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Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 11:46 am
by snork
Switeck wrote:
Yes, in fact the cargo contracts *ARE* based on how much the station already has for sale AND how much you are carrying.
Ah, ok. :)

Last week I bought an Asp, mainly to see if it was "broken", now that gold and platinum >500 require cargo space.
Much to my surprise, the contract market changed to gems and small amount of gold exclusively. :shock:

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 5:35 pm
by ClymAngus
I had an idea: The golden space bar award.

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 5:55 pm
by Smivs
ClymAngus wrote:
I had an idea: The golden space bar award.
:) :D :lol:

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 11:20 pm
by FlammableFlower
Can't remember which oxp it is, but one of them adds in extra planets and moons, which can occasionally be very close to the witchpoint I found out: it's not a small's a very close moon...

press space commander

Stupid crash

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 12:18 pm
by onno256
Hey everybody,

I distinctly remember chasing after a Fer-de-Lance, both using fuel injectors (he had mightily pissed me off).

I was pretty close to him, when suddenly, he stopped using his fuel injectors, an I crashed into him with a respectable portion of lightspeed. Floating cargo and...

Press space commander!


Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 4:54 pm
by Namttep

so I'm bounty hunting is G2, doing okay, my ass is Durasteel, or so I think

I'm using random hits, for high paying contracts, and I finally find my Mark, he's on my screen for 2 seconds, only to be replaced by 20 or so ships, one of which deploys a Q bomb... which it apears I'm flying towards at high speed .......... Press Space Commander!

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 6:53 pm
by Namttep
Another bounty hunting/assassination tale.

Sent to rave on a mission, Hyped in. was hit by a bunch of ships all having beam and Miltary lasers, was hit the second I hyped in, no time to get my barings, no time to set a safe jump.

They striped my shields in seconds, then the first item of damaged equipment my Escape capsule, then my Jump injectors, then very quickly 'Press space commander'

maybe its time to get out of the bounty hunting business for a while.

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 3:26 am
by stillsick
Still get a bit mixed up with my controls. Recently was coming in nicely for a landing "Yeah, looking good!" and decided to fire my fuel injectors instead of the brake - wasn't really even annoyed at my death as the sight of my Cobra crashing into the space station at about mach 2 was hilarious!
Reload, try again.

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 11:31 am
by curtsibling
A few days ago I had (almost) defeated the usual gang of pirates, the
Sidewinder, Cobby and Python combo, even the tough Jabberwocky.

I had been chasing the last Python in my Cobby III, casually drilling it
with my beam laser. Suddenly it started to blow sparks - I smiled! :)

Imagine how my smug grin faded when I spun around for the final
"coup de grace" and smashed into a now abandoned and stationary
Python which, of course, survived the impact too...

Press Space Commander!

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:44 pm
by Namttep
Renegade Pirates

Some of which carry Quirum Bombs, that detonate right after you manage to kill them.

you've gotta love those bounties, that you keep for a few seconds!

What can I say ***** Press Space Commander *****

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:59 pm
by curtsibling
I know what you mean, Namttep!

I felt so proud of finally kicking the Asp of an souped-up renegade Asp-II the other day.
He exploded nicely and on my HUD, and I spied a weird pod thing...My last thoughts were:
"A Q-Bomb, how fiendish!"

Press Space Commander!

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:16 pm
by Namttep
yep mine was a 3000cr renegade Boa, I thought nice whats the catch, then I found out!

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 5:50 pm
by uua90
Taking a passenger in after a long trip across the chart... Didn't bother to save at any stations because I had fuel scoops and didn't feel like trading. Encountered a very large group of pirates, so I launched a Q-bomb, did a U-turn, and hit the injectors... only to find I was out of witchspace fuel.

Press space commander. 8)

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 12:15 am
by L0CI
Launching from station Random I did my usual lolipop check (where's that Fugitive SuperCobra? etc) when I come across something I've not seen before. The scan reads something along the lines of "Orbital Platform (Hijacked): Fugitive". I figure I'm right next to the station so I'll have some help from the Vipers, I've just saved my game, what the hell how bad could it be?... FIRE!

Incoming missile... incoming missile... incom... inco... icomi... incom...incoming missile... issi...sile



No. Definitely not.

"Press Space Commander"

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 12:39 am
by L0CI
Scrapping with a group of pirates as usual, I have one of them in my sights. I'm on his tail and while he's doing a good job with the evasives I have him well and truly beaten. He knows it and hits the injectors. Stubbornly refusing to let the kill go, I do likewise and head off after him. He's got a small headstart on me and after a couple of seconds, it becomes apparent he also has a faster ship. I calculate there's no real possibility of me getting the kill before my lasers overheat so I grudgingly break off and let him go. 20k out and wait, he's turning and heading back this way. Good! 15k... 10k... 5k... still going flat out... :( he's not stopping is he? As I frantically try to decide on whether to dive, climb, roll, fire a missile, I eventually decide on a plan of "panic and do none of the above". BANG! I sink back in my chair muttering expletives and cursing the kamikaze AI.

It takes me a few seconds to realise I'm still seeing stars moving... I'm... I'm ALIVE!

Hearing laser fire, too.

... and nowhere near the keyboard

Once again - "Press Space Commander"