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Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 8:08 pm
by LittleBear
Yeah, they are effected by ECM, but not in the usual way. ECM scrambles their CPU, somtimes they keep comming at the ship they targeted orginally, somtimes they target a battlebot, somtimes they target another splinter missile! Griff did these and the BattleBots, but I did test them as part of the Assains projecet and I'm responsible for scripting them and they worked fine on my machine with all the OXPs installed! :?

I developed Assassins with every single OXP installed to try to avoid this type of problem! It works on the PC at least and I can't think why the Mac should have an OXP problem. Oh course we all know that the PC is the superiour machine.. :) :P

If you've killed the Control Drone then docking at the main station should make the next mission available to you (after a few hyperspace jumps in G7) and you should be able to contuinue to play the OXP. Odd though. I don't know why killing a battlebot should cause a problem, can only think that the MAC got upset with the splinter missiles! :wink:

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 8:34 pm
No bug problems found, only problem is RSI in my trigger finger!

Those battlebots are an awesome piece of work, you feel almost sadistic when you are shooting the legs off, but the way they spin and the flume exhaust effects are superb. Oh yes I got the control drone in the end, but only got a fleeting glimpse of it since I q-mined it, so If you have any screenshots of it, wouldn't mind a closer look, that looked pretty spectacular too.

Overall that was a really tough mision, if only I'd found out about the ECM putting them to sleep before I killed the drone....Waaaaaaaaaa.

When I originally saw the fees being rewarded for killing the mark, they looked very high, but they only just about cover all the repairs I've had done!

Off on the chase through witchspace now.

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 8:47 pm
by LittleBear
You'll have chances to see the (working) version of the Navy's ships at Geteve in due course and some of the Mad bots escaped. They'll be back (at systems within a 7 light year radius on the Atelete escape point)!

The Battle Bots are Griff's work! I just scripted them and made a few tweaks to the AI! The Assassins Guild was very much a joint effort! No one Commander could have done all this. As the Coder and Scripter, I was more like the director!

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 2:24 am
by MtKlima
This reminded me:
When I originally saw the fees being rewarded for killing the mark, they looked very high, but they only just about cover all the repairs I've had done!
One of the missions before this one (Battlebots), in the "Reward" Screen did not say that it took out the 10% for the Guild's cut. I think that it was the Special Ops one.
As for the superiority of Macs, I can't answer. It's the only type of machine that I have used since 1988. It is all I know, and it is an old friend.

For my stateside pals,
Oh course we all know that the PC is the superiour machine..
the extra 'u' in your language always makes me smile.


Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 9:29 am
by LittleBear
The Guild don't take a cut of the fee for killing Inspector Thorstan as this is a job for the Guild itself rather than a client. Sorry about my spelling!

Griff has suggested that it might be the ScanforRandomMercenmen in the Splinter's AI that causes the crash on the Mac. However, this is a pretty standard AI command (used by all the normal pirates in Oolite), so it would be strange that this should cause a problem (but only on the Mac).

If you are getting a crash when a battlebot dies, then could you edit the shipdata file. Search for Madbattlebot and remove the death_actions. You'll need to do this for the ship "Madbattlebot" and Madbattlebot2" as there are two versions. This will test whether it is the splinter missiles that are upseting the Mac. However, as MtKlima is not getting a crash with all the OXPs out, I guess it is an OXP clash of some kind.

Only this version of the Bots spwans splinters (the Military Bot and the Mark II BattleBot that you'll meet later on don't). If they are causing problems, then you can take the other OXPs out (just for this mission) and put the OXPs back in once you've been paid for killing the Control Drone.

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 6:44 pm
Have competed the duel with Sister Oren-ishii, or whatever her name is, or should I say was! and everything seems to be working fine, no bugs found. Again though didn't get a close look at the ship, had to get her from a distance.


Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 8:27 am

I've encountered a problem twice now, which either occurred on pausing and restarting, or in the last instance trying to get a screen shot.

The first time I paused just before hyperspacing and locked up on restart with a rainbow of pixels on the top half of the screen.

The second time I was in the Eszausve (HTF do you say that) system by chance and discovered the Twin gas giants, so being nosey set the taurus jump drive and went away for about 20 minutes, I was still travelling towards them after this but had seen enough, did a reciprocal course back and after about 25- 30 minutes saw that Eszausve's sun was a small white disc in tne centre of one of the gas giants so I tried to get a screen shot.

