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Re: Beta OXPs for Trunk 1.77

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 5:42 am
by Rese249er
Regarding our earlier Military Spotter discussion:
Thargoid wrote:
...Cargo and rocks I can excuse, but some of the lovely models we have now would be spoilt too much I think hidden in a glow.

But if others want to run with it (subject to the code-adjustment needed if borrowed from CS by its license) then that's fine with me.
I have developed a counter to the cosmetic aspect, at least. Place the visual effect directly BEHIND the target from the player's point of view.
If anyone else can run with this, I'd love to see it. Barring that, I'm thinking on modifying the target reticle through OXP if I can.

Re: Beta OXPs for Trunk 1.77

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 3:26 pm
by Thargoid
Diziet Sma wrote:
Almost forgot.. quick report on the Tracker Cam. Marvellous bit of kit. Only one gripe though..

The camera is locked to the ship's "up" orientation. This causes the camera to twist/rotate at odd times as it attempts to reorient itself. To see this in action try watching yourself perform a barrel-roll or a loop. If the camera could be de-coupled from the ship's orientation, the results would be much more cinematic.
OK, just for you, and at considerable cost to my sanity and the texture of my brain - TrackerCam OXP v1.01 is now uploaded with such a de-coupling. It no longer performs the barrel-roll and should be entirely independent of the ship orientation.

Now I expect to see a lot more cinematic epics on OoTube to keep me occupied whilst I unscramble my head from all those quaternions and frames of reference.

Re: Beta OXPs for Trunk 1.77

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 4:30 pm
by Diziet Sma
Your dedication to finding a solution is deeply appreciated, good sir.. I hope your sanity and grey matter recover quickly.

I do plan producing some videos using your new camera, although I can't vouch for the quality at this point.. while my graphics card is ok, CPU-wise this machine is somewhat constricted. In a few weeks, I hope to start building a dedicated gaming box.. once that's done, we shall see.. :D

Re: Beta OXPs for Trunk 1.77

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 12:14 am
by Lestradae
Either I am not getting something or commodities markets does clash with hypercargo - I can no longer get to my HC screen via F5 F5 F8 as I then always get the CM screen.

Or am I overlooking something how these are supposed to play together?



Re: Beta OXPs for Trunk 1.77

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 7:44 pm
by Thargoid
I'm planning on tweaking HyperCargo to be accessed via the F4 screen when docked, but haven't got around to it yet. The issue you're seeing is basically that both OXPs now pop up mission screens when entering the marketplace and in this case CM is winning.

Re: Beta OXPs for Trunk 1.77

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 8:10 pm
by Lestradae
Ah ok, get it. Very much looking forwards to the next hypercargo version in that case :wink:

Re: Beta OXPs for Trunk 1.77

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 8:43 pm
by Thargoid
Tracker Cam OXP is now up to v1.02 to incorporate Cim's new trunk code for quaternion conjugation. Both v1.01 and v1.02 work fine, but 1.02 should be a little more optimised but will need a current version of trunk (r5527 or above at least).

Will look at Hypercargo next.

Re: Beta OXPs for Trunk 1.77

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 9:34 pm
by Thargoid
And Hypercargo v1.10 is now up, which allows access to the system via the Interface (F4) screen whilst docked when using Oolite 1.77. For stations where the Commodities Market OXP is active, this is the only route to access the Hypercargo system.

The new version will work under 1.76.1, but the modification will not be active (as the interface screen doesn't exist there) so the upgrade won't actually do anything there.

Re: Beta OXPs for Trunk 1.77

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 9:48 pm
by Lestradae
Wow, that was fast! :shock:


Re: Beta OXPs for Trunk 1.77

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 9:55 pm
by Thargoid
Some minor tweaks to the beta for Aquatics (now 2.30c) to set some exhaust lengths/positions better based on the recent trunk tweaks there.

Re: Beta OXPs for Trunk 1.77

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 8:37 am
by Thargoid
For people who downloaded Aquatics 2.30c - an improvement may be to change lines 983-990 in shipdata.plist to

Code: Select all

		exhaust = ( 
			"195 0.0 -340 32  32 2.0",
			"255 0.0 -340 32  32 2.0",
			"30 0.0 -340 32 32 2.0",
			"-30 0.0 -340 32 32 2.0",
			"-195 0.0 -340 32 32 2.0",
			"-255 0.0 -340 32 32 2.0"
It'll fix the exhaust leakage on the Hammerhead now that their backing has been put back in (the line in the current file has 57 32 rather than 32 32). But no sense in a 10Mb download to fix one file line...[/color]

Re: Beta OXPs for Trunk 1.77

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 9:31 pm
by pagroove
Hi Thargoid,

Tested the Wildships Beta. It's stays on my HD from now on.

Q: Do you plan on station specific markets or missions via the Station Interfaces of 1.77?

I imagine that the Manufacturing stations or Research stations have some specific modules you can enter (they are so big) and it would be awesome if they give specific (random created) delivery contracts and feature their own mini-economy. Maybe combined with a new version of New Cargo's.

Anyway well done.

Re: Beta OXPs for Trunk 1.77

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 10:16 pm
by Thargoid
I've had something in the back of my mind for a while now (a corporation-based mission style OXP) but it certainly won't be realised before 1.77 comes out, and perhaps for a fair while longer than that.

I'm still pondering ideas for the sub-missions etc for it and how it can be made a little different from the standard courier/rendezvous/kill-target style of mission that we have done by a few existing OXPs. There are some ideas there, but nothing yet that I'm fully happy with.

If it does happen, it may use the Kiota stations as a base, or maybe something different or even both.

Re: Beta OXPs for Trunk 1.77

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 10:27 am
by Richard-H

with 1.77 r5555 and Planetfall v1.51a i can not land every try it ends with a crash in the planet
and also with the old version v1.50 ( oldversion on 1.76.1 works )
nothing in the latestlog

can you confirm this

edit 1
after looking at my old logs this is what i found
15:21:00.301 [Ships Log]: Cobra Courier Approaches surface of the moon Arriesen
15:21:02.811 [Ships Log]: System Info - Ship has docked at Moon of Arriesen - Mine - Arriesen

with 1.77 r5555 i do not see the " Approaches surface of the xxxxxx " in my logs
it could be that the even handler is not working

Re: Beta OXPs for Trunk 1.77

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 3:18 pm
by JazHaz
Thargoid wrote:
What's the difference between the name packs?

Are the old Planetfall addons compatible with the beta of Planetfall? I only use Planetfall Taxi v1.11 though.