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Re: [RELEASE] Towbar OXP v0.96

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 1:05 pm
by milinks
Norby wrote:
Towbar is a fixed hardware by default, if you buy it then always show in the aft view right when you undock, but there are two related option in Scripts/towbar.js:

Code: Select all

this.$TowbarFixed = true; //show towbar if no towed ship also, false works as retractable
this.$TowbarShow = true; //false change it to an invisible tractor beam
I think you will change the first to false.
Thats Brilliant :) Thanks Norby!

Re: [RELEASE] Towbar OXP v0.96

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 7:13 pm
by Bogatyr
Tried towbar in an Adder before I knew about the mass limitations. The tow attach failed, but the call for help message has kept on spamming me even after leaving that system.

Re: [RELEASE] Towbar OXP v0.97

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 8:24 pm
by Norby
Bogatyr wrote:
the call for help message has kept on spamming me even after leaving that system.
Thank you for the report, please update to the new Towbar v0.97 and you will get a mission failed message after you jump out from the system.

Re: [RELEASE] Towbar OXP v0.97

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2014 11:13 am
by Norby
My suggestions regarding SteveKing's darwin award:
-go to Interfaces (F4), select "Primable equipment" in Ship Systems, set Towbar as first fast activation (defensive) equipment, then just press the "Tab" key in the case of emergency release instead of rolling the primeable list with Shift+N (I tend to overroll the searched equipment if I run),
-buy Towbar Compatible Injectors as soon as you can afford it.

Re: [RELEASE] Towbar OXP v0.97

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 4:31 am
by SteveKing
Thanks Norby, at the time I knew that I could do all of those things, but in the heat of the moment, ie "pirates bearing down from 9 o'clock, red alert", it all went out of my head. Part of me when I'm playing hates the idea of pressing the pause button to 'consult the manual' - seems a bit like cheating. This way means hopefully I'll remember better the next time! :D

As posted in 'Tales...' I'm enjoying the oxp... and thanks for all the little tweaky oxp's you've created. they all seem to fit in someones ooniverse :)


Re: [RELEASE] Towbar OXP v0.97

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 5:31 pm
by Switeck
I seem to be missing an OXP to make this work correctly (Background Set OXP maybe?):

Code: Select all

12:16:09.750 [files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "bgs-i_equipship.png".
12:16:09.750 [script.javaScript.warning.ooliteDefined]: ----- JavaScript warning (towbarmissions 0.97): mission.runScreen(): texture "bgs-i_equipship.png" could not be found.
12:16:09.750 [script.javaScript.warning.ooliteDefined]:       C:\Oolite-Trunk/, line 150.
12:16:09.750 [script.javaScript.stackTrace]:  0 (towbarmissions.js:150) <anonymous function>
12:16:09.750 [script.javaScript.stackTrace]:     this: [Script "towbarmissions" version 0.97]
12:16:09.750 [script.javaScript.stackTrace]:     p: 1000
12:16:09.750 [script.javaScript.stackTrace]:     sh: 1
12:16:09.750 [script.javaScript.stackTrace]:     bg: undefined
12:16:09.750 [script.javaScript.stackTrace]:     datakey: "morayMED"
12:16:09.750 [script.javaScript.stackTrace]:     title: "First Aid Mission Successful"
12:16:09.750 [script.javaScript.stackTrace]:     mi: 0
12:16:09.750 [script.javaScript.stackTrace]:     msg: "Thank you very much! Now the kits help healing wounds in the hospital.\nHere is your reward: 1000 credits.\n\nThis is the 1. ship in your salvager carreer."
12:16:09.750 [script.javaScript.stackTrace]:     r: [Script "towbar" version 0.97]

Re: [RELEASE] Towbar OXP v0.98

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 6:36 pm
by Norby
Thanks for the report, fixed in v0.98:
-Player get score if force a pilot to eject.
-Small fixes for Oolite 1.81 and without BGS.

Re: [RELEASE] Towbar OXP v0.98

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 12:33 am
by Vincentz
There might be a bug when player already have escort deck when buying the towbar.
The first mission (Moray Medicical boat) will make the MM boat stick to Escortdeck instead of towbar, so when returning it have become an escort instead.

Re: [RELEASE] Towbar OXP v0.98

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 12:28 pm
by Norby
Vincentz wrote:
the MM boat stick to Escortdeck instead of towbar
Thanks for spotting, until fixed you can release from the deck (prime, select with mode key then activate) and approach the boat without target lock. In this way the deck will not pick up but towbar will.

Re: [RELEASE] Towbar OXP v0.98

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 9:52 pm
by Vincentz
Got another problem. I just bought the Towbar and went for the moray, but had forgotten I shouldnt target it, so I reloaded autosave, and mission is there on F5, and messages show, but ASC marker and ship is not there.

Re: [RELEASE] Towbar OXP v0.98

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 10:34 pm
by Norby
You can restart the mission if you change the value of TowbarMission1 to 0 in your .oolite-save file:

Code: Select all


Re: [RELEASE] Towbar OXP v0.98

Posted: Mon May 02, 2016 11:42 am
by Bogatyr
I can never scoop precious gems/platinum/gold containers that result from tug drone cargo dumping (the small "gel capsule" containers). They just bounce right off the first time I try to scoop them, then are destroyed on the 2nd attempt. The big multi-ton rectangular containers can be scooped OK (but leave "undefined" contents in the remainder containers if it all can't fit in your cargo bay).

Re: [RELEASE] Towbar OXP v0.98

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 11:28 am
by Cmd Northgate
I'm really enjoying Towbar it's a great addition to Oolite.

I did notice when you tow a ship and pickup a parcel, their is normally some text saying something like Rucksack (6.find) needs delivering

Or say documents (4.find) needs delivering

I'm on version .98.

Re: [RELEASE] Towbar OXP v0.98

Posted: Thu May 26, 2016 11:17 am
by Norby
Bogatyr: I can scoop the capsules with valuables. When I look the process in external view it seems these very small items move faster than normal barrels during scooping, so I think if your ship is small then easy to miss the first half of the hull, as described here. In the next version I will raise the density of "small-cargo1", maybe help.

Cmd Northgate: I think you mean (x.find) should not be displayed. This is the serial number of parcels what you found in derelict ships but I accept that the text looks better without this so I will remove, thanks.

Re: [RELEASE] Towbar OXP v0.98

Posted: Thu May 26, 2016 1:33 pm
by Cmd Northgate
Norby wrote:
Bogatyr: I can scoop the capsules with valuables. When I look the process in external view it seems these very small items move faster than normal barrels during scooping, so I think if your ship is small then easy to miss the first half of the hull, as described here. In the next version I will raise the density of "small-cargo1", maybe help.

Cmd Northgate: I think you mean (x.find) should not be displayed. This is the serial number of parcels what you found in derelict ships but I accept that the text looks better without this so I will remove, thanks.
Hi, awesome!
Last night I recovered a few more ships, it's a very satisfying and rewarding achievement. Lots of pirates blown up in the attack, two of which flew into each other! Ended up with three derelict ships, so towed back the Boa 2 Class Cruiser to the station.
It's a great OXP!