Here is the log

Code: Select all

2006-10-24 21:35:33.000 oolite.exe[1940] File NSUserDefaults.m: 544. In [NSUserDefaults +standardUserDefaults] Improper installation: No language locale found
2006-10-24 21:35:33.000 oolite.exe[1940] initialising SDL
2006-10-24 21:35:33.000 oolite.exe[1940] init: numSticks=0
2006-10-24 21:35:33.000 oolite.exe[1940] CREATING MODE LIST
2006-10-24 21:35:33.000 oolite.exe[1940] Unknown architecture, defaulting to 1024x768
2006-10-24 21:35:33.000 oolite.exe[1940] Added res 1440 x 900
2006-10-24 21:35:33.000 oolite.exe[1940] Added res 1360 x 768
2006-10-24 21:35:33.000 oolite.exe[1940] Added res 1280 x 1024
2006-10-24 21:35:33.000 oolite.exe[1940] Added res 1152 x 864
2006-10-24 21:35:33.000 oolite.exe[1940] Added res 1024 x 768
2006-10-24 21:35:33.000 oolite.exe[1940] Added res 800 x 600
2006-10-24 21:35:33.000 oolite.exe[1940] Added res 720 x 576
2006-10-24 21:35:33.000 oolite.exe[1940] Added res 640 x 480
2006-10-24 21:35:33.000 oolite.exe[1940] Added res 512 x 384
2006-10-24 21:35:33.000 oolite.exe[1940] Added res 400 x 300
2006-10-24 21:35:33.000 oolite.exe[1940] Added res 320 x 240
2006-10-24 21:35:33.000 oolite.exe[1940] drawRect calling initialiseGLWithSize
2006-10-24 21:35:33.000 oolite.exe[1940] Creating a new surface of 1440 x 834
2006-10-24 21:35:33.000 oolite.exe[1940] no universe, clearning surface
2006-10-24 21:35:33.000 oolite.exe[1940] don't know how to load entity '' id '-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN'
.:3: validity error : Validation failed: no DTD found !
<plist version="1.0">
2006-10-24 21:35:33.000 oolite.exe[1940] don't know how to load entity '' id '-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN'
.:3: validity error : Validation failed: no DTD found !
<plist version="1.0">
The last two lines were repeated 40 times.

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 8:32 am
Oops also meant to say that I've tried to replicate it but all seems to be working fine so praps it's my dodgy keyboord/fingers/brain control!

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 7:07 pm
by Davemak
OK I'm being a spas here but I cannot locate the hockey team at Tiared - been up and down and no sign.

Where am I supposed to be looking?

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 9:17 pm

You'll find him eventually near the ("station") click and drag your mouse between the brackets.

It's a busy place and may take several tries to locate him.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 11:32 am
by LittleBear
I'm switching over from AOL (as they suck) to blueyonder. Stupid AOL turned off by broadband yesterday, but I don't start with blueyonder until 7th November. Doh! I'll keep an eye on the posts when I'm in chambers until then.

Not sure why Oolite should have crashed at Ezuzuve, although maybe the two Gas Giants and the moon was a bit much for it. The Giants are really just to pretty the system up, although you can travel there if you like. As the problem hasn't re-occoured I guess it was a one off.

The hocky team start off about half way between the w/s beacon and the planet, but will head to the planet to start their tour. If you J jump or fuel injector from the beacon you should catch up with them, although if you take you time they may get to the Station. If you are really slow they'll dock and you'll miss them!

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 3:25 pm
by Davemak
TGHC wrote:

You'll find him eventually near the ("station") click and drag your mouse between the brackets.

It's a busy place and may take several tries to locate him.


Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 8:55 am
Well, in the midst of a major and spectacular battle between Mafia and Triad ships, I'm after the Triad boss at the moment, (mission 8 I think) he and his many cronies are in uber fighting ships, had 3 or 4 goes at getting him and still not got the blighter yet, looks like a combination of prolonged military laser, energy bomb and a preemptive hyperspace to avoid a dozen or so simultaneous ecm missiles launched at you when the energy bomb is triggered. This one is tricky!

I've had a couple of occasions whe the game seems to freeze immediately after launching, which can be corrected by pausing and restarting, but this maybe as LB said previously that there are so many objects etc being loaded it's just a temporary "hang", I'll just wait and see next time it happens, otherwise again no bugs found.

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 10:11 am
by LittleBear
Yeah, the ships are added when you enter the System, either from Hyperspace or from Launching. There is a lot going on in the System the Mafia control, so it takes Oolite a few seconds to add them all. E-bombing the Wasps is unwise as they respond by fireing off all their ECM hardened Missiles! Also you may well catch the Mafia Ships in the blast. Mind the MegaWeed!

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 3:12 pm
LittleBear wrote:
Also you may well catch the Mafia Ships in the blast. Mind the MegaWeed!
Hmmm methinks there is a deeper meaning to your wise words!!:wink: