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Re: [WIP] Life in the Frontier OXP

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 1:55 am
by phkb
If I could make a suggestion, can you turn off the HUD while outside the ship. It kind of breaks the immersion factor of being outside the ship when the HUD is right there in your face.

Use player.ship.hudHidden = true; to hide it when you leave your ship, then player.ship.hudHidden = false; to bring it back again when you re-board your ship.

Re: [WIP] Life in the Frontier OXP

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 12:47 pm
by Zireael
Wow, I think I'll grab this OXP as soon as I get back into Oolite!

Re: [WIP] Life in the Frontier OXP

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 3:37 pm
by Ngalo
Hello. I have made a few tweaks to my copy of LITF which I hope may be helpful for future development.

Firstly, I've noticed that if I save and re-load the game at a Rock Hermit or OXP station in Oolite 1.80, LITF's interface does not appear until I launch and re-dock. Fixing this is quite simple:
script LITF, line 79: remove this.setInterface call
script LITF, line 215:
change this.shipDockedWithStation = function() {
to this.shipDockedWithStation = this.startUpComplete = function() {
These changes make LITF set up its interface after the system is populated and the player is in the correct station.
ffutures wrote:
some of this stuff should not be present aboard rock hermits. There's also a bit of a problem with the planetary landing capability add-on - your OXP adds all of these facilities to surface bases, which seems a bit odd. The Galcop precinct at least should be missing.
It makes sense to me that, for instance, a Behemoth would be very different internally from a
Seedy Space Bar, a Kiota Habitat Station or a Salvage Gang, let alone a planetary spaceport. So:

Code: Select all

//LifeInTheFrontier.js, about line 13:
this.StationTypes = [
	{ //main system station
	conditions: "player.ship.dockedStation.isMainStation",
	role: null, // so we ignore these tests
	name: null,
	configuration: "worldScripts.LITF_Navigation.$configureMainStation()"
	{ //rock hermit
	conditions: "true", // always true so the 'role' and 'name' tests are effective 
	role: null, // could test for "rockhermit-chaotic", "rockhermit-pirate" etc. 
	name:"Rock Hermit",
	configuration: "worldScripts.LITF_Navigation.$configureRockHermit()"
//about line 240, in shipDockedWithStation:
	for (var i=0; i<this.StationTypes.length; i++)
		//first test any arbitrary conditions, e.g. 'isMainStation'or system ID
		if (eval(this.StationTypes[i].conditions))
			//next test primary role, if not specified assume true & move on
			if (this.StationTypes[i].role == player.ship.dockedStation.primaryRole
			    || !this.StationTypes[i].role)
				//finally test name, if not specified assume true
				if (this.StationTypes[i].name ==
				    || !this.StationTypes[i].name)
					// if all conditions are satisfied for this station type:

					//moved here so it only shows up on supported stations
The idea is that OXPs which add dockables can include a script which pushes or concatenates
their own station configurations onto the worldScripts.LITF.StationTypes array at startUp.

My current implementation of $configureRockHermit and $configureMainStation is very ad hoc
and not a recommended long-term solution, although it works for now:

Code: Select all

//LITF_Navigation.js, about line 1346:
this.$configureRockHermit = function(){
	//first back up the standard place data, 'cos we might want it back later
	this.$backupLobbies = [this.lobby1, this.lobby2, this.lobby3, this.lobby4];
	this.lobby1 = {
		text: "You're in the Docks.\n\nThere are a few droids moving crates and containers off and on ships, but it's much less busy than a typical main station.\n\nFrom here:\n- You can go to your ship in the Hangar\n- You can enter the Cargo Area\n- You can take the Lift and go to the Main Concourse.\n\n$LOBBYSNIPPET$",
		background: "litf_bg_docks.png",
		c1: "Enter the Hangar",
		a1: "randomAndGo:area1",
		c2: "Enter the Cargo Area",
		a2: "randomAndGo:area1_2",// change this to a rock-hermit-specific place?
		c3: "Lift >> Main Concourse",
		a3: "time:120|goNav:lobby2",
	this.lobby2 = {
		text: "You're in the Main Concourse lobby.\n\n$LOBBYSNIPPET$",
		c1: "Enter the Concourse-A section", 
		a1: "randomAndGo:area2_1",//more rock-hermit-specific changes to these places?
		c2: "Enter the Concourse-B section",
		a2: "randomAndGo:area2_2",
		c3: "Enter the Concourse-C section",
		a3: "randomAndGo:area2_3",
		c4: "Lift >> Docks",
		a4: "time:120|goNav:lobby1",
this.$configureMainStation = function(){
	//simply restore defaults, if changed
		this.lobby1 = this.$backupLobbies[0];
		this.lobby2 = this.$backupLobbies[1];
Ideally individual locations like the Medical Center or Bar would be independent of the station's
structure of lifts and corridors, so they can be re-used anywhere on any station. However, this may mean extensively re-writing LITF_Navigation and parts of LITF_Common to be more flexible.

Re: [WIP] Life in the Frontier OXP

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 7:04 am
by BeeTLe BeTHLeHeM
Hi everyone,
a quick post to reassure you I'm not vanished. The development is going on, I had to slow down a bit to care about some thing IRL, but I follow the thread and I have already implemented a couple of suggestions.

