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Re: Her Imperial Majesty's Space Navy

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 9:21 am
by Pleb
I think that sounds great to me, I agree that this is the best idea. :D

Re: Her Imperial Majesty's Space Navy

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 9:45 am
by Smivs
Yes, that sounds good to me as well.
I think we'll have to try various shades of blue in-game to see what works - I can see much darker just looking black!

Re: Her Imperial Majesty's Space Navy

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 9:48 am
by Gimi
Smivs wrote:
Yes, that sounds good to me as well.
I think we'll have to try various shades of blue in-game to see what works - I can see much darker just looking black!
Agree, but if you look at the screen shot posted by keeper, I think that blue looks a little too bright.

Re: Her Imperial Majesty's Space Navy

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 9:55 am
by Disembodied
Sounds (and looks) good to me!

Re: Her Imperial Majesty's Space Navy

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 12:22 pm
by spara
Overall great looking stuff. This is just a nitpick, but that last one makes me think of snow flakes. Probably because the overall shape of the flaming sun is quite hexagonal. A circle in the middle might help.

Something like this perhaps?

Re: Her Imperial Majesty's Space Navy

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 12:37 pm
by Pleb
spara wrote:
Overall great looking stuff. This is just a nitpick, but that last one makes me think of snow flakes. Probably because the overall shape of the flaming sun is quite hexagonal. A circle in the middle might help.

Something like this perhaps?
I think that looks more like a snowflake to me, but I'm not very good with this artsy stuff! :lol:

Re: Her Imperial Majesty's Space Navy

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 12:51 pm
by Thargoid
Looks more like a bullet hole to me.

Re: Her Imperial Majesty's Space Navy

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 1:07 pm
by Cody
I still think the black background enhances the gold star better. I like the Omega logo a lot - more than star or planet.

Re: Her Imperial Majesty's Space Navy

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 1:19 pm
by Pleb
Maybe we should just use these two:
Gimi wrote:
HIMSN Intelligence services will have a white "Omega" on a black background.
HIMSN Regular Navy will have a white ringed planet on a blue background.
And forget about the star one? That way most stations could carry the regular logo (blue with planet) but certain secret installations could carry the intelligence logo (black with omega)?

Re: Her Imperial Majesty's Space Navy

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 3:23 pm
by Thargoid
I'd stick with the original star design, maybe make it a bit less symmetric. But I'd disagree with Spara's thought about adding the disc, and indeed about it looking like a snowflake. Also if it's for the stations it can be more detailed than the shipboard ones as it will need to be much bigger anyway to be visible from any distance.

Re: Her Imperial Majesty's Space Navy

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 5:19 pm
by spara
You're right Thargoid. With disc it indeed looks like a bullet hole. As a whole it would then look like a sherif star :lol: . Maybe it's the size. When printed on a station it might look different. Maybe more round flaming would do the trick. I'm no artist so I'm just throwing in opinions. I'll be happy with anything you guys come up with. Keep up the good work.

Re: Her Imperial Majesty's Space Navy

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 9:37 pm
by Pleb
Okay, I've finally managed to produce a test AI script along the lines of what cim suggested previously. I've removed the cruiser from the OXZ and I have also implemented the Boa CC as the missile corvette, the Anaconda as the logistics transport, the Constrictor as a spec ops recon and another as a heavy fighter/patrol (but neither will appear until after completing Constrictor Hunt and Thargoid Plans), and also if the player is hostile to the Navy there is a slight chance of being hunted down by spec ops Asps.

The test AI has only been applied to the patrol that will launch from the station when approaching it (providing you've completed Constrictor Hunt and Thargoid Plans). It will then launch to a nearby system (and I've tested so that if you get to its destination before it does it will arrive shortly after) and there it will either patrol this system or escort a logistics transport through the system. Once it's mission is complete it will return to it's home system and return to base. I've also implemented that if you happen to be in its home system roughly when it should have finished it's mission then you will see the patrol return, sometimes with all escorts, sometimes with some, sometimes with none!

Also Navy ships will only go after Thargoids and those that attack it now, but fugitives that approach the station will be considered hostile. I've also moved the stations so that they are a bit nearer to the sun and further away from the witch point, as they were a bit too near before.

So ideally I would like someone (or a few people) to try out this test AI script, by following the patrol that launches from the navy stations when you approach (but remember you must have completed the Constrictor Hunt and Thargoid Plans missions first). At the moment they will only perform a patrol mission or an escort mission, but this can later be expanded to other duties. Also only the patrols that launch from the navy station when the player approaches the navy station have this new test AI. The rest are using the same AI script as before, with just a few adjustments.

Download Test OXZ

Re: Her Imperial Majesty's Space Navy

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 10:37 pm
by Cody
All good so far! I followed an Asp +4 from Zaeredre to Inmaarxe, where they hooked-up with an Anaconda +4, which I am now happily following (albeit a little slowly) in-system. I'm sticking close at ~2km, and the antics of the Asp +4 are entertaining. I'd swear the Asp has buzzed me a few times.

Re: Her Imperial Majesty's Space Navy

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 10:43 pm
by Pleb
Glad to see there aren't any initial problems. Defining some new missions for the patrol might be the next step, providing there aren't any major errors or bugs to quash! :)

Re: Her Imperial Majesty's Space Navy

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 11:00 pm
by Cody
Yeah, a pretty good first patrol. From Inmaarxe, they jumped to Entexe, then to and fro between Entexe and Bian. Then the Asp +4 (which were always hanging back a little) went their own way, and I jumped to Anbedi. Do all the jump-capable Navy ships carry a max of 7ly of witchspace fuel, btw?