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Re: Random Hits OXP

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 4:44 am
by Diziet Sma
ralph_hh wrote:
The reason I came into this thread is the following question I have: Whilst the Wiki states that a beam laser is a minimum equipment to go taking missions, what is really needed for the high class missions? Does this OXP offer any goodies for the player as well? I.e. defensive equipment? I read about one player here who was happy to be able to carry 20 missiles on this OXPed special ship to be ready for the harder random hit missions. Do I stand any chance on my regular Cobby with the Equipment available in Stanard Oolite? (Mil Laser, Mil shields etc.)
Heh.. the player with the (potentially) 20 hardheads was me.. the Pitviper has 9 missile slots, one of which I've fitted with a Missile Machine, which lets me manufacture more missiles in mid-battle, so long as I have the raw materials to do so. Other equipment I have is the Missile Analyser, Auto ECM and Anti-Missile System, all of which helps keep (most, not all) missiles from being more than a nuisance, enabling me to focus on the task at hand.

All that said of course, yes, you can take on the tougher contract kills with the standard gear.. but you will need a fully Iron Assed ship to do so, and the tactics you use will play a big part in how successful you are.

You'll need to think like a Bounty Hunter. This isn't about a "fair" fight, this is a job you're doing, and you'll need to do everything you can to tip the odds in your favour. Certainly the other side will make full use of every advantage they have, and you, being heavily outnumbered, have to do the same. Fatleaf has already outlined his methodology, and it's fairly similar to my own.

The first thing to do, to improve the odds, is always arrive with a full tank (thanks Cody, for reminding me to add this to the original post!), because having sufficient injector fuel on hand is absolutely priceless. To do this, you'll need a witchspace cloud scanner, and when ready to jump to the target destination, loiter in the station Aegis, scanning witchclouds, until you find one going to your destination, then hitch a free lift with that ship. If you're unlucky, it may take an hour or more to get one going in the right direction.. I've sometimes waited almost 90 minutes for the free ride I needed. But hey, the first tool a hunter needs is patience, right?

Once in the system where my mark is located, I never use the Torus drive.. or even injectors until the dogfighting phase starts. I stalk my prey, and the last thing I want to do is blunder into the entire pack by accident. I constantly visually scan space all around me, hoping to spot the tell-tale signs of ships in formation before they come into scanner range. When I spot them, I try to creep up on them carefully, approaching from the rear, hoping to get just one or two ships on the scanner, so I can pick off the stragglers.

When I do, I'll snipe at them, trying to draw them away from the rest of the pack, chasing after me, so I can dispatch them without the rest even realising there's a problem (from what cim has posted elsewhere, this will be a lot harder to do from 1.82 onwards). After I've dealt with the ones that took the bait, I'll go back and repeat as many times as I can before the pack catches on.. usually you can only hope to do this once or twice, but 3 times is certainly possible as well.

Once the Boss is aware of my presence, it's game on! Inject into the pack and go hell-for-leather for the mark.. the others will try to keep you occupied/distracted so their boss can escape. You need to maintain focus on the job at hand.. you're not being paid to deal with the lackeys, so as much as possible, ignore them, except when you can't. This is where hardheads really come into play. If a lackey is becoming a nuisance, lob a hardhead at them, to keep them off your back while you attend to the Boss. If the Boss jumps out, so much the better.. follow them quickly enough, and you'll have several seconds to a minute or so where you can give them your undivided attention before the rest of the gang catches up.

Situational awareness is always necessary in combat, but doubly important on a RH job.. not only are you up against a whole pack of skilled opponents, but if you're doing well, you need to be alert to dirty tricks. High-value marks are known to sometimes carry Q-Bombs, and use them if necessary.. it's very easy to miss the taunt they give when they deploy one, or miss the marker on the scanner. Which is basically why I wrote the Q-Bomb Detector OXP.. it doesn't actually "detect" them.. the stock scanner already does that. What it does do, is sound an unmistakeable alarm, to let you know it's time to get out of dodge before all hell erupts. It's not foolproof, but it certainly increases your chances. If you play without any OXP equipment, you'll need to keep a close eye on the comms (yet another thing to do in an already hectic environment!), and have the scanner colours of a Q-Bomb burned into your brain. 5 seconds is not much time to react, and get some distance between it and you.

Good luck, and happy hunting, Commander!

Re: Random Hits OXP

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 6:33 pm
by ralph_hh
Whow. thanks for the interesting and detailed description. You scare me :-)
spara wrote:
Probably a lucky coincidence as there are no ordinary roles defined for ships in RH. Meaning they will not be spawned by the core game. Ships are spawned only around the SpaceBars and when there is a mission running.
Then again the question: Bug or Feature. It took me a while to pick up my first Mission. Before that, I freuquently encountered numerous ships from this OXP, such aus Cobra MK IV, Viper... Not in an Anarchy System, nowhere near a Space Bar. The guys are highly talented, shooting at me with Military lasers from 25miles out... And targeting far better than me. This gives the game a completely new difficulty, even out of the missions. Not sure yet, if I like it.... I did't plan to go for that Darwing Award :-)

A Suggestion so far: Besides that you are able to do some nice missions, the Wiki should mention, that this OXP makes the game a lot harder.

