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Re: Visited Oresrati yet?

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 9:21 pm
by Thargoid
Look in the scripting and equipment set-up for the naval energy unit for some hints ;)

Tech level 99 is a specific setting, and has special attributes.

Re: Visited Oresrati yet?

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2018 11:46 am
by Switeck
Fatleaf wrote: Tue Feb 15, 2011 7:02 pm
Commander McLane wrote:
Switeck wrote:
I found a way to get to Oresrati -- the bottom left system in Galaxy 8, although I must say it borders on the impossible even with fuel collector and max fuel tanks.
How? Since I've read this I've been misjumping back and forth between Biered and Ererso (which seem to me the two systems closest to Oresrati), but never managed to get closer than 7.6LY to Oresrati. Every other combination looks even less promising. So I wonder what I'm missing.

EDIT: Never mind, I made it! The whole routine is a little more complicated than I thought and doesn't involve Ererso, but a couple of other planets instead. Provided you somehow manage to have enough fuel, it opens up completely new possibilities, because now you can arrive on Oresrati with your Galactic Hyperdrive intact. :)
After reading the achievement of these two commanders I thought I would have to give it a go. And I made it 8)
I counted four jumps to get you in the right position and the fifth to get you there. :D
I have done it again!

I have discovered a way to get to Oresrati using 3 misjumps (percent-distance ones, not the typical 50% distance misjumps) followed by a regular jump.
This means I eliminated 1 misjump from my first method. (mentioned above)

Unfortunately, this is effectively impossible without a special auto-jumping OXP.
As far as I know, there's no available released OXP that can do this is only an "academic" discovery.

And whups! I'd discovered a DIFFERENT route before: ... re#p236190
...worse, I forgot to save those routes into my Wormhole maker OXP!

Re: Visited Oresrati yet?

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2018 1:50 pm
by Cody

Re: Visited Oresrati yet?

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2018 10:04 pm
by Switeck
I'm trying to cobble together pieces and ideas from Link7 OXP and One-Way Ticket To Oresrati well as my own very-much-a-cheat Wormhole maker OXP into 1-shot equipment to reach Oresrati and even cross the Great Rift in Galaxy Chart 7.
It will become damaged after each use and have to be repaired at a high tech level system -- maybe even TL14 and TL15 only!
The temptation to "abuse" such equipment will be limited when it costs at least 1,000 credits to repair it.

The equipment will be something the Galactic Navy uses...and it's only fair-and-proper you only get that if you're clean, have "sufficient" kills, and have already completed other tasks for the Gal. Navy.
This also means there needs to be Gal. Navy missions to utilize it. Expeditions to the "unreachable" systems, attacking into the "voids" to find Thargoid concentrations/staging zones, and pretty much any time the Gal. Navy has to fight in interstellar space ...just to have "insurance" (this equipment) to not get stuck there.

My current progress is a gutted-and-hacked One-Way Ticket To Oresrati OXP with no mission screens attached to it that costs a lot of energy (which can kill your ship if low!) and damages itself after 1 use...that can be used reach Oresrati or cross the Great Rift in Galaxy Chart 7 in multiple spots.
It can now do variable distance misjumps, and I even added the route to the unreachables in Gal. Chart 3 as part of a test to see if that does.

I STILL need to combine it with the mission menus from Link7 OXP (I'm not good at that!)...and change the plot a bit for a better fit.
MUCH work is needed to be done for this to be anywhere near complete!

Even Ditere in Galaxy Chart 3 is reachable using my Wormhole maker OXP: ... 71#p220171
(Note the post after that one about Oresrati...)
And incidentally, Galaxy Chart 3 already has a Galactic Navy mission which might imply the importance of such a route...

Re: Visited Oresrati yet?

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2018 10:51 pm
by Cody
One of the reasons I finally settled in the Seventh is the Great Rift - crossed it numerous times, but never tire of it.

What about Beanxeat and Qutius? Are they tough nuts to crack? Impossible?

Re: Visited Oresrati yet?

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2018 12:57 pm
by Switeck
The math to discover quickest misjump routes is insanely brutal: ... 02#p236024
...doubly so, if using with percentage misjumps: ... 02#p236058
It's mind-blowing hard. I've spent over half a decade working on this.
Even a 1% change in a single misjump's distance can make-or-break an attempted route to the unreachable systems in Galaxy Chart 3, due to their incredible sensitivity to initial conditions: ... conditions
Even when the 1% change doesn't ruin the route, it may be significantly faster or slower (by >1 hour) than before that 1% change.
In Galaxy Chart 1, a normal (50%-of-the-distance) misjump between Beti (#194) and Arraesso (#74) can let you reach Quorte (#247) directly above them in ~69.8 hours.
Reducing the initial misjump to less than 50% tends to be quicker.
A 40% misjump saves about 3.3 hours.
A 30% misjump saves about 4.2 hours more even than the 40% one!
A 20% misjump saves about 4.7 hours more than the 30% one.
A 10% misjump saves about 10.6 hours more than the 20%! (it's speeding up?!)
Even a tiny 1% misjump works and saves about 0.05 hours more than the 10% obviously it's the fastest and the additional time savings "levels off" the closer you get to this "perfect" value?
Except it isn't, the 9% one is quicker!
And the 8% one is ~5 hours slower than the 1%, 9%, and 10% ones.
That's the results of my Wormhole maker OXP actually DOING that route, not the results of the formulas I used.

There's a much simpler way to look at it, but it will only give approximations as a result so anything that's right on the edge is hard-to-call.
Get graph paper, plot the system locations on it and draw 7 LY (or rather 6.8 LY) circles around them and look for lines between nearby systems overlapping them.
The nearby systems have to be within ~13.6 LY (6.8 LY x 2) of each other and have other systems to "introduce" them to one another.
A further explanation of how that works is here: ... 75#p128864
...with a continuation of that being that a 7 LY circle around system 4 in both examples has to touch or overlap the lines between nearby systems or system 4 is unreachable using any combination or number of misjumps between systems 1-3.
Using this method, ALL the nearby systems appear to be too far apart to effectively misjump between them to get inside the 7 LY circles of Beanxeat and Qutius in Galaxy Chart 6.
The 2 other isolated systems in Galaxy Chart 6 are impossible as well, but at least with the added benefit that they don't look even remotely possible.

Re: Visited Oresrati yet?

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 4:41 pm
by rom
If you don't hack this game
The full spectrum of Nihilism
is in play.