP

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2016 9:26 am
by spara
Excellent idea combining the graphics. Good job so far.