Re: Random Hits OXP

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 7:11 pm
by spara
Ok then. Which version of the oxp you have installed? From the wiki or from the expansion manager? Did you by chance install "Random Hits Shipset" from the manager?

Before we go any further, you should have
* Random Hits (from the manager)
* Random Hits Resources (from the manager)

These two should not add anything outside the missions. I can't find anything in these that would do that :( .

If you in addition have Random Hits Shipset (from the mananager) installed, you should get RH ships around the Ooniverse.

You're right, the wiki page needs an update. I'm just very lazy in that department :( . Then again, if someone wants to update the wiki page, that's fine by me :wink: .

Re: Random Hits OXP

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 10:11 pm
by ralph_hh
I went via the Wiki, the folder name tells me it's version 1.7.1, license file says 1.7
I've no idea, how I run a manager... never needed it so far ??

Re: Random Hits OXP

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 4:49 am
by spara
ralph_hh wrote:
I went via the Wiki, the folder name tells me it's version 1.7.1, license file says 1.7
I've no idea, how I run a manager... never needed it so far ??
Ok, that explains it. The current version of RH is 1.9.6, if I recall it correctly.

The manager refers to the in-game oxp manager that is part of the current Oolite version, 1.80, allowing you to download oxps directly from the game. If you're running Oolite 1.80, you can access the manager from the opening menu. What version of Oolite are you running?

Re: Random Hits OXP

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 9:58 pm
by ralph_hh
Ay, ok. I removed RH 1.7, opened the manager (which I found on the start page :-) ) and installed the latest version of RH. Now space is clear.

I still have the mission of 1.7 in my list, however I do not find that guy nor are there any RH ships on that planet. I guess I can forget that mission, no?
Does it affect my rating, if I "give up"? Or would it be better to work on the savefile then?

Re: Random Hits OXP

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 10:17 pm
by Fatleaf
ralph_hh wrote:
Ay, ok. I removed RH 1.7, opened the manager (which I found on the start page :-) ) and installed the latest version of RH. Now space is clear.

I still have the mission of 1.7 in my list, however I do not find that guy nor are there any RH ships on that planet. I guess I can forget that mission, no?
Does it affect my rating, if I "give up"? Or would it be better to work on the savefile then?
If you are doing one hit after the other then it can be quite safely dropped and another picked up without hurting your rating at all. You will soon be back to where you are now.

Re: Random Hits OXP

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 6:33 pm
by spara
A new version (1.9.7) is up. Both the main oxp and resources have been updated. SuperCobra has never looked this good thanks to CaptSolo 8) .

* Market works in Oolite 1.81
* SuperCobra update by CaptSolo
* Drake update by CaptSolo
* KW shader fix
* Shipdata cleaned of Oolite 1.81 standards warnings

Re: Random Hits OXP

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 9:07 am
by ralph_hh
Having installed this now via the Expansion Manager, is there any way to have a look at all those config files e.g. the ships data plist? Unlike the OXP in the Addon folder, the new one is packed into one file that is naturally not just plain text.

Is there a way to purchase one of the new ships anywhere? How? Or are these just meant for NPCs? (I saw the pitviper as a separate OXP, that's a nice option...)

Re: Random Hits OXP

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 9:11 am
by Smivs
The managed packs are just zipped OXPs but renamed with a .oxz extension, so to look inside change the .oxz to .zip, extract it and it will be in the familiar OXP format.

Re: Random Hits OXP

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 9:27 am
by ralph_hh
Ah, ok... And... does it work in the unpacked oxp format afterwards, so that one could tweak some data in the files?

Re: Random Hits OXP

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 9:30 am
by Smivs
Yes. Enclose all the files in a containing folder, give it a .oxp extension and put it in your AddOns folder just like any other OXP.

Re: Random Hits OXP

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 11:14 am
by spara
ralph_hh wrote:
Is there a way to purchase one of the new ships anywhere? How? Or are these just meant for NPCs? (I saw the pitviper as a separate OXP, that's a nice option...)
Ships shipped with this oxp are just for NPCs. You should be able to find almost all of them from separate OXPs, if you want look for a player version. SuperCobra is an exception as the separate OXP version has a very outdated model when compared to the RH version. Maybe CaptSolo, the maker of the RH SuperCobra, will make an update to the ship OXP at some point.

Re: Random Hits OXP

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 5:52 pm
by cim
Smivs wrote:
Yes. Enclose all the files in a containing folder, give it a .oxp extension and put it in your AddOns folder just like any other OXP.
The next Oolite version will let you press a button in the expansion manager to convert from OXZ to OXP, too.

Re: Random Hits OXP

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 6:23 pm
by Smivs
cim wrote:
The next Oolite version will let you press a button in the expansion manager to convert from OXZ to OXP, too.
That's an excellent idea :)