Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 10:52 pm
Oscar - you could always do some adverts of your own...ovvldc wrote:Come on guys, I have seem beautiful original artwork here.
I like subvertisement as much as the next guy, but this shouldn't be a contest of replacing every brandname with 'o' you can find to an 'Oo' version...
Best wishes,
My very first ad to this forum - over 2 years ago (in fact my very first post) was for Oo-haul - and look what that inspired out of Dr. Nil.
I've contributed a lot of ads to the unreleased Set G - 25 in fact (my lord - half a set in fact).
They are:
Pull up, Trumble Bobble, Lave bar, Lave Roover, Teen, Oolite Anonymous, Oolympic Ring Racing, Noo Cearso Brown Ale, Oodie Stoorbart, Ookmail, Remlok, Oohay!, Thrumberry Juice, natioonal oxpress, Noormaa, Hoogo Puss, Holdlily, Asteroid, Lerelace Airforce, Oorovision, Goid away (based on Gogz original ad), Oone Acct, Coriolis Preservation Society, Blue Ooyster, Oobay.
Of the 25 - 13 involve some kind of double OO twist. However of those 13 I justify some, not all, as follows:
Lave Roover - I planned on releasing a re-textured ship based on this - decide to wait until I can texture and shade properly
Noo Cearso Brown Ale - I've seen New spelt as "Noo" in real adverts and Cearso is a "real" Oolite system.
Oodie Stoorbart - based on a reaction in the Large Haulers thread
Ookmail - is actually a dedication to the Discworld Novels and TP
Oohay! - is simply inspired even if I do say so myself - so I won't justify it after all
natioonal oxpress - another "ad to lead to oxp ship" that I have subsequently failed to produce - but I will
Noormaa - is based on a company a friend works for and I did it for him
Oorovision - based on somebody else's suggestion with my own twist
Blue Ooyster - originally a multiframe ad for the new constores and a hat-tipping exercise to the "special" bar found in the Police Academy movies.
Oobay - again was hoping to inspire an OXP alternative to "normal" trading
So that just leaves 3 where I admit I just wanted to take the urine out of the real world. Three from twenty-five is a pretty good ratio as far as I'm concerned.
The double "oo" is here to stay I'm afraid.
EDIT: To correct reason on one of the justifications