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Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 11:06 am
by Thargoid
DaddyHoggy wrote:
Looks good Thargoid - any thoughts on the earlier suggestion that ships with turrets die inside the Fuel Station?
The station doesn't actively or purposefully do anything against turrets, and it seems that by simply removing them the ships themselves work fine with the station. And from the reports of similar issues with such ships and bug structures in Cataclysm, it sounds to me like a code-bug with the player turrets set-up themselves.

So I've registered it as a bug on Berlios so one of the clever people can look into it from the code-side.

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 12:09 pm
by Screet
DeepSpace wrote:
HEADS UP!!! Jesus he nearly took my nose cone off!! :shock:
He actually DID, it appears! Have a closer look at your image - his exhaust is within your cockpit :shock:


Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 12:17 pm
by Screet
Stromboli wrote:
I've got an idea for making a line of communist/soviet themed ships, cheap, rugged and somewhat bulky craft. I might work on the texture some more, but I wanted some general design input on whether or not I should continue.
Yes, please! I actually like the look of that ship...but then I also did like the original russian sights for my heavily modded Sheridan VM 68 8)

Ahhh....and don't forget: currently, the biggest ship with a name indicating that it's for fighting appears to be the ixian battle cruiser (it doesn't appear to be a big fighter, but just big in size). Maybe the commies did learn from the past....but if they did not, there would be some sort of tzar cruiser which probably would dwarf a generation ship (while actually being similar useless in battle).


Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 12:49 pm
by Stromboli
I'd love to make an enormous soviet tzar dreadnought!

I'll see what I can do.

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 1:52 pm
by DeepSpace
@ Screet.. ha ha no thats because the HUD is 'Holographic' and transparent :wink:

Also here's a pic of my almost finished Coriollis Station re-texture.. enjoy :)



Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 2:22 pm
by Screet
DeepSpace wrote:
@ Screet.. ha ha no thats because the HUD is 'Holographic' and transparent :wink:
I understood so for the scanner, while I thought that the cased "instruments" would be real hardware. However, the exhaust is also visible over them. IIRC it's possible to determine the transparency of the hud regions - in that case the scanner could be left transparent while the real instruments are not. I believe that would massively enhance the feel of it!

Concerning the stations textures, maybe I did not get you right, but it sounds to me that you tried to place new textures on a coriolis and they also came up on a dodo?

If so...that surely would not have to be the case, as I've seen different types of coriolis which do not use the same textures as the dodo. Dodos are not that common, as they are linked to higher tech worlds and those can also have other types of special high tech stations, especially if oxp's are added.

However, I sometimes have an ati driver bug that applies the same texture to anything, from asteroids via ships to stations...


Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 2:29 pm
by DeepSpace
Yeah Its because I'm just dropping new textures over the standard textures. I've had a look at the .dat files for the models and they state the textures used. A simple fix is the alter the entries in Dodecs texture list ;) I think. At the end I'll probably create a Deepspace Ships OXP that would leave the original Oolite ships and textures intact.

As for the HUD, I was toying with making the 'monitors' solid (I do agree they'd look better that way) and apparently there's a command that lets you do that. I did try it and all it did was make the monitor images vanish completely. :( So I decided to go with the 'holographic' take for now, til I suss out what went wrong :)

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 2:31 pm
by Griff
Amazing work!
It's possible to swap different texture maps onto models using 'materials', here's a copy of the built in dodo station from oolite's shipdata.plist with a 'materials' entry already in it:

Code: Select all

"dodecahedron-station" =
		ai_type = "stationAI.plist";
		cargo_type = "CARGO_NOT_CARGO";
		energy_recharge_rate = 100;
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_NONE";
		frangible = 0;
		has_ecm = yes;
		has_escape_pod = no;
		has_scoop = no;
	/* The built in Dodo uses 3 different texture maps
	   Use 'materials' to swap these for your new one(s)
	materials = 
        "bottom_metal.png" = { diffuse_map = "my-new-texture-map.png"; };
        "back_metal.png" = { diffuse_map = "my-new-texture-map.png"; };		
        "left_metal.png" = { diffuse_map = "my-new-texture-map.png"; };		
		max_energy = 25000;
		max_flight_pitch = 8;
		max_flight_roll = 8;
		max_flight_speed = 0;
		missiles = 0;
		model = "new-dodo.dat";
		name = "Dodecahedron Station";
		port_radius = 392;
		roles = "dodo dodec dodecahedron station oolite-dodecahedron-station";
		rotating = yes;
		subentities =
			"dock-flat 0 0 392 1 0 0 1",
			"*FLASHER* 0 92 360 60.0 1 -0.50 12",
			"*FLASHER* 0 92 315 75.0 1 -0.60 12",
			"*FLASHER* 0 92 270 90.0 1 -0.70 12",
			"*FLASHER* 0 92 225 105.0 1 -0.80 12",
			"*FLASHER* 0 92 180 120.0 1 -0.90 12",
			"*FLASHER* 0 -92 360 60.0 1 -0.50 12",
			"*FLASHER* 0 -92 315 75.0 1 -0.60 12",
			"*FLASHER* 0 -92 270 90.0 1 -0.70 12",
			"*FLASHER* 0 -92 225 105.0 1 -0.80 12",
			"*FLASHER* 0 -92 180 120.0 1 -0.90 12",
			"*FLASHER* 0 -16 144 30.0 1 0.5 12",
			"*FLASHER* 0 16 144 30.0 1 0.5 12",
			"*FLASHER* 16 0 144 30.0 1 0.0 12",
			"*FLASHER* -16 0 144 30.0 1 0.0 12"
		thrust = 100;
		weapon_energy = 0;
It looks like the built in dodo model "new-dodo.dat" uses 3 different texture maps, the materials code allows you to swap them for new maps - in the example above they are all being swapped for the same new texture called "my-new-texture-map.png". Save the above code into the shipdata.plist file inside your deepspace.oxp

