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Re: The Feudal States

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 4:40 pm
by JazHaz
I just downloaded v1.16.2 and found that the pdf with the details of the various houses in it, is missing. Luckily I still had an older version available and copied it over. I think if Ramirez is still around, he should update the archive.

Re: The Feudal States

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 8:49 am
by Ramirez
Actually I had kept the pdf and the OXP dowload separate because for some reason the pdf kept clocking in at 6MB and I wanted to keep the OXP package small. You can still get the pdf from the readme link on the website.

Feudal States ships!

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 4:09 pm
by Sir Greumach
I love this OXP! But it would be infinitely better if I could get my hands on those Feudal ships? Is it possible that you could make them player available in an update? I want to fly a Jager with the house crest on it! Regards, Sir Greumach of Oneded.

Re: The Feudal States

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 8:43 pm
by Bogatyr
I'm really liking this too -- the Hunting Lodge is quite a nice money maker. Does every Feudal system have a hunting lodge or just some? I can't seem to find one in every feudal system.

Re: The Feudal States

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 8:56 pm
by CommRLock78
Bogatyr wrote:
....Does every Feudal system have a hunting lodge or just some? I can't seem to find one in every feudal system.
I had that problem at one point, before I learned how to use the advanced space compass (press '\' ;)) - it will be marked as an 'F'. Every Feudal system should have a Hunting Lodge, IIRC.

Re: The Feudal States

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 9:13 pm
by cim
Bogatyr wrote:
I'm really liking this too -- the Hunting Lodge is quite a nice money maker. Does every Feudal system have a hunting lodge or just some? I can't seem to find one in every feudal system.
Only those Feudal systems which are "members of the Feudal States" have a lodge. Generally that's the richer ones, but the PDF readme linked from [wiki]Feudal_States[/wiki] has a full list on page 9 onwards.

Re: The Feudal States

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 9:23 pm
by CommRLock78
cim wrote:
Bogatyr wrote:
I'm really liking this too -- the Hunting Lodge is quite a nice money maker. Does every Feudal system have a hunting lodge or just some? I can't seem to find one in every feudal system.
Only those Feudal systems which are "members of the Feudal States" have a lodge. Generally that's the richer ones, but the PDF readme linked from [wiki]Feudal_States[/wiki] has a full list on page 9 onwards.
I stand corrected. Sorry about that Bogatyr.

Re: The Feudal States

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2014 2:42 pm
by Ramirez
Hiya, not been Ooliting for a long while but glad to hear commanders are still enjoying this OXP. Yeah I chose the feudal houses by taking a cut of the most high tech systems for each galaxy, but check the readme for the full list.

Re: The Feudal States

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 1:57 am
by Sarin
I've played around this a bit...if I might suggest:

The entry for challenges. There should be levels, requiring suffucient amount of opponents defeated and elite ranking. It makes no sense for an Elite fighter with 3000 kills to accept challenge from mr. Harmless Jameson. But this is exactly what can happen...after all, nearest Hunting Lodge, Aronar, isn't far from one of milk runs of G1. And if you get military laser, injectors, 10k in cash and just to be safe, shield enhancement to make sure you survive the initial headon, and you can farm the lodge for 100k per match. That reminds shouldn't get 1000% of bet, no matter the odds. After all, it's just AI. Give it 500% max.

Ironically, I found the Freiherr most difficult opponent, just because they're frustratingly fast and agile, and trying to keep one in crosshairs is quite a problem...I gave up in my one match after several minutes when I could score perhaps 1/4 of my mil laser hits, and when it shown no sign of damage while I had to pause to give my hand and joystick a rest...both started creaking.The supposedly best Prinz class are easy...injector past them, cut throttle, and watch them fly in circles around you as they're being cup up by your military laser.

Re: The Feudal States

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 12:02 pm
by Lone_Wolf

in 1.77+ oolite gives npc ships without an accuracy setting (like the feudal ships) a random accuracy between -5 and +5 .

