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Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 5:21 pm
by Screet
Simon B wrote:
Then I realised that a military missile battery made more sense.

Maybe there could be a missile that hunts for a new target if it loses the first one?
That's what the military missiles do ;)

Once I had a ship fire some at me - and I don't remember wether I used ECM or cloak, but the missile thus went for the highest bounty target - which was the launching ship :twisted:


Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 5:52 pm
by ovvldc
Simon B wrote:
... here's the missile mounted under the wings of a sidewinder.
Looks nice. A bit threatening, but that is the point, I suppose.
Simon B wrote:
It does not matter if the missile is flourescent orange - you can track it in the IFF and the exhaust plume is a bit of a giveaway anyway. Have you ever seen a missile in flight in the game?
Very, very briefly..
Simon B wrote:
The missile gets grimy from excess fonhandling - aint you glad you asked?
No. Not really.. :D
Simon B wrote:
Whatever - everyone ends up like this:
... a lump of twisted hullmetal.
I prefer the really grimy version of that one. After all, that bit got terribly abused.. I suppose Griff's hot metal pieces didn't work for you then. Oh well, I am sure he has ideas for those..

Best wishes,

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 6:56 pm
by Micha
TBH, while they look gorgeous 'on paper', I'm not a fan of the grimy dark textures. Ok, +++ for 'realism', but --- for fun in the game. I ask myself what the point is in playing a game where everything is almost invisible?

Not that it matters me - I increase the lighting in my custom-built version of Oolite so I can see stuff :) Although I'm starting to suspect it's partially due to the rather ancient CRT I play on, as the same scene on the laptop is somewhat brighter.

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 7:36 pm
by Screet
Micha wrote:
Not that it matters me - I increase the lighting in my custom-built version of Oolite so I can see stuff :) Although I'm starting to suspect it's partially due to the rather ancient CRT I play on, as the same scene on the laptop is somewhat brighter.
Try to adjust your gamma correction in the graphics driver! That did wonders for me while I did use a CRT. I've had that same issue with several 3D games on the CRT...but with a TFT it's massively different. I typically run mine in the range of 0 to 30 percent brightness and don't need gamma adjustment anymore :D


Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 8:16 pm
by pagroove

I love the torpedo's on the last page. I can imagine a light flips on when fired indicating 'armed'. Nice

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 8:19 pm
by DaddyHoggy
Can I just clarify that in Oolite standard missiles are actually "hitiles" - they must actually hit you to cause any damage - is this not the case?

I'm not being pedantic but there is a difference and the ability to inflict damage upon a target are quite different.

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 9:21 pm
by Cmd. Cheyd
Couple of things:
I like the new missile design with the Blue on it. And yes, I have seen missiles in-flight in-game.

I recently purchased a Boa Class Cruise with Neolite / Neo-Companion installed, and the forward view is about 2/3rds obstructed on the top by the hull of the BCC. Literally, it comes far enough down to cover the target recticle completely. Is there an update?

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 1:56 am
by Simon B
Cmd. Cheyd wrote:
I recently purchased a Boa Class Cruise with Neolite / Neo-Companion installed, and the forward view is about 2/3rds obstructed on the top by the hull of the BCC. Literally, it comes far enough down to cover the target recticle completely. Is there an update?
... I'm glad you asked...

The boa class cruiser needs a number of modifications.
Open the shipdata.plist in a text editor.
Find the entry headed "boa-mk2-player" and "boa-mk2"

The following view_position lines (in the player entry) need to replace the existing ones:

Code: Select all

		view_position_aft = "0.0 16.0 -41.0";
		view_position_forward = "0.0 12.0 16.0";
(The entries are in alphabetical order so they are easy to find.)

To fix the specular, so that the skiff is as shiney as the rest of the hull, find the "shaders =" block in both the entries - it looks like this:

Code: Select all

		shaders =
			"boa2-neolite-default.png" =
				"vertex_shader" = "neolite-std.vs";
				"fragment_shader" = "neolite-std.fs";
				textures =
				uHullHeatLevel= "hullHeatLevel";
                >>>---> Insert new code here <---<<<
It needs another entry for the skiff. Put it in place of the "insert new code here" bit (JIC).