I read ngalo post, and I agree on the general structure to allow for multiple layouts. The OXP should redirect the player to the appropriate starting node (the hangar) depending on the station type. First I was thinking about putting all the alternate layouts in a single file, but maybe a better solution is to write a single file for every layout, just to make things a little more tidy.

When docking the OXP will define the file to open and the label of the hangar node, and from there the navigation will start as usual.

Since there should be the chance to re-utilize default locations, I think I will move them in a sort of "shared locations file", that can be called from any layout. I will add a prefix, like "com_" or "shr_" to easily recognize them. The layout files will contain the custom data only (less code to rewrite).

For the next release I want to focus on this and the first mission engine pass (I have to do many tests), so if you want you can start to propose ideas for the alternate layouts/locations.

I thank you for you patience, I don't want to rush things so the pace will be more relaxed from now on, but the project goes on!

Re: [WIP] Life in the Frontier OXP

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 5:52 pm
by Norby
I uploaded this addon into the [EliteWiki] wiki and manager. The last map:


Re: [WIP] Life in the Frontier OXP

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 9:28 am
by mohawk
Hi this oxp looks amazing I sure am going to give it a go!
thank you!

If I may make some suggestions, (I have not read the entire thread so it might have been discussed already :roll: ) I would love the possibility to make friends and enemies, that are persistent in the game.

for instance a trader that you saved from a pirate attack finds you at the station bar and buys you drinks then you exchange emails and you keep in touch.
using the email.oxp preferably , he/she could send you an occasional email and your friendship could grow or fade away depending of your actions. this character could be saved in the savefile, and continue to exist and operate according to its character aspects with simple die rolls every time the player docks (or whatever works best). jumping from system to system trading, fighting, making money, making friends and enemies, climbing the elite rank. etc.
The character could then offer some variety off mini missions:
Jumping to the next system to meet him/her
Or Invite you to his/her wending, in the other end of the galaxy
Asking for a money loan,
Asking for help to cross a dangerous system
Offer help against a common enemy, Like a pirate that has sworn to wipe you out,
Revenge for the Death of a common friend,
pop up suddenly like the cavalry to save your "stern" from an assassination ambush (If he/she happens to be close),
ask you to take some parcel/passenger that he/she can not carry out because of reasons,
Hunt you down to the end of the world and try to kill you until the end of times ( or his)
Attack your friends and people you care about
and the list can be never-ending :)
Every character could have some basic stats like
courage, temper, honesty, etc.
and depending on his/her role could help the player, love and befriend the player, mislead or betray the player, etc.
there could be a friendliness stat that goes up or down according to the players actions
Possible characters could be pilots and static (that stay in the same system, or station, or have a steady job that takes them to some type of station from system to system)
These could include:
A trader that you saved from an attack.
A hunter that you stole a kill from. (you could buy him a drink at the bar to apologise, or you could get into a fist fight and therefore make a new enemy)
A scared young Jameson that has to cross a dangerous system for the first time and asks for company
an old broke Navy Elite pilot who has given up on life after he have seen too much death during the Thargoid wars. And makes a living as a miner in a Rock Hermit and maybe carries a single Q-bomb on a ship without fuel injections looking for a reason to deploy it, (better stay away)
A shady guy that is in all short of bad news operations but is good hearted deep inside that can arrange for cargo manifests to be lost, launches to be unregistered etc.
A pirate that attacked you and lived to hate your guts,
A pirate that you arrested and just got out of prison
A dirty cop that can make your minor offences be forgotten, in exchange for a transportation of a mystery packet, (perhaps he could blackmail you for more errants in the future)
A hitch-hiker that you picked up from a station
and so on and so on

And as always, I don't know how hard any of this would be to implement, If at all possible, or maybe they don't look relevant to this oxp, But I would like to hear others opinions about them.

The main thing that I like to express is that I would love this game to give me more things to like and care about.
Sometimes I feel lonely in the Ooniverse.
And after I have ironassed my ship to the teeth, after I have reached Elite, then what?
sure there are great mission oxp out there, but the sandbox feel of oolite is the most important aspect of it, and after some time it gets a little monotonous.
This oxp looks like a great enhancement. The more random and unexpected things that happen, the grater the feeling of sandbox :D

What I propose in the simplest form, (because I did pull the rope to far :P ) is the players actions to have some kind of permanent effect in the game, like somebody I know, sending me congratulations on your Elite rank achievement (except from the Elite federation)
or some lovely bug eyed lizard traffic control operator that I met at the market and we shared a moth burger, giving me a Warm greeting every time I approach the station.

Anyway thank you for that oxp. Hope my rand was not boring :roll: downloading now :D

Re: [WIP] Life in the Frontier OXP

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 10:09 am
by Day
Very interesting concept. Will download asap.

Re: [WIP] Life in the Frontier OXP

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 12:03 pm
by Norby
mohawk wrote:
I may make some suggestions
Some? :)
Unfortunately the author of this OXP is away a while and not responding to my pm a week ago so I doubtful about an update. But your ideas are good for an other ("Friends"?) OXP which probably can trigger mission screens when the player arrive into some locations within this OXP or independently if this OXP is not installed.

