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Re: Random Hits OXP

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 10:36 pm
by LittleBear
Added an edit. Fly towards the station rather than the planet. You're paths should cross. If you reach the station, flip over and fly back towards the Witchspace beacon. Not all marks are aggressive, so you need to check each contact. Not all will make themselves know by attacking, the may just keep flying normally like a trader when you come across them.

Re: Random Hits OXP

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 10:50 pm
by hayden
LittleBear wrote:
Added an edit. Fly towards the station rather than the planet. You're paths should cross. If you reach the station, flip over and fly back towards the Witchspace beacon. Not all marks are aggressive, so you need to check each contact. Not all will make themselves know by attacking, the may just keep flying normally like a trader when you come across them.

That was the key, inputting the Witchspace beacon and got him on the way back, only that way can you be sure of being directly on the corridor between the beacon and the S/S. Thanks, got 'im :)

Re: Random Hits OXP

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 2:46 pm
by Fatleaf
I spend a bit of my non mission time across the great rift in the seventh octant. But with Random Hits not allowing hits in cut off systems it is a bit annoying. With the number of systems across the rift how hard would it be to allow hits in that area?

Re: Random Hits OXP

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 3:29 pm
by Eric Walch
Fatleaf wrote:
I spend a bit of my non mission time across the great rift in the seventh octant. But with Random Hits not allowing hits in cut off systems it is a bit annoying. With the number of systems across the rift how hard would it be to allow hits in that area?
No idea what you mean. I never tested this but now I did: There are 3 anarchy systems in that isolated corner at the bottom left. There I get normal missions. For some reason most go to the Onteised system, but I also get plenty of other target systems.

When somebody noticed that the hit descriptions are no longer very random with 1.75.3, than that is correct. On faster computers you should get more than 3 missions, but the 4th looks very much the same as the 1st. I fixed that problem for 1.74 by adding a random number of string expansions before creating the missions. But because that was a waste of cpu cycles, I added code to stop doing that with 1.75. At that time I assumed the problem would be fixed in 1.75. But not :oops: However, it is fixed in trunk, so on the next Oolite release the descriptions will be fully random again. And this time without the idle string expansions.

Re: Random Hits OXP

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 4:07 pm
by Fatleaf
I always get this screen when across the rift. But I get offered hits as per normal the other side!


Re: Random Hits OXP

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 4:22 pm
by Eric Walch
It could be that you are running RH version of 1.4.10 or older. When that version examines a system on the other side of a rift, this message did appear. It was due to a code change in Oolite as the system selection near a rift did work correct on Oolite 1.74. With 1.4.11 of random hits this should not happen. Although system selection might take a bit longer near the rift as some of the random selected systems have to be rejected as unreachable and the code has to search longer.

Together with above message, you got a message in the log that the random hits code was cut-off by the time-limiter.

Re: Random Hits OXP

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 4:26 pm
by Fatleaf
I was running RH version of 1.4.10. :oops: That answers that! I will need to check more regularly for updates for all my AddOns!

Thanks Eric. :D

EDIT: I see it is up to version 1.4.12 now!

Re: Random Hits OXP

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 4:39 am
by Fatleaf
Another observation with the ranking system. I have been a Great One for a while now and it keeps scrolling through the first bit of the ranks. I was a Vicious Great One, I am now a Newly Appointed Great One! Is there any chance for it to stop scrolling once the player has reached the Greatest rank?

Re: Random Hits OXP

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 5:17 pm
by sdrubble
Fatleaf wrote:
Another observation with the ranking system. I have been a Great One for a while now and it keeps scrolling through the first bit of the ranks. I was a Vicious Great One, I am now a Newly Appointed Great One! Is there any chance for it to stop scrolling once the player has reached the Greatest rank?
IIRC from the readme, you can't just earn your rank and sit on your laurels, you should keep 'honoring' it continuously (with ever more contracts) lest it starts to degrade over time. :twisted:

Just like Warhol's '15 minutes of fame for everybody' - you can't be the Greatest forever (unless you keep working hard forever)... :mrgreen:

Re: Random Hits OXP

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 5:42 am
by Fatleaf
I found this in a log while testing something and thought I should report it,

03:30:14.620 [oolite-random-hits-mark]: Mark was killed by: [PlayerShip "Caduceus Omega" position: (-5272.77, -72457.7, 315284) scanClass: CLASS_PLAYER status: STATUS_IN_FLIGHT] Because of: energy damage. Last recorded hit: PLAYER_ATTACK
03:30:14.623 [ai.unpermittedMethod]: Handler "ENTER" for state "GLOBAL" in AI "randomhitstimebombAI.plist" uses "commsMessageByUnpilotted:", which is not a permitted AI method.

Hope it helps.

Re: Random Hits OXP

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 8:58 am
by Eric Walch
Fatleaf wrote:

Code: Select all

Handler "ENTER" for state "GLOBAL" in AI "randomhitstimebombAI.plist" uses "commsMessageByUnpilotted:", which is not a permitted AI method.
Hope it helps.
It helps, schould have been "commsMessageByUnpiloted:" And in the last release (1.4.12) it was already fixed. Its non critical as you now only miss the warning about an imminent explosion.

With non-critical I look from the side of the code. For the player this info could be vital information of cause. :P

Re: Random Hits OXP

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 9:15 am
by Fatleaf
Eric Walch wrote:
And in the last release (1.4.12) it was already fixed.
Well that's odd as I am using 1.4.12!

Re: Random Hits OXP

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 10:57 am
by Staer9
I'm having some problems with this OXP, I've used it on 3 computers, on one everything was as normal, on another there where bars in every anarcy, and on another there where no bars (really, I searched the entire galaxy). all are the same version of both random hits and oolite, all show that the populator is running (in the log at least). the only difference is that the computer that refuses to spawn bars only has simple shader support and the other two have full shader support.

Re: Random Hits OXP

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 7:14 pm
by Eric Walch
Fatleaf wrote:
Eric Walch wrote:
And in the last release (1.4.12) it was already fixed.
Well that's odd as I am using 1.4.12!
Its in my version 1.4.12 :P Apparently I noticed only after the release and it will be in a future 1.4.13 release. :lol:

Re: Random Hits OXP

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 9:22 pm
by sdrubble
Eric Walch wrote:
And in the last release (1.4.12)...
Well, 1.4.12 seems to have been a "hidden" release. :shock:

While I have just downloaded 1.4.12, I noticed that the Wiki text still states '1.4.11' :roll: ... and I didn't see the post announcing 1.4.12. Deleted post perhaps? :mrgreen:

Cheers :lol: