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Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 12:52 am
by Cody
That's a 'good' one, L0CI.

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 6:06 am
by Thargoid
L0CI wrote:
Launching from station Random I did my usual lolipop check (where's that Fugitive SuperCobra? etc) when I come across something I've not seen before. The scan reads something along the lines of "Orbital Platform (Hijacked): Fugitive". I figure I'm right next to the station so I'll have some help from the Vipers, I've just saved my game, what the hell how bad could it be?... FIRE!

Incoming missile... incoming missile... incom... inco... icomi... incom...incoming missile... issi...sile



No. Definitely not.

"Press Space Commander"
It's a planetary defense platform, so it ain't armed with a pulse laser ;)

There should have been some police around to help deal with it, although they may themselves have been dealt with... :twisted:

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 7:06 pm
by uua90
I've had a new commander for a few days, and the milk runs have only been able to bring me an ECM and a fuel scoop. Otherwise, it's just a pitiful pulse laser on the forward mount. Probably wasting too much time in those hoopy casinos...

At any rate, I ventured into an anarchy system to see if I could up my profits on a new trade route. With my under-gunned little Cobra I was very nervous. That is, until I saw a Python and several escorts on their way to the planet. Figuring there was safety in numbers, I eased up behind the formation and kicked back for the slow cruise to the station.

Next thing I know, that little alarm goes off and my scanner is full of red blocks. This evidently wasn't the usual civilian freighter.

Press Space Commander :roll:

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 10:23 pm
by DaddyHoggy
Quite often, sidling up to a perfect innocent trader and his escorts and tagging along is to make them very nervous and twitchy...

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 9:22 am
by UK_Eliter
Ah, well I have often thought that it should work like that (that is, proximity should trigger some reaction). But I fear it does not (except in one's imagination).

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 10:44 am
by DaddyHoggy
UK_Eliter wrote:
Ah, well I have often thought that it should work like that (that is, proximity should trigger some reaction). But I fear it does not (except in one's imagination).
But sidling up close and then accidentally targeting one - I'm pretty sure will generate a reaction...

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 11:45 am
by Killer Wolf
i've had escorts shift and reposition when i've strayed too close, never had one engage me tho.

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 11:59 am
by Smivs
Killer Wolf wrote:
i've had escorts shift and reposition when i've strayed too close, never had one engage me tho.
It's quite good fun bumping into them :) Escort dodgems.

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 6:04 pm
by Commander McLane
UK_Eliter wrote:
Ah, well I have often thought that it should work like that (that is, proximity should trigger some reaction). But I fear it does not (except in one's imagination).
While proximity does not prompt NPCs to attack or so, it will trigger an avoidance reaction. If you block a ship's way, it will change its course.

Or try tugs.oxp. You will get a lot of hilarious reactions if you get too close to a tugship. :wink:

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 12:42 pm
by uua90
I'm going to be posting in this thread way too often...

I was sitting at the witch space beacon waiting for a freighter to arrive so I could escort it to the station. Yes, I was in a generous mood this morning. An Anaconda with a large assortment of about ten Mk I Cobra escorts pops out of witch space and begins the trek. I follow behind. After a while I grew bored and was preparing to hit the injectors when-- what's this? A distress call from the Anaconda! Eight pirates descended upon the formation and began shooting. The escorts shot back. The air (or vacuum?) was thick with lasers and chains of missiles began dancing around me. I probably could have walked the planet if I wanted to, there were so many. Naturally I'm being bounced around like a tin can as lasers hit the hull from all sides, but I swoop into the fray regardless.

Within minutes, we had defeated the band of pirates. I had successfully landed five kills, including a spectacular one from long range.

Flush with victory, I hit the / key to cycle through my Advanced Space compass and get my bearings. I hear a loud bang. Debris flies past the forward window and my scanner is full of white blocks... I had hit the TAB key on the other side of the keyboard, releasing an energy bomb and killing the civilians i had fought so hard to save. :shock:

Still trying to shake the Fugitive status.

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 1:28 pm
by Gimi
uua90 wrote:
Flush with victory, I hit the / key to cycle through my Advanced Space compass and get my bearings. I hear a loud bang. Debris flies past the forward window and my scanner is full of white blocks... I had hit the TAB key on the other side of the keyboard, releasing an energy bomb and killing the civilians i had fought so hard to save. :shock:
Still trying to shake the Fugitive status.
Does wonders for your kill count though. However, [TAB] for energy bomb is one of the more annoying key placements in Oolite. :x
Would prefer it to be something like [Shift][Ctrl][Alt][Tab]. Would have saved my some grief in the past.

I know I can edit the key-file, but somehow I keep forgetting to (a) Backup my edits before a reinstall and (b) do the edits in the first place.

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 4:15 pm
by uua90
I ran into the usual group of pirates in Xeesle shipping lane. I had a shiny new Military Laser on the forward mount, and I was more than eager to use it. Guns and missiles blazing, I flew headfirst into the bandits, dispatching two in quick succession. The rest were closing the gap very quickly, and in my moment of glory, I neglected to take evasive maneuvers as early as I should have. I pulled up at the last second, and so did one of the bandits. Neither of us survived. Press space commander.

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 5:24 pm
by curtsibling
Extermination patrol today in my Caduceus Omega, decided to clean up one of the Anarchy systems in G1.

Launched from the station and soon got involved in a large rolling battle with 6 or seven pirates. With plasma
flak turrrets blazing I blasted them to hades. Last target was a Pirate-Python, I hit the ECM and vaped his
expected missile splurge - And while I was occupied with lining up my long-range shot, I never spotted the
last two missles that my ECM had missed, screaming in with microseconds to spare...Merciful Giles!

Moral of the tale? Even the mighty caddy cannot survive a double missile pounding...! :)

Press space commander...

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 4:24 am
by Fatleaf
curtsibling wrote:
I never spotted the last two missles that my ECM had missed
Have you tried the [wiki]Automatic_Chaff_System[/wiki]. I think this is one of the most useful bits of kit since the ECM.

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 12:18 pm
by Switeck
Fatleaf wrote:
Have you tried the [wiki]Automatic_Chaff_System[/wiki]. I think this is one of the most useful bits of kit since the ECM.
Just a shame such a cool toy is so buggy. :(