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Re: David Braben's Elite: Dangerous

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 4:56 pm
by AnnuverScotinExile
I appear to be Commander Chuck Schwammerl (long story).

Re: David Braben's Elite: Dangerous

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 5:18 pm
by Gimi
JazHaz wrote:
My Commander JazHaz has been approved. Still got cogs against my NPC name though. Has anyone got theirs approved yet?
Nope, NPC name yet to be approved. Ashley is still working on them, expected to be finished with the first round tomorrow from what I understand.

Re: David Braben's Elite: Dangerous

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 5:45 pm
by Zieman

If you encounter Commander Zieman in E: D, it will be me 8).

My NPC name is also approved :).

Re: David Braben's Elite: Dangerous

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 5:49 pm
by Zieman
El Viejo wrote:
Mine was disapproved, so I wish whoever grabbed it first all the best!
You're taking this too well. Or is it just a deception... Beware namestealer-Cody!

On a serious note, whoever took the name must have seen that you are Cody in Frontier Forums, so taking it is just plain rude. Unless his real name happens to be Cody...

So, shall we see El Viejo in the E: D universe?

Re: David Braben's Elite: Dangerous

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 5:55 pm
by Selezen
NPC name "Selezen" approved, so I will be in YOUR space too!

Buy me a beer on the right side of Riedquat if you see me.

Re: David Braben's Elite: Dangerous

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 6:18 pm
by Cody
Zieman wrote:
You're taking this too well. Or is it just a deception... Beware namestealer-Cody!
I don't give a monkey's cojones! Yes, it would have been nice to use my ancient and honourable commander name, but I knew I was way down the list.
But whoever it was that grabbed it had better be bloody worthy of such a distinguished name! Unlikely, I'd say!
Zieman wrote:
So, shall we see El Viejo in the E: D universe?
After reading that forum for the last month, I'll stick to single-player mode, I think. You won't be seeing me as EV... anywhere!

Re: David Braben's Elite: Dangerous

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 6:25 pm
by Gimi
El Viejo wrote:
Zieman wrote:
You're taking this too well. Or is it just a deception... Beware namestealer-Cody!
I don't give a monkey's cojones! Yes, it would have been nice to use my ancient and honourable commander name, but I knew I was way down the list.
But whoever it was that grabbed it had better be bloody worthy of such a distinguished name! Unlikely, I'd say!
Zieman wrote:
So, shall we see El Viejo in the E: D universe?
After reading that forum for the last month, I'll stick to single-player mode, I think. You won't be seeing me as EV... anywhere!
Remember there are also player groups. Most players will probably never see Cdr Gimi, people from this BB might though.
So, before throwing in that particular towel, please give multi player in groups a go.

Re: David Braben's Elite: Dangerous

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 6:45 pm
by Tricky
Also went with the boring but predictable submission of Commander Tricky.

NPC name is my full real name and has been accepted: Richard Thomas Harrison

Re: David Braben's Elite: Dangerous

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 6:46 pm
by Zieman
Gimi wrote:
Remember there are also player groups. Most players will probably never see Cdr Gimi, people from this BB might though.
So, before throwing in that particular towel, please give multi player in groups a go.
I agree. I think it would be cool to have a bunch of Ooliteers to launch a "serious" expedition together, co-operating to get as far as possible beyond the frontier.

Re: David Braben's Elite: Dangerous

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 6:50 pm
by Cody
Zieman wrote:
I think it would be cool to have a bunch of Ooliteers to launch a "serious" expedition together, co-operating to get as far as possible beyond the frontier.
That could tempt me, I'll admit... but I gotta work my way up from a Sidewinder first (whatever a Sidewinder is in that game).

Re: David Braben's Elite: Dangerous

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 6:51 pm
by Tricky
The reasons 99% of names were rejected...
Universal Reasons
Non UTF-8 characters used
Use of Elite/Frontier names (Jameson, Elite, Braben, etc)

Commander names
Including titles or ranks

NPC names
Numbers and specific special-characters
Potential IP violations

Space stations & planet names

Jameson names
Including Jameson in your name

Re: David Braben's Elite: Dangerous

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 6:59 pm
by Cody
Tricky wrote:
The reasons 99% of names were rejected...
They should have added 'silliness' or 'stupidity' to the proscribed list of name-types.

Re: David Braben's Elite: Dangerous

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 7:02 pm
by Tricky
El Viejo wrote:
Tricky wrote:
The reasons 99% of names were rejected...
They should have added 'silliness' or 'stupidity' to the proscribed list of name-types.
Wouldn't surprise me if Cmdr Silliness or Cmdr Stupidity were submitted. :wink:

Re: David Braben's Elite: Dangerous

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 10:16 pm
by xzanfr
I've got my commander name (xzanfr) accepted which isn't much of a surprise! In fact I'd have been more surprised if it was rejected as it's a spelling mistake that I'm pretty sure no one else would want it.
I also got the NPC character name of "Edwards & son" accepted - which represents my dad teaching me to play elite back in the day on our borrowed BBC B.

I'm not sure if its just me but I find the frontier forums a bit daunting - I'm well used to forums from both the lurker to an admin (from all manner of stuf like X2 and Lego), but they just feel really unfriendly over there. I know that there is quite some time till the game gets going, and I'll probably get to know people more, but right now I don't want to play multiplayer with anyone. It's actually bringing me down a bit about the game (however I've just made deadly on oolite which has numbed the blow a little :D )

Re: David Braben's Elite: Dangerous

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 10:28 pm
by Zieman
There are so many (over-)excited people around the Frontier forums. Even so, the place feels pretty friendly to me, compared to some other corners of the Net.