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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 5:36 pm
by mossfoot
Yeah, space stories aren't always the most interesting unless you imagine a larger narrative around it. A fight is just a fight after all. Any time I have a space battle I try to have be more than just describing a dogfight, because that gets old fast.

Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 6:32 pm
by Paradox
mossfoot wrote:
Yeah, space stories aren't always the most interesting unless you imagine a larger narrative around it. A fight is just a fight after all. Any time I have a space battle I try to have be more than just describing a dogfight, because that gets old fast.
Ya, the "docked here...bought this...flew there...sold that..." just isn't gonna cut it for me.
I am trying to work on Aria and make her more than just a computer interface.
Now if we could hire a crew..!

I think I may be hitting a fork in the trail... I either continue with the "space lanes" type tales and try to spice it up, or I chuck that idea completely, and go full on fiction...

What to do... What to do... };]

Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 7:04 pm
by mossfoot
Do what I do, a bit of both. I take my hardcore game as inspiration for events, rather than a direct or exact retelling. IF an event in the game is interesting enough to warrant full retelling (ie Princess Cruise) then I will. Otherwise I might just summarize some interesting events, amalgamate them, etc. Or it might simply be the starting point for something unrelated.

The Superhub fiasco for example, happened because I was refused docking permission. Not put in a cue, not told there was an emergency, flat out refused. No clue why. So I invented a reason. Now while I can go there again in game (once I jumped back everything was cool) I'm keeping that lifetime ban in my story because it amuses me ;)

But then there's the ongoing hints of a larger story with the Mossfoot ID, the 'space ninjas', the Navy, and 4004. Those just get worked in as it's convenient, rather than being forced. Eventually it'll get to a point where I write pure fiction to address that, but even then it might center around an encounter I had at some point (a Thargoid battle or Navy, who knows?)

From a writer's POV it comes down to this - the story is what matters, and the story only matters because of the character. So the character is your focus. He could make a fortune, get killed by pirates, or crash into the space station, but it doesn't matter squat unless we care about him. So as you play if you encounter anything interesting, ask yourself how Morgan would react, play through the scenario in your head, and if it's entertaining, write it down. If not, don't ;) Simple as that.

Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 4:25 pm
by ClymAngus
I realise we have some proper writers here, so I will tread carefully. BUT a good story is where you find it and play up your talents. You like the interplay of characters? Get a crew! Hell get some passengers! I'm not saying you have to turn this into "friends in space" but you've got the beginnings of something interesting here.

Trading hell! It's all about the people at the end of the day.

I would argue that fights can be made interesting. I had a lot of fun writing the fight scenes in rise of the kirin. That and the horror, the horror was pure joy.

Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 5:06 pm
by Paradox
ClymAngus wrote:
I realise we have some proper writers here, so I will tread carefully. BUT a good story is where you find it and play up your talents. You like the interplay of characters? Get a crew! Hell get some passengers! I'm not saying you have to turn this into "friends in space" but you've got the beginnings of something interesting here.

Trading hell! It's all about the people at the end of the day.

I would argue that fights can be made interesting. I had a lot of fun writing the fight scenes in rise of the kirin. That and the horror, the horror was pure joy.
"friends in space" :lol:
I am thinking about where I want this to go... I also started modeling some "sets" so I can do some illustrations as well.

Unfortunately, Real Life is making it's usual demands right now as well, so free time is being squeezed. }:[ As soon as I get things sorted out, Captain Morgan will be back! };]

Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 5:43 pm
by Neelix
ClymAngus wrote:
I realise we have some proper writers here, so I will tread carefully. BUT a good story is where you find it and play up your talents. You like the interplay of characters? Get a crew! Hell get some passengers! I'm not saying you have to turn this into "friends in space" but you've got the beginnings of something interesting here.

Trading hell! It's all about the people at the end of the day.

I would argue that fights can be made interesting. I had a lot of fun writing the fight scenes in rise of the kirin. That and the horror, the horror was pure joy.
I have to agree with this... personally I think Terra should have joined our intrepid hero on his adventures. :-)

Looking forward to the next chapter in any case. :-)

- Neelix

Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 8:34 pm
by Paradox
Neelix wrote:
ClymAngus wrote:
I realise we have some proper writers here, so I will tread carefully. BUT a good story is where you find it and play up your talents. You like the interplay of characters? Get a crew! Hell get some passengers! I'm not saying you have to turn this into "friends in space" but you've got the beginnings of something interesting here.

Trading hell! It's all about the people at the end of the day.

I would argue that fights can be made interesting. I had a lot of fun writing the fight scenes in rise of the kirin. That and the horror, the horror was pure joy.
I have to agree with this... personally I think Terra should have joined our intrepid hero on his adventures. :-)

Looking forward to the next chapter in any case. :-)

- Neelix
I was really debating about Terra going with him... However, Morgan is quite young, and this is his first real adventure. I wanted to see who else he might meet and to leave it open for other things to happen. I didn't close the door, he can still go back someday, but in the meantime, I wanted the kid to live a little! };]

Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 6:44 am
by SteveKing
Paradox wrote:
in the meantime, I wanted the kid to live a little! };]
There’s that saying - “A girl in every port” and Morgan sounds like he's 'got it' :D

I to agree with both Mossfoot and Clym, writing is putting down experiences in a way that others get to ‘enjoy the ride’ that you are, have been or would like to go on. All of which is told through the actions of the characters that you create and the way you imagine they will react and interact with each other. FanFic is wonderfully immersive because there is a common feel and thread to that experience, whether through a RPG, computer game, movie/tv show, even toy (cue Barbie… er maybe not!).