you could do the same for the coriolis like this:

Code: Select all

	"coriolis-station" =
		ai_type = "stationAI.plist";
		cargo_type = "CARGO_NOT_CARGO";
		energy_recharge_rate = 100;
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_NONE";
		frangible = 0;
		has_ecm = yes;
		has_escape_pod = no;
		has_scoop = no;
// Use 'materials' to swap the default textures for a new one
	materials = 
        "back_metal.png" = { diffuse_map = "my-new-coriolis-texture-map.png"; };
        "bottom_metal.png" = { diffuse_map = "my-new-coriolis-texture-map.png"; };		
		max_energy = 25000;
		max_flight_pitch = 8;
		max_flight_roll = 8;
		max_flight_speed = 0;
		missiles = 0;
		model = "new_coriolis.dat";
		name = "Coriolis Station";
		port_radius = 500;
		roles = "coriolis station oolite-coriolis-station";
		rotating = yes;
		subentities =
			"dock-flat 0 0 500 1 0 0 1",	// rotated 90 degrees
			"arc-detail 0 0 0 1 0 0 0",
			"arc-detail 0 0 0 1 0 0 1",
			"arc-detail 0 0 0 0 0 0 1",
			"arc-detail 0 0 0 1 0 0 -1",
			"*FLASHER* 0 92 475 60.0 1 -0.50 12",
			"*FLASHER* 0 92 425 75.0 1 -0.60 12",
			"*FLASHER* 0 92 375 90.0 1 -0.70 12",
			"*FLASHER* 0 92 325 105.0 1 -0.80 12",
			"*FLASHER* 0 92 275 120.0 1 -0.90 12",
			"*FLASHER* 0 -92 475 60.0 1 -0.50 12",
			"*FLASHER* 0 -92 425 75.0 1 -0.60 12",
			"*FLASHER* 0 -92 375 90.0 1 -0.70 12",
			"*FLASHER* 0 -92 325 105.0 1 -0.80 12",
			"*FLASHER* 0 -92 275 120.0 1 -0.90 12",
			"*FLASHER* 0 -16 252 30.0 1 0.5 12",
			"*FLASHER* 0 16 252 30.0 1 0.5 12",
			"*FLASHER* 16 0 252 30.0 1 0.0 12",
			"*FLASHER* -16 0 252 30.0 1 0.0 12"
		thrust = 100;
		weapon_energy = 0;

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 2:34 pm
by DeepSpace
AWESOME 8) That is way cool thanks.

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 2:40 pm
by Ark
DeepSpace wrote:
@ Screet.. ha ha no thats because the HUD is 'Holographic' and transparent :wink:

Also here's a pic of my almost finished Coriollis Station re-texture.. enjoy :)


This reminds me the gritty coriolis. An update of this oxp with shaders maybe?

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 7:48 pm
by Frame
DeepSpace wrote:
AWESOME 8) That is way cool thanks.
Lovely HUD DeepSpace..

And the little thing with the space compass.. creative...

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 1:16 pm
by Tivva
Sainsboory's in all its glory (nice pacman chase at midships)


Docked fine first time (for whoever asked the question a few pages ago)
No probs trading...
Sorry can't remember who asked..

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 1:20 pm
by DeepSpace
@ Frame The space compass thing is not my idea, it was taken from another OXP actually. I liked it, so I kept it in mine. Thanks for comments, but the credit for that innovation ;) isn't mine.
I originally found that in the Medusa HUD OXP, dunno if it originated there or whether that was taken from another OXP too before it. I think its been through a few hands now :lol:

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 1:26 pm
by Star Gazer
@ Tivva - that is truly splendid - although it did confuse me for a moment, being sideways!!

I particularly like the parody on their slogan!! Probably lost on colonial friends and strangers!

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 1:43 pm
by DaddyHoggy
@Star Gazer - Doc thought of the slogan and he's from Denmark (in RL(tm)) - all I did was "reimagine" it as a two-frame flasher version for the new Constore. And for Tescoo Oxpress I replaced my original YAH slogan for one suggested by Gogz69 - it's been an excellent team effort this one (and I've just noticed that Pangloss used NooCearso Brown Ale and The Oone Account in the glow ads) - oh and the Coriolis Preservation Society is mine too - the station in the ad rotates but because the constore also rotates it's quite difficult to see the full effect.... :lol: Griff's Pacman adring and billboard are brill though and Pangloss did a brill job on all the glow ads too. Like I said, real team effort!