Here is why I love escort missions most of all and why I never take anything for granted in this game.
It's also the story of how I became Competent and the first (and only) time I engaged during a furball.
This may or may not be a common occurrence for veteran escort pilots, but for me it was an epic moment and another example of why this game always delivers a consistently awesome and varied experience... and usually one you failed to plan for.
The other thing I ought to mention is I have furballs set to almost never happen in most systems, even in anarchies they are relatively rare and they literally
never happen in corporates, so for me the thought of a furball while escorting never even came up... I failed to plan for it.
My big rule for escort missions these days is never
ever leave Mother when she says
"oh we're in the Aegis, you can head off to the pub now, I'll catch up, mine's a lager."
You stick to her like glue right up to the bay (and never get clearance ahead of the Mother) and until
you get paid, then and only then is the contract really complete.
This game can and
will spring stuff that you never planned for, exactly at moments when you really don't need any surprises.
I became this paranoid after I was almost docked on an escort job and yep, you guessed it, a massive furball let loose (and I'm already at the buoy, with clearance... on autopilot).
...and naturally my paycheck decides to get a piece of the action, cue mad scramble to cancel docking and defend Mother from all comers while also keeping my own behind in one piece (and just hoping she, or indeed I, didn't hit a cop). Luckily she was a pretty chunky (both pretty and chunky) Python and no question she was doing better than me at some points (I had to limp off behind the station to recharge several times).
After it was over and the scanner was full of purples mopping up (funny how they always manage to arrive after the fact) I had to spend quite a bit of time actually finding the Mother (I was convinced she'd somehow been destroyed without my knowledge and the misssion was glitched), I finally found her at the edge of the aegis acting weird and on course to evidently nowhere, once she was finally back on track I formed up and stuck close until she was in the bay and done.
As I recall I had multiple equipment failures, no fuel, no missiles and my ships cat was dead, repairs took all of my fee and plenty more (plus 500cr for a new cat) but at that point I was just happy to have gotten through it.
No cops damaged (thank goodness for that! >.>) and enough kills to make me Competent and bulk out my trophy list considerably.
Worth every credit.
On retrospect if I had more experience I'd have smelled trouble with the sudden (yet somehow still subtle) upsurge in aegis traffic instead of gawking at all the suddenly outbound ships thinking "ooh busy day, that's nice."
I don't think there was really anything else I could have done in that situation other than fight tooth and claw, stick close to the Mother and pray it ended soon.
I panicked no question, I owe more to luck than skill that day, I was taken utterly by surprise (by this point in the contract I was eating pastries and drinking coffee) but dammit Jim, I did it.
If it happens again I'll focus less on shooting everything that moves and more on tracking any hits to Mother and keeping her within the radius of my ECM. She didn't have one or was unwilling to use it and the missiles were the big threat I think.
I've never had a repeat (other mental things sure but not this level of raw mayhem), there were other smaller moments that occurred within the big picture of the battle like this outrageously smart Fer De Lance that I'm sure is the cause of my weird anxiety about facing them in combat (that thing has a profile so small it's like trying to hit a pencil) but that's the gist of my favorite... "incident of note", to date.
I took it pretty classy tbh, just sipped my coffee, had a smoke, didn't punch the air and say "YUS!" for at least 2 minutes.
Lol, even telling this story has my heart going 100 miles an hour again.
I really love this game, no other game does this kind of stuff in this way and that's due I think to oxps, escorts and furballs combined in a perfect way at that precise moment to deliver pure win.