Science Fiction Trivia

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Re: Science Fiction Trivia

Post by Wildeblood »

spud42 wrote: Wed Mar 05, 2025 12:43 pm
oi!! what did i do to be penalised with a point??? lol
Looks like the chalice might be yours soon. Unless you can claim the immunity card.
"There are large, white swans, and there are small, black swans," he explained, "But there are no medium-sized swans, and there are no grey swans. The non-existence of grey swans mitigates against belief in Mr Darwin's theory."
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Re: Science Fiction Trivia

Post by spud42 »

well i got a cyclone due to cross my front lawn tomorrow morning so what the heck? i might as well answer.
George Orwell. 1984.

Arthur: OK. Leave this to me. I'm British. I know how to queue.
OR i could go with
Arthur Dent: I always said there was something fundamentally wrong with the universe.
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Re: Science Fiction Trivia

Post by Wildeblood »

I would have accepted films like Idiocracy, Colossus, Terminator, Slaughterbots as point-scoring answers.

It was supposed to be an instruction manual, not a warning:

The anti-example was, of course, Edward Luttwak's 1968 classic, Coup d'État: A Practical Handbook.

Over to you.
spud42 wrote: Thu Mar 06, 2025 11:43 am
well i got a cyclone due to cross my front lawn tomorrow morning...
Batten down the hatches, thoughts and prayers, etc. Let us know you're okay as soon as you can, please.
"There are large, white swans, and there are small, black swans," he explained, "But there are no medium-sized swans, and there are no grey swans. The non-existence of grey swans mitigates against belief in Mr Darwin's theory."
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Re: Science Fiction Trivia

Post by spud42 »

not my first rodeo... i survived cyclonr tracey darwin christmas 1974.... we just had the 50 year anniversary and lets just say the cyclone monument? memorial? display? whatever it is was an insult. looked like it had nothing to do with darwin or the cyclone... it looks like a tree fro "The Lorax"

ok give me a bit and i will dredge up a question....
Arthur: OK. Leave this to me. I'm British. I know how to queue.
OR i could go with
Arthur Dent: I always said there was something fundamentally wrong with the universe.
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Re: Science Fiction Trivia

Post by spud42 »

damp but alive. cyclone turned into an anticlimax for me but still dod a lot of damage elsewhere and a lot of flooding over a wide area.

no idea if this has been done before or if how long ago so the only thing i can think of to restart the trivia is.......

lets try for the usual 5 instances of nano technology being used biologically to enhance a beings ( doesent have to be human ) health or possibly offensive capabilities...

I remember reading something recently but i lisented to several hundred books in the last year while driving to and between jobs...

the usual rules only one per author etc... please provid proof as i will randomly check your homework....
Arthur: OK. Leave this to me. I'm British. I know how to queue.
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Re: Science Fiction Trivia

Post by Cholmondely »

L.E. Modesitt: Octagonal Raven pp21-23 (describes a superhuman tennis game):
Someone on the other side of the hedge spoke-in a low voice, not meant for us.
...There go the modern gods...
...the best genetics and nanites creds can buy...
...They're people.
...No... they're not. They can bend iron bars bare-handed. Could you have raised your racket before one of their serves went by you?
This is a running theme in many of his Sci Fi novels - the combination of gene manipulation and nanite technology to make people super-human.
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