Code: Select all

			"boa2-skiff-neolite-default.png" =
				"vertex_shader" = "neolite-std.vs";
				"fragment_shader" = "neolite-std.fs";
				textures =
				uniforms =
					uColourMap = { type = texture; value = 0; };
					uFXMap = { type = texture; value = 1; };
					uNormalMap = { type = texture; value = 2; };
					SpecularRGB = { type = vector; value = "1.0 0.7 0.5 1.0";};
					uTime = "universalTime";
					uEngineLevel = "speedFactor";
					uHullHeatLevel= "hullHeatLevel";

Should look like this:
I'll have the oxp edition corrected by tonight.

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 2:58 am
by Simon B
ovvldc wrote:
I prefer the really grimy version of that one. After all, that bit got terribly abused.. I suppose Griff's hot metal pieces didn't work for you then. Oh well, I am sure he has ideas for those..
Best wishes,
Presumably you mean these:

... they go a bit far on the exciting detail - anyway, they show up my lack of skill ;)


I could have fun applying those shaders to this model though. Especially the discard command... I've been looking for a cheap way to put a hole in the shot-up metal.

It may also be a future project to use the scripts on models which look-like bits of neolite ships. A twisted bit of grill for eg. Maybe the odd bit of big wreckage could be scripted unique to a ship type so you get bits of anaconda when an anaconda blows up?

I suppose I could add a space-suited figure to the debris which, when scooped, registers as food and textiles?

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 5:35 am
by Thargoid
DaddyHoggy wrote:
Can I just clarify that in Oolite standard missiles are actually "hitiles" - they must actually hit you to cause any damage - is this not the case?

I'm not being pedantic but there is a difference and the ability to inflict damage upon a target are quite different.
They need to come within 25m, so they're nearmissiles ;)

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 6:27 am
by Simon B
I've been doing some tweaking:
... banner :D

Images are full - if this causes problems I'll edit for thumbs.

Anaconda - with mood lighting:
... the hull floods (big yellow bits) need to be less obviously painted on.

I'll get rid of the yellow - leaving one bright line at the top of the grooves, and a light glow where the light touches the hull.

Unfortunately, I didn't keep the layers so I have to redo from scratch. I did manage to get the normalmap to behave itself. As Griff comments - the issues occur when the map crosses the x-z plane (of the model). This means I need to make two normalmaps for the ship, one with x axis reversed, then cut and paste the appropriate bits.

... excessive normalmapping for the Ghavial. I decided to see what the croc skin looked like in 3D. What I need now is to put the decals only on the raised bits. Interestingly, this model did not have the x-z plane problems.

... Moray MED on a mission. In the background is the iso station sporting the Alien Hull skin. I have considered cutting the lines deeper so they show up at greater distances.

... Gecko sporting under-wing missiles.

... Sidewinder X loaded for bear.

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 6:41 am
by ovvldc
Simon B wrote:
Presumably you mean these:
No, I meant these:

But they might be a bit small.

Best wishes,

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 6:43 am
by Simon B
ovvldc wrote:
Simon B wrote:
Presumably you mean these:
No, I meant these:

But they might be a bit small.

Best wishes,
But... they're in the same set...

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 9:48 am
by Griff
:oops: i forgot to put that fridge in the oxp, i think i meant to go back and swap the childs drawing on the front door, it's a bit twisted and sad to have human stick figures, maybe it would be funny with octopus aliens or something?
excellent preview shots above simon, it's looking really really lovely!

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 9:50 am
by Screet
Griff wrote:
:oops: i forgot to put that fridge in the oxp, i think i meant to go back and swap the childs drawing on the front door, it's a bit twisted and sad to have human stick figures, maybe it would be funny with octopus aliens or something?
Laser Fried Trumbles!!! ;)