Check [wiki]OXP_NPC_Combat_AI[/wiki], the freiherr that gave you a frustrating experience probably got a high number and the Prinz a low number.

I've done many challenge fights, and with a fully hard-assed cobra (no cloaking, but everything else) i lost 8 of 10 fights against the prinz types.
Their dual lasers make a lot of difference.

The odds are calculated like this :

Code: Select all

missionVariables.feudal_challenger_odds = Math.round(this.feudalChallengerRating*100/(50*player.ship.maxSpeed*player.ship.maxEnergy*player.ship.thrust*player.ship.missileCapacity))/100
As soon as you go to a ship stronger then a cobra MK III, the 10:1 odds become very rare.

Re: The Feudal States

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 2:17 pm
by Sarin
Strange, I'm running 1.80 and the Prinz are a pushover. I guess it's about tactics...

The duel starts at some ~5 km distance, so if you hit injectors the moment he goes hostile, the Prinz won't have time to land significant damage before you get to close range. And AI isn't smart enough to cut throttle for turning, and doesn't have injectors, so the speed and turning advantage of Prinz compared to Cobby III mean nothing.

Misleading Message

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 5:44 pm
by davcefai
If I overcook an opponent, when I dock again I am told that (s)he was too strong for me and I have lost my stake. Should this not be a ticking off for playing too rough?

Re: The Feudal States

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 12:59 am
by gsagostinho
As much as I love the Feudal States OXP, I think that the Royal Hunting Lodges are quite broken right now. First time I arrived there, I was with my quite well equipped Cobra Mk. III but had only around 12.000 Cr with me. When I saw the opportunity of duelling with someone and the odds were 10:1, I just couldn't resist: I would go completely broke if I lost (and actually it was a bit long time since I had previously saved), but if I won I would go over 100.000 Cr! So that's what I did. The first duel was obviously tense, and I won. But then I kept duelling and duelling (and only when the odds were greater than 8:1 in my favour) and now I have almost 1.000.000 Cr!

On top of that, some of the combats were completely broken. Sometimes I would come from behind and the enemy ship would simply keep flying forwards, getting constantly hit by my lasers. When that happens, even if I try to get it out of this pattern it always came back to the same position. But even when the combat went normally, it was just plain easy! (or maybe I am too good 8) - no really, it was really easy!). Out of 11 combats, I lost only a single one.

Right now I feel almost ashamed of my new fortune, but not enough to edit it out of my save game.

What do you guys think about it? Have you also exploited the Royal Hunting Lodges?


Re: The Feudal States

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 1:19 am
by Layne
gsagostinho wrote:
On top of that, some of the combats were completely broken. Sometimes I would come from behind and the enemy ship would simply keep flying forwards, getting constantly hit by my lasers. When that happens, even if I try to get it out of this pattern it always came back to the same position. But even when the combat went normally, it was just plain easy! (or maybe I am too good 8) - no really, it was really easy!). Out of 11 combats, I lost only a single one.
This is one of two reasons I no longer use this OXP. (The other is its reliance on Planetfall oxp to get the scripted missions, which is an annoyance.) Yes, the hunting lodges are seriously out of balance, and it's far too easy to parlay a few hundred credits into a few million overnight. Even against the strongest opponents they offer, there's very little challenge to the combat. It's a pity-- the /idea/ of jousting with other ships is a wonderful one. I made a few attempts to untangle the scripting to lower the maximum betting to reduce the potential rewards to a small fraction of the current value (Instead of payouts of 100,000 credits, I'd cut them to 'gentlemen's wagers' of perhaps 100 credits at the most.) but my scripting skills weren't up to the task. 100,000 credits is way out of line for a completely non-lethal combat.

Re: The Feudal States

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 1:23 am
by gsagostinho
Layne wrote:
100,000 credits is way out of line for a completely non-lethal combat.
I'd say a 2:1 as a maximum would be good. If you look at betting pay offs for professional sports for instance, very rarely the odds go beyond 2:1 even when a very strong opponent plays a very weak one. This, together with a much tougher opponent, would make a fairly nice combination.