There’s nothing to say that a fork can’t be used to enjoy both the spaghetti bolognaise and cheesecake dessert. As you’ve noted, too much spaghetti gets a bit samey.

Looking forward to see how Aria develops – every hero needs a foil.

“…bye now, bye bye, bye, bye bye, bye now…”

That’s enough Barbie

chapter 13

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 7:57 pm
by Paradox
We knew it would happen sooner or later. There's not a spacer alive that doesn't have his stories, but still...

I'm not saying we weren't bein' careful mind you. We studied the star-charts carefully, and did all we could to avoid possibly dangerous systems, and we made our jumps as short as possible to conserve fuel. We also avoided other ships we encountered as best we could. On three occasions, we had even been attacked by pirates, but we always managed to out-run them before they had a chance to fire at us.

"Three ships off the port bow Captain."

"I see 'em Aria! Hit the turbos and hard to starboard! Then hit the go-go juice as soon as we are clear!"

The "turbos" are what Aria referred to as "fuel injectors". A little upgrade I had installed as soon as I could afford them. "Torus Drive", is what she insisted on calling the go-go juice.

She just doesn't get the lingo!

Basically we ran like little schoolgirls whenever we saw another ship hit our scanner. After all, I did promise to be careful didn't I?

Ya, that's the reason.

Galcop Vipers were another animal altogether. We tended to stick as close to those as possible. You know... In case they needed any help...

And so it went. Aria and I would dock, look over the station manifest, decide what to buy and sell, then we would be off to the next planet. We made a good team, and we had our routine down. In other words, we became complacent. We were at Isinor, I had just picked up a load of furs and decided to make a run for Qutiri, a rich industrial planet.

"Captain, that is a multi-government planet. There could be some risk involved." Aria warned.

"I know Aria, but it would mean more profit. Besides, We got them beam lasers now, and I am gettin' tired of runnin'!"

I had managed to upgrade both fore and aft pulse lasers to beam lasers after selling the docking computer.

"Docking computer?! We have a docking computer?! Why didn't anyone tell me we had a docking computer!? I ranted. Not that I needed one anymore. I was now good enough at docking, that I usually did it with my foot to the floor, and the turbos kicked in. But still, I wish I had known. Anyways, we now had the beam lasers, and I was feelin' a little cocky. Mistake number two.

"10...9...8..." Aria counted down.

Flip-flop went my stomach, and we were there.

"Five ships off the port bow Captain!" Five yellow blips on the scanner, suddenly turned red.

Oh crap.

"Hard to starb..." A laser flashed past my window.

Enough running...

I put my foot to the floor and turned directly at them, which seemed to surprise them for a few seconds. The blips just sort of milled around, as if not sure what to do.

"Lock on as soon as we are close enough Aria!" I shouted.

"Target locked Captain." Said Aria, as calmly as ever.

It was a Krait, The Scourge of something or other...

I fired, and sparks flew from his shields as they tried to deflect the lasers energy. The laser cut out to prevent overheating. Laser beams were now criss-crossing the black all around us.

I turned and ran.

I yelled for Aria to switch the vidscreen to the rear view, and there was the Krait, directly behind me. I fired again, and the Krait disappeared in a fire ball.

More lasers flashed past me now, and suddenly, I heard the ominous echoing bang of laser hits on my shields.

Time for the turbos!

I watched the vidscreen as I tried to run, another small ship fell in behind me. I don't know what it was, or what it was called. I was too scared to care...

Bang...bang...bang, the ship shook with each hit. My aft laser still had a quite a ways to go before overheating, so I opened fire again. Just as the aft laser overheated... Another fireball.

The little red blips had disappeared off the scanner.

"Go-go juice Aria!" We had made it.

Then, I saw the energy display on the vidscreen. A slice of yellow, as thin as a hair, was all that was left. I started to shake.

"Are you okay Captain?"

"I just killed two people Aria... And I almost got us killed as well."

Aria was silent.

The rest of the trip to the station, was spent dodging and running, until we were finally able to dock. Aria was banged up a bit and needed some repairs. I was banged up a bit too, and needed some "repairs" of my own. I headed for the bar.

"I know that look son..."

I tried to focus.

"Made your first kill today didn't you."

"Yesh shur." I slurred.

My drink disappeared from my hand, and something hot in a mug replaced it. "Wash thish?" I mumbled.

"Black coffee laced with Buzz-Kill." Said the mystery voice. "Come on, drink up."

With a little help, I managed to choke down the scalding concoction. Minutes later, I was mostly coherent again. Bummer.

