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Re: Armoury OXP

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 10:44 pm
by spara
Looks like Armoury gave me freebie Target Autolock.

I was flying my Adder with no extra equipment installed, I had even sold my pulse laser away. Then suddenly when I lock target for id, the lollipop starts to flash in cyan/white. I dock and save. After checking the save-file, I find out that something has set missionVariables.targetAutolock to true. And the guilty one seems to be armoury_interdictorMine.js from Armoury. My guess is that a ship spawned with interdictorMine and the shipSpawned function first did this:

Code: Select all

		this.autolockFlag = "STOPPED";
		missionVariables.targetAutolock = null;
Then I enter witchspace and the script did this:

Code: Select all

		this.autolockFlag = "NULL";
		missionVariables.targetAutolock = "TRUE";
And as a result, I got nice free Target Autolock :D.

Re: Armoury OXP

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 8:34 am
by Thargoid
Hmm, can't have that. Will tweak it later.

Re: Armoury OXP

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 8:14 pm
by Thargoid
Yes, line 14 of the script needs to be changed from

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

if(worldScripts["targetAutolock"] && missionVariables.targetAutolock === "TRUE")
I've just uploaded v1.13 with the fix - download via the usual links below. Thanks for the heads-up.[/color]

Re: Armoury OXP

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 10:41 am
by DaveG
Minor bug report I've only just discovered - btw, I love my little thargons - is it normal to feel a little sad when I lose contact??!

Anyway - I've just bought a new ship - changed a Falcon for a Caddy (not sure whether to keep it!) and i lost my captured Thargon defense in the process. All fine, and I was prepared for purchasing new, but it wasn't on offer (at a TL14). Odd I htought - are they incompatible?

I checked the scripts and realised it was only offered if the number of robot fighters was 0 (makes sense) but when I lost my pylon mount, my save game wasn't updated to show I lost my thargons as well!

All fixed by setting the CT-thargon count key (or whatever it is) to 0, and then I could buy it.

Not sure if theres anything you can do about it, and it probably doesn't show up much!



Re: Armoury OXP

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 9:23 am
by Thargoid
Thanks - I'll fix that at the next OXP update. As you say it's a very specific case, but one that should be covered.

Not sure when that'll be though. Might have to think up a few more items to add to make a new release worthwhile.

Re: Armoury OXP

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 6:13 pm
by UK_Eliter
I think I too may have had that problem.

Re: Armoury OXP

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 5:04 pm
by Falcon777
Soooooo...I decided to try out the void bomb, just to give it a whirl. It didn't end up very pretty for me as even with military grade injectors and a ship that's a decent bit faster than the cobra mk III I still couldn't escape it's gravity pull. Is there any way there could be a timer on the thing where it doesn't detonate for a few seconds? Otherwise there's very little point in purchasing one.

Re: Armoury OXP

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 2:36 am
by Diziet Sma
Were you momentarily stationary when you deployed it? Because otherwise it will have the same vector and velocity as your ship at the time of triggering it.

The same thing can happen if you use a Quirium Mine.. it's rather embarrassing when you discover that the damn thing isn't where you thought you left it, and that it is, in fact, chasing you!

Re: Armoury OXP

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 9:51 am
by cim
Diziet Sma wrote:
The same thing can happen if you use a Quirium Mine.. it's rather embarrassing when you discover that the damn thing isn't where you thought you left it, and that it is, in fact, chasing you!
With sufficient practice that can be used to your advantage, of course: hit the injectors, deploy the mine, and then flip 180 and keep injecting as the mine goes sailing at high speed into whatever it was you wanted dead.

Re: Armoury OXP

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 8:55 pm
by Thargoid
Oh, and just for completeness (and to answer the original point made) - the void bomb does have a delay on it before triggering (randomly between 4-6 seconds in duration).

The exception being if it is hit by an ECM pulse, which has a 50% chance of triggering it immediately per pulse.

Re: Armoury OXP

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 10:30 pm
by Falcon777
Ah, I see. I'll try that tactic with the injectors next time then. Thanks! :)

(Maybe then I'll actually manage to capture those stupid thargoids without getting pummeled to death from their lasers because of my ship not going anywhere.)

Re: Armoury OXP

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 11:11 pm
by Thargoid
Falcon777 wrote:
(Maybe then I'll actually manage to capture those stupid thargoids without getting pummeled to death from their lasers because of my ship not going anywhere.)
Spoilsport - it saves us time not having to tenderise and then roast our dinner... :twisted:

Re: Armoury OXP

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 2:41 am
by Rese249er
Had a thought today and decided to let more experienced OXZ wriiters have a crack at it before I go hurting my brain trying to puzzle it out.
With Armoury OXP, we have a combat drone and an anti-Thargoid drone. I'm not sure what weaponry is installed on them, but is it possible one of you could mount a mining laser on one and have it crack rocks for me?
I don't want them to scoop the splinters, just crack the rocks. Although combining this with Cargo Shepherd has some interesting possibilities now that I think of it...
Anyway, thoughts appreciated and of course I'd be happy to playtest it. Right now I have the stable 1.80 release installed, but if using this drone means installing trunk, so be it.

Re: Armoury OXP

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 10:14 am
by Norby
Rese249er wrote:
mount a mining laser on one and have it crack rocks for me?
I don't want them to scoop the splinters, just crack the rocks.
Check this: [wiki]Miner_Pod_OXP[/wiki]. You still need to scoop the pod itself with the minerals, but if you really want to scoop all splinters severally then replace the word performCollect to "setStateTo: LOOK_FOR_ROCKS" (including quotation marks) in every .plist in the AIs subfolder. This will order the pod to break the next rock instead of collecting splinters.

Re: Armoury OXP

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 12:00 pm
by Rese249er
Great! But I seem to have lost my AddOns folder... Where is it with a 1.80 intall on Linux?