Not saying we should, just saying that there ARE technologies out there that provide good applications without needing to use databasesmaik wrote:The point is moot, we do not start from scratch but want to carry over what we have.
Granted, there are a few more hoops in the setup stages, but the ultimate goal of this exercise is ease of maintainability in the long term.maik wrote:Yes, it is more simple. It just seems that gpEasy requires a few more hoops to jump through to get a copy of the current design. Something like textpattern does not place restrictions on the design.
Apologies, that may have read more harshly than it was intended. I honestly don't think that the forum should be moved, as it is the hub of Oolite activity and has been for years. It has also been published in several magazines and articles. Unless, of course, Giles thinks otherwise...maik wrote:It's not "if I get my way". The current forum runs on phpBB3 which needs a database. I thought one idea was to centralize web site + wiki + forum to have fewer required maintainers (as well as making the website more accessible).
I disagree. Every database I have ever used has had "unexplained" outages both small and large. I have lost data (sometimes entire databases) to unforeseen circumstances. And this is both privately and commercially and with different service providers. No ISP will guarantee 100% uptime or 100% reliability because such a thing doesn't exist.maik wrote:True. The risk of a DB falling over is relatively small though.
I don't understand that first statement. By definition, if a database is being used by a website then it HAS to be accessible from the internet. How would anyone other than you be able to administer it? Whether or not it's remote access, myPhpAdmin (shudder) or some other MySQL client, the database must be accessible in some way, and thus by definition vulnerable. I couldn't comment on HOW vulnerable, as I'm not a hacker and don't know about the tools of the trade...maik wrote:The DB on my site is only accessible from the same machine, not over the internet. The more frequently used web applications are all reasonably secured against SQL injection attacks and malicious file uploading and/or respond to security issues relatively quickly. Add to this that only people from the community can actually upload files. Anyways, I feel relatively good about my server but of course would be happy to learn about holes in its security.
It can be done relatively simply but will take time to do that I don't have alone. That was, I understand, your initial issue: the amount of time and effort it would take to move content. can be moved in an hour, and I can modify certain themes to remove headers and allow the use of the fancy header from the site. The wiki could be ported to pmWiki relatively easily but would again take time to export then re-import and move files across. Again, time that I don't have on my own. The forum I wouldn't want to move, to be honest. As I said, has been the game's home since its inception and I don't think it would be right to move it. My focus for this topic was consolidation of the wiki and main site.maik wrote:Edit to add: go ahead and make database-less copies of, the wiki, and the bb. You will have my undying appreciation if you manage this without losing anything and keeping the same design and I will rest my case.
I think the main issue here is we are looking at the situation from different perspectives. I think the best option is taking more time in the migration to make the hosting strategy easier to maintain in the future, whilst you are taking the angle of getting it done quickly. Yes, from that perspective your options are better, but IF something bad happens in the future (missing admins, disaster, hacking, blah blah) then more time and effort could be needed to resolve those problems due to the multi-tier approach, and I worry that there are more entry points for problems.