Across the small table from me, was a grizzled old spacer. Deep wrinkles around his eyes deepened as he grinned at me. "Sorry to waste booze and a good buzz there son, but they aren't going to help you right now."

"I should have run... I shouldn't have..." I rubbed my hands over my face, as if trying to rub away the memory.

The old spacer sighed. "Maybe... Then again, maybe not."

I peeked at him from between my fingers.

"Let me ask you something son... Did you fire first, or did they?"

"They did... I think..."

"Okay, then tell me son, did you ask them to fire at you?"

"No! Of course not!" I replied, getting a mite angry.

"No, of course you didn't. They were waiting there to ambush the first spacer they saw, and it was your bad luck to be the one to stumble into them. You didn't ask for the fight son, and you didn't start the fight. All you did, was defend yourself, and that there ain't nothing to be ashamed of."

I put my hands down on the scarred table top, and looked at the old man.

"Here's something else for you to think about son. I got jumped by pirates myself just a few hours ago. I managed to escape, barely, by making the hyperspace jump here to Qutiri. When I came out of hyperspace, I saw some of the wreckage left behind from your encounter. Now, what do you think would have happened to me, if I had run into your little welcoming committee right after that jump?"

I looked him hard in the eye, but didn't say anything.

"Ya son... It would have been me floating around all vaporized in space right now. So the way I see it son, is you saved my life today. And that's the way you gotta see it too, if your gonna survive out there in the black." The old man sighed.

"Those pirates made a decision plain and simple. They set their course the very first time they decided to attack an innocent spacer. They decided it was easier to take things away from us mostly honest folks, than to work for it themselves. And if you think for one second, they are gonna loose sleep over vaporizing you, just to get to your cargo son, you're mistaken. they don't care if you're someone son, or daughter, father or mother. They choose to kill and steal, and now it's up to you to choose son. Choose to fight when you have to, or choose to go home."

The old spacer stood and placed a hand on my shoulder. "No matter what you choose son. I thank you for saving my life today, even though you didn't know you did. Now I got some repairs to make, then I am heading home to Tionisla to visit my own son. He and my beautiful daughter-in-law just gave birth to my first grand-baby! He pulled out a small holophoto and handed it to me. It showed a handsome young man standing next to his pretty little wife. In her arms was a bundle of baby blankets, surrounding a tiny pink face and one chubby little arm waving in the air.

I smiled at the picture, then held it back out to him.

"You keep it son, I can get another. You keep it and maybe remember why, sometimes, we need to fight instead of run." The old man turned and walked out of the bar. I sat there for a long time afterwards, just looking at that picture.

"Aria? You all fixed now?" I asked, as I entered the loading bay door.

"Affirmative Captain. All repairs are complete, and I am at one hundred percent efficiency."

I worked my way up to the bridge,and flopped into my seat. I tucked the picture the old man had given me, into a corner of the console on the armrest.

"How are you feeling Captain?" Asked Aria.

I looked at the picture.

"Looks like good prices on computers here... Let's grab a load of them and get out of here. What do you say Aria?"

"I would say, that seems like a sensible plan Captain."

"Okay then, let's load up. There's a whole universe out there waitin' Aria."

I was feeling pretty good after all.

Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 7:59 pm
by Paradox
Another quick post... I usually read my "chapters" 3-4 times before I post, but gotta go to work... Best I can hope for, is getting most of the spelling corrected! Enjoy... I hope!

Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 8:20 pm
by mossfoot
Paradox wrote:
Another quick post... I usually read my "chapters" 3-4 times before I post, but gotta go to work... Best I can hope for, is getting most of the spelling corrected! Enjoy... I hope!
Heh. I usually end up editing them in-forum over the next day each time I scan it again ;) (not a good habit).

Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 4:30 am
by Paradox
mossfoot wrote:
Paradox wrote:
Another quick post... I usually read my "chapters" 3-4 times before I post, but gotta go to work... Best I can hope for, is getting most of the spelling corrected! Enjoy... I hope!
Heh. I usually end up editing them in-forum over the next day each time I scan it again ;) (not a good habit).
I try to re-read the whole chapter as soon as I hit the "end". Then I cut and paste it into Hemingway, and re-read it again, as well as look at their suggestions to improve it, and let Chrome spell-check it for me. I usually score a 4 in Hemingway. Then I cut and paste it into the forum, hit preview, and re-read it again. I almost always find more things to fix and change here for some reason. Then I finally submit it. But days like this... I hit Hemingway, correct spelling, then paste and submit. I just now re-read it, and made more changes. Especially after getting your PM. };]

Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 1:15 pm
by spud42
more good stuff paradox.

Nice touch with the old guy showing a different perspective on what happened...

Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 3:22 pm
by Redspear
Haven't caught up with all of this yet but I love the cereal box start :lol:

Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 9:56 pm
by Paradox
spud42 wrote:
more good stuff paradox.

Nice touch with the old guy showing a different perspective on what happened...
Thank you! }:]

Ya, the old guy almost made me all emotional and stuff! };]