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Trunk nightly

For test results, bug reports, announcements of new builds etc.

Moderators: winston, another_commander, Getafix

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Re: Trunk nightly

Post by Norby »

I think the previous BGS with the broken download link should not be shown within the game below the new working one.

The installation of my Ambiences pack is not working, I guess due to the double BGS.
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Re: Trunk nightly

Post by jh145 »

On 1.82.6516:

Code: Select all

AL lib: (WW) alc_initconfig: Failed to initialize backend "pulse"
bt_audio_service_open: connect() failed: Connection refused (111)
bt_audio_service_open: connect() failed: Connection refused (111)
bt_audio_service_open: connect() failed: Connection refused (111)
bt_audio_service_open: connect() failed: Connection refused (111)
*** Error in `./': double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x0000000005b32a20 ***
Aborted (core dumped)

Erk. It looks like Oolite-trunk died with an error. When making an error
report, please copy + paste the log above into the report.

(Press Ctrl-C to continue)
Only ever seen the "double free or corruption" error this once and can't reproduce it. (I get the preceding five lines all the time, to no obviously bad effect, though.) Probably a transient hardware glitch, but reporting here just in case not.
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Re: Trunk nightly

Post by Getafix »

Could you post the Latest.log, please?

EDIT: ...what is this 1.82.6516?!? :?
"Any sufficiently advanced information is indistinguishable from noise." [Newman, Lachmann, Moore]
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Re: Trunk nightly

Post by Cody »

Got this lot just now:

Code: Select all

00:16:30.998 [script.javaScript.timeLimit]: ***** ERROR: Script "(nil)" ran for 0.167848 seconds and has been terminated.
00:16:30.998 [script.javaScript.stackTrace]:  0 (ingame-manual.js:878) <anonymous function>
00:16:30.998 [script.javaScript.stackTrace]:     this: [Script "Ships Library" version 0.8]
00:16:30.998 [script.javaScript.stackTrace]:     chapternum: 0
00:16:30.998 [script.javaScript.stackTrace]:     i: 1
00:16:30.998 [script.javaScript.stackTrace]:     params: {...}
00:16:30.998 [script.javaScript.stackTrace]:     chapter: {...}
00:16:30.998 [script.javaScript.stackTrace]:  1 (ingame-manual.js:797) <anonymous function>
00:16:30.998 [script.javaScript.stackTrace]:     this: [Script "Ships Library" version 0.8]
00:16:30.998 [script.javaScript.stackTrace]:     chapternum: 0
00:16:30.998 [script.javaScript.stackTrace]:     block: undefined
00:16:30.998 [script.javaScript.stackTrace]:     offset: undefined
00:16:30.998 [script.javaScript.stackTrace]:     fulltext: undefined
00:16:30.998 [script.javaScript.stackTrace]:     chapter: {...}
00:16:30.998 [script.javaScript.stackTrace]:  2 (ingame-manual.js:777) <anonymous function>
00:16:30.998 [script.javaScript.stackTrace]:     this: [Script "Ships Library" version 0.8]
00:16:30.998 [script.javaScript.stackTrace]:     i: 0
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
And any survivors, their debts I will certainly pay. There's always a way!
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Re: Trunk nightly

Post by Cody »

Should assassins be attacking me when there are Vipers about? On a few occasions recently, they've ignored the cops completely and laid into me.
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
And any survivors, their debts I will certainly pay. There's always a way!
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Re: Trunk nightly

Post by cim »

Cody wrote:
Should assassins be attacking me when there are Vipers about? On a few occasions recently, they've ignored the cops completely and laid into me.
They won't attack near a station, but loose police ships they're not currently checking for.
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Re: Trunk nightly

Post by kanthoney »

If you stare at the rotating cobra at start-up, you'll notice that there's a bit on the gun mount that isn't lit correctly, flickering on and off as the ship turns. We've found a fix for this, which is in the next build.

However, we're not 100% sure there won't be any knock-on affects to this fix and, as we're so near to release, we didn't want to break anything unexpectedly, so the fix is disabled by default. To enable it, set a user default of lighting-fix-tentative to YES. Oh, and clear the cache when you load up by holding down the shift key.
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Re: Trunk nightly

Post by Cody »

Bugger! I tried to set that lighting-fix-tentative thingy and it wiped my defaults file. Guess what... no back-up!
Obviously, I did something wrong, but now my Latest.log is full of these...

Code: Select all

12:58:28.817 [oxp-standards.error]: OXP ../AddOns/Griff.oxp/Cobra_Mk3_Subentmissiles_Oolite_v1.8x.oxp has no manifest.plist
... for every damn OXP! Not a good start to my day at all!

If something is wrong in the defaults file, I wish it'd simply reject it rather than wiping it!
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
And any survivors, their debts I will certainly pay. There's always a way!
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Re: Trunk nightly

Post by another_commander »

I think the defaults file is controlled by the GNUstep library, not Oolite. Most likely you forgot a semicolon at the end of a statement or something and that invalidated the entire defaults dictionary*. I'm afraid there is not much we can do about it, unless we go for some extensive hacking into GNUstep.

Regarding the messages you get, this is just OXP standards compliance being fully logged by the test release configuration. You can clean up your Latest.log by adding this line into .GNUstepDefaults:

Code: Select all

"enforce-oxp-standards" = 0;
*Edit: By the way, this is exactly what happened to me yesterday while I was testing the fix. I can feel your pain, trust me.
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Re: Trunk nightly

Post by Cody »

Yeah, I know... but I had several little tweaks in there! What's more, I can't even remember which and how! Shit!
I used to keep a back-up of the defaults file too! Damn and blast!
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
And any survivors, their debts I will certainly pay. There's always a way!
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Re: Trunk nightly

Post by Smivs »

Does Windows still have a 'recovery point' or something you can revert back to?
Commander Smivs, the friendliest Gourd this side of Riedquat.
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Re: Trunk nightly

Post by Cody »

I think that only works for system files, Smivs. However, having just punched a hole in a wardrobe door, I'm feeling a little better now!
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
And any survivors, their debts I will certainly pay. There's always a way!
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Re: Trunk nightly

Post by Zireael »

Recovery points in Windows can be set to whichever drive you like - in my case, it's the system drive AND docs drive.
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Re: Trunk nightly

Post by spara »

The documentation says that a market with omitted market_definition key should have a zero capacity market. This does not seem to be so.

* Omitting market_definition produces a zero price market with capacity.
* Omitting market_definition and adding "market_capacity" = 0; does not seem to make any difference.
* Adding

Code: Select all

"market_definition = (
		"type" = "default";
		"price_multiplier" = 0;
		"quantity_multiplier" = 0;
		"capacity" = 0;
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Re: Trunk nightly

Post by spara »

A thing that I have not been able to isolate, is the occasional message that stays in the view. It's often "Forward View" text right after load game and launch, but not always. And more rarely I've seen it in a longer sessions too.
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