Re: [WIP] Life in the Frontier OXP

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 5:12 pm
by mohawk
Ok I tried it, and I love every aspect of it.

some observations.

I bought a fitness club membership. and after about 2 system jumps, it was expired or not existent (anyway I had to buy one again)
I went to make some community work and I had a small accident. After that I Immediately found myself located in my ship.
I worked out in the gym and from the first time my fitness turned from weak to average is this expected, to make the player fitness average, or a bug? after that I went 3 more times and I am still average (this looks normal)
I got drunk and passed out in an alley, and then I had to go to a hotel to rest. I spend there 6 hours, and then I woke up rested and refreshed. but when I went back to my ship my condition said that I was drunk. nobody tried to stop me from launching and no effects were obvious from drinking and driving. It would be cool if it could have some effect! :)
I think it does not collide with the docking fees oxp but you might consider taking it into consideration. At one time for instance it said that the station is under quarantine alert. and I was examined. If you can study the messages, and know which one will be displayed you could play them into your story. For instance in the previous case first location could be the hospital. Maybe the 2 oxps can compliment each other, or maybe you decide that they are not compatible!

some suggestions.
there should be some way to make the time in the station pass simultaneously with the time of repairs and ships outfitting. maybe the time of docking can be stored, and then when the player chooses to disembark from the ship the time is compared, and a message appears, like sou have 3 days and 17 hours to kill until your ships overhauling finishes. and a reverse counter starts for every action. the real counter could be stopped in the meanwhile and only start if you overcome the time available. This of course means that the player should finish all cargo and ship fitting operations before he disembarks, otherwise it might be difficult for this to work backwards. Maybe there is a better solution I don't know but it doesn't make much sense to spend 2 days in repairs, and then 6 hours in a hotel.

It would be nice if the chart could include, and the navigation could lead to the shipyard, the repair facilities, the market etc. so that the player doesn't have to go back and embark the ship in order to see the parcel contracts for instance.

my wounds from a bar fight would be nice if they had some impact in the game, or If I dock to the station with a lot of damaged equipment, meaning that I took a beating it would be nice If i could be slightly injured and needing attention

Anyway keep up the good work It looks fantastic :D

Re: [WIP] Life in the Frontier OXP

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 5:22 pm
by mohawk
Unfortunately the author of this OXP is away a while and not responding to my pm a week ago so I doubtful about an update
well hope everything is ok in RL
But your ideas are good for an other ("Friends"?) OXP
would love to see something like that. Wish I could make something that complicated myself but I have tried and failed many times :cry:
maybe that is why they teach programming in colleges and universities :lol:
it takes some skill :mrgreen:

Re: [WIP] Life in the Frontier OXP

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 10:30 am
by pagroove
It's a pity the author disappeared before this OXP really took off. It is nice to wander around but the mission engine of this OXP is not ready. I did also sent a PM but the author isn't responding. Hope all indeed is well in RL.

Re: [WIP] Life in the Frontier OXP

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 3:52 pm
by Layne
This is one of those projects that could benefit a lot from a 'stone soup' approach. As it is, the framework is interesting but very incomplete, and there's not enough random events, outcomes, and missions to sustain interest for long. If the author ever returns and the engine got a proper re-working, everyone in the community could contribute a few events each to it and really flesh it out. I'm not just talking ideas, I mean, actually send a few paragraphs of text descriptions each (those who feel comfortable with writing, that is, and from the looks of things around here that seems to be quite a few) to the creator for use in the oxp. The creator adds them in, and before long an oxp with twenty random events has fifty, or a hundred, or more, with everybody interested pitching in a little.

Re: [WIP] Life in the Frontier OXP

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 1:12 pm
by Ngalo
Would offer to try the engine re-write bit but I'm mostly stuck in RL myself right now, and have misgivings about the etiquette of usurping BeeTLe BeTHLeHeM's place as this OXP's developer anyway.
I agree this really needs multiple content contributors though, and the 'friends & enemies' idea is something I've pondered previously (but never yet come close to writing code for).

Re: [WIP] Life in the Frontier OXP

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 12:23 am
by Mazur
[Reposted here after being advised by cim and Cody]

Yesterday I accidentally must have hit and/or destroyed a GalCop , and so I visited the Galcop precincts at my next stop, the Axtech Coriolis in the same system of Zaonce. The terminal informed me I had to pay a fine of 6000 ₢ to clear my record, so I used the Pay the fine option. But my record did not get cleared. Confused, I checked the terminal again, the same message and fine, paid again, and still not cleared. So at last I went to the Main Station, repeated the procedure, and this time, after a third 6000 ₢, I finally had a clear record once more.

I thought someone might like to know.

Re: [WIP] Life in the Frontier OXP

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 2:49 pm
by Norby
I done what I can in v0.7.2:
- Fixed bounty clearing at galcop terminal.
- Non-galcop stations are limited to the hangar.
- HD Backgrounds OXP is used in life status screen and non-galcop hangar.
- Able to use hd background images made in any resolution (fit to height).