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Re: Carn't explain Oolite to the wife

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 10:39 am
by stop4stuff

As good a place as any for my first post.

w. What are you playing?
m. Do you remember Elite on the BBC?
w. Yes.
m. This is Oolite, it pretty much the same as Elite.
w. Oh, right. (and wanders off to carry on doing whatever she was doing)

My wife is pretty cool with gaming, she used to be addicted to Chuckie Egg on the BBC :shock:

Re: Carn't explain Oolite to the wife

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 10:49 am
by Disembodied
Hi, stop4stuff, and welcome to the friendliest board this side of Riedquat! And congratulations to your wife too for a) remembering Elite, and b) her calm acceptance of it's re-entry to your life. Let's hope she's as understanding when it's 3 a.m. and you're "just finishing" that last cargo run ... :D

Re: Carn't explain Oolite to the wife

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 11:03 am
by Smivs
Welcome stop4stuff, and just to repeat the welcome, Hello!
Mrs_Smivs is pretty understanding as well, which helps a lot, and she even hangs out on the Oolite Chatroom from time to time. It can be quite lively at times, and you'll be welcome to pop in for a natter. UK evenings are usually the busiest time.
Enjoy the game.

Re: Carn't explain Oolite to the wife

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 11:07 am
by Alex
masona2 wrote:
Conversation goes as follows.......

Wife = w , Me = m

w - are you on that game again?

m - yeah.

w - you're obsessed with that game.

both now talking - no i'm not. yes you are. no i'm not. yes you are. no i'm not. yes you are.

w - what is it about that game anyway?

m - look, do you remember i've told you i've gone onto the oolite
blogs to see other 40-odd year old blokes trying to explain to their wives/girlfriends whats so good about this game and failed?

(AND the blogs caused me to have fits of laughter)

w - err, yes.

M - well, i carn't explain it to you either.

w - blank look.

m - its just not a girlie thing.
Quite simply, There is no way you can explain, just hope she sees boys stuff as another side to life as girls stuff.

P.S. Oolite is boys stuff for the most part.
Would hate to upset any Girls that play Oolite.
The girls in my family might b.. ouch stup that ior I'll hi shut up... ouch

Re: Carn't explain Oolite to the wife

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 11:15 am
by Alex
You think Thargoids are bad... Try envolving humanoid women

Re: Carn't explain Oolite to the wife

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 3:44 pm
by Dragonfire
Heh, my mom understands it, and she helps brainstorm OXPs with me! But then, she and I also watch football together... (GO SEAHAWKS!)

Re: Carn't explain Oolite to the wife

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 4:26 pm
by stop4stuff
Thanks for the warm welcome!

I should also give my wife some more 'props'.

Over the years she has endured been very patient with upto 6 people system linked Xbox gaming in our 3 bed flat, and currently she also tolerates is very patient with my & my son's Xbox 360 gaming.

She also puts up with understands our other bad habits :roll:

Re: Carn't explain Oolite to the wife

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 6:28 am
by Azured
Last night (translated from finnish), as I was already cruising the space lanes:

Wife - What are you up to?
Me - Well, I'm just vaporising some space pirates here.
W - Well, bag one of those big ones for me, ok?
M - Will do.
W - That's my predator, keep it up!

Love > just about anything.

Re: Carn't explain Oolite to the wife

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 7:47 pm
by Dragonfire
LOL! My Mom asked me to take out a hoarde of 'em for her, and get some good cargo outta the deal. :D So I did.

Re: Carn't explain Oolite to the wife

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 3:08 pm
by Matti
Try this: go to Wikipedia, search for Elite and Oolite, open up both pages and make your wife read them through. If she still wants to know more, ask her to sit and watch you playing and explain some stuff while you play.

And complaints about cost of computers... Collectible miniature wargames (best known: Warhammer) can cost whole lot more! Anyway if you need get replacement computer quickly and for cheap, look for used ones.

Re: Carn't explain Oolite to the wife

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 7:50 pm
by Zieman
stop4stuff wrote:
m. Do you remember Elite on the BBC?
w. Yes.
m. This is Oolite, it pretty much the same as Elite.
This brings to my mind an excellent piece of music: ... _past_mix/
It is mostly instrumental, but the few words fit Elite/Oolite perfectly!
"and now we're keeping it alive while having a blast, emulating the past" 8)

Re: Carn't explain Oolite to the wife

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 1:47 pm
by RyanHoots
My mom tolerates me playing Oolite for hours only because I say it's "inspiration" for writing my Oolite novel. Until I told her, she had no clue what Elite was. I'm a Star Trek fan, so maybe she knows that I like space. Anyway, I'm glad I get to play Oolite (and tweak some OXPs) almost all day long! 8)

Re: Carn't explain Oolite to the wife

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 11:47 pm
by masona2

I've not been here on a while, but MY God is this thread still going?!? (I started it).

Ha ha ha! And I've read your posts too with much laughter and enjoyment.

Nice one!

Re: Can't explain Oolite to the wife

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 1:41 pm
by Matti
Has anyone of you made your wife read Status Quo?

Re: Can't explain Oolite to the wife

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 1:52 pm
by Ganelon
I've never made anyone in my family read any Oo-fic. Not even my own efforts. Nor, to date, have any of them been so inclined so far as I know.