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Re: [Test RELEASE:] Interstellar Tweak OXP

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 7:46 pm
by UK_Eliter

I'm struggling a bit to understand that (though I'm sure it makes sense). But I've done something similar, and it works. What I do is check, when the later event fires, not only that the timer for the earlier one is not running (if it were running, that would mean that the earlier event had not even started), but also, via a boolean variable, whether that earlier stuff finished. If it has not finished, then I reschedule the new stuff for a bit later.

But, in fact, I'm not sure that the timers were causing the crashes. At any event - and having changed various other things (to do with checking what ships existed and removing ships) - there are no crashes now, and - inevitably? - I'm fiddling with other stuff. Or rather, I've done that fiddling, and am now testing.

In short, it is very nearly ready. But - again - anyone on a mac on Linux? Actually, Murphy, what OS are you using, please?

Re: [Test RELEASE:] Interstellar Tweak OXP

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 10:40 pm
by UK_Eliter
Right: I was all set to release version 1.0, (un)safe in the knowledge that there'd be a few glitches - but I've spend way too much time on this already - and then I discover that the thing crashed to desktop. I'll uploaded it anyway (same link as before) and I'll see if it works better with the latest trunk.

Edit: argh! It still crashes!

Later edit: OK, it seems to work. I've released it. Please see this thread: