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Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 3:46 pm
by Micha
Incidentally, on a completely different Topic (ie, the original thread), having finally seen the Lave Academy at it's designed position/distance, it's easily visible from the Station. No wonder Thargoid was initially confused about our complaints

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 3:59 pm
by Eric Walch
Kaks wrote:Thargoid, we should be able to sidestep the problem by using the pws coordinates system. Within that system, the planet is always at coordinates 0,0,0.
Probably you mean "pwm" or "psm". This gives a coordinate system in meters just like the "abs" system. Should work easier as it only means a shift of the current coordinates of the buoys.
Thinking of it, RingsPods.oxp and assassains.oxp also use "pwm" coordinates systems. They are always relative to the planet and still would work with different planet positions. So this difference between systems could already be there for ages.
Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 5:02 pm
by Eric Walch
Out of interest when things went wrong I started a few old Oolite versions, jumped to Diso, docked, refuelled, and jumped to Lave witchpoint. Here I activated the coordinates with shift-F. This even works in very old Oolite versions. It shows the "pwm" coordinates. Planet is zero and the z number now represents the player distance to the planet. This number has a variation of a few thousand meter as the entrypoint is not exact and also the buoy is added with a variation. So only look at the big digets:
Code: Select all
Version 1.55: 580836 meter
Version 1.65: 456216 meter
Version 1.68: 458154 meter
Version 1.69: 454887 meter
Version 1.72: 454901 meter
This suggests that the distances with the mac already changed between version 1.55 and 1.65. It seems to be a very old bug not noticed since now.
Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 8:36 pm
by Thargoid
OK, now we've identified the problem, I've re-worked the scripting to spawn everything relative to the main station. So regardless of your platform, the Academy should now always be in the same place.
It's not quite in the same place as it used to be, it's now 50km at right-angles to the main station in the XY plane. The buoy is still in place to guide you, but the "stop-and-roll" technique will no longer work.
Nothing else has changed, so for people who are succesfully using v1.01 then there's no real need to update unless you want to. It's on the same URL as before, in the first post of this thread.
Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 10:12 am
by Micha
Incidentally, for docking with the Academy, I've so far succeeded only once out of about 5 attempts, all other attempts were Instant Death.
Can you dock from both sides or only one?
Is the docking slit rectangular or square? Ie, is it the whole visible opening, or is it invisibly smaller?
Do you have to match the station roll?
All attempts so far were with a Jameson flying a stock Cobra MkIII.
Sorry for the noob questions, but haven't really had much time to play with the OXP itself yet.
Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 10:31 am
by Thargoid
You can dock from either end, just fly into the inner pipe. There is no docking slit, all you need to do is fly into (and usually a little way through) the blue glow. In essence it's the whole opening.
Basically if your ship position is within a set distance of the stations position then you're docked (I forget offhand exactly what I set the dock radius to, but it's within the inner radius). In this case it's set so that distance is smaller than the station's outer radius, but within the central core path's radius through it (about the same width as the blue glow I think).
There's no need to match rotation or anything, just don't hit the station itself. For a stock Cobbie it's plenty wide enough, I must admit I usually fly in under injectors and almost always dock (unless I really mess it up and visibly smack into the wall).
The only glitch I know of is the same one as the fuel station, that ships with player turrets seem to die when doing such fly-through maneuvers for some reason. Presumably something to do with collision detection or octatrees, have a look in the Fuel Station OXP thread if you want more reports. But that won't affect a stock Cobbie, it's more usually a pain for Caduceus pilots.
Lave Academy OXP - v1.02b (More Academies)
Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 5:26 am
by Dr Beeb
Hello Thargoid
great OXP. I took the liberty of adding more academies, 8 in each galaxy, so that players can take their latest iron ass to a nearby academy.
I have not adjusted OXP wiki site entries but did create an Academies page on the wiki to supply some back-story for your consideration
Wiki entry on Oolite GalCop Academies
Download Lave Academy v. 1.02b here, from
(Download includes the maps required, hence 11 MB)
Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 7:17 am
by Eric Walch
There might still be a bug in there. Or actually it is an Oolite bug. I did mention it to thargoid in a PM and he was aware of it: Sometimes the buoy don't give a message when flying the route. I don't know if this still happens.
At that time I could not come up why, but now I know. Oolite suppresses duplicate messages send within 6 seconds of each other. Somehow there must be a bug in this timing as in some occasions it always suppresses a message when identical to the last.
I don't know if this is already fixed in Oolite but for this oxp it can be bypassed by including a buoy number with the message. This will ensure the message is different as the last one.
Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 9:13 am
by Kaks
Eric Walch wrote:
I don't know if this is already fixed in Oolite
Not yet! It looks like berlios is working today, I might just have the time to add a quick fix for this one (famous last words,
TM pending), before committing the fines messages changes...
Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 10:42 am
by Lestradae
Ave to Great Chairman Kaks
And perhaps Frame's silver-plate-served "station.dockPlayer()" too, while you're at it?
Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 7:56 am
by Kaks
Changes are in trunk now, see you all later!
Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 8:19 am
by Lestradae
Thanks very much, Kaks!
Oh, and Dr Beeb, that's a really nice addon to the original Lave Academy! Haven't been to sector 1 in ages - but now I'm heading to the nearest Academy in sector 7!
Re: Lave Academy OXP - v1.02b (More Academies)
Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 12:13 pm
by Commander McLane
Dr Beeb wrote:Hello Thargoid
great OXP. I took the liberty of adding more academies, 8 in each galaxy, so that players can take their latest iron ass to a nearby academy.
I have not adjusted OXP wiki site entries but did create an Academies page on the wiki to supply some back-story for your consideration
Wiki entry on Oolite GalCop Academies
Download Lave Academy v. 1.02b here, from
(Download includes the maps required, hence 11 MB)
Hmmm, I'm not sure that I like the idea of having more academies. That the Lave Academy is the
only place where you can get your license seems
quite canonical in Elite (not only Oolite) to me.
Re: Lave Academy OXP - v1.02b (More Academies)
Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 12:34 pm
by DaddyHoggy
Commander McLane wrote:Dr Beeb wrote:Hello Thargoid
great OXP. I took the liberty of adding more academies, 8 in each galaxy, so that players can take their latest iron ass to a nearby academy.
I have not adjusted OXP wiki site entries but did create an Academies page on the wiki to supply some back-story for your consideration
Wiki entry on Oolite GalCop Academies
Download Lave Academy v. 1.02b here, from
(Download includes the maps required, hence 11 MB)
Hmmm, I'm not sure that I like the idea of having more academies. That the Lave Academy is the
only place where you can get your license seems
quite canonical in Elite (not only Oolite) to me.
I always assumed this couldn't be true - if you were born in GC2 you'd have to take 7 Gal H jumps to get to Lave to pick up your license from the academy - the financial pressures to have at least one per chart would be enormous...
Re: Lave Academy OXP - v1.02b (More Academies)
Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 12:42 pm
by ClymAngus
Dr Beeb wrote:Hello Thargoid
great OXP. I took the liberty of adding more academies, 8 in each galaxy, so that players can take their latest iron ass to a nearby academy.
I have not adjusted OXP wiki site entries but did create an Academies page on the wiki to supply some back-story for your consideration
Wiki entry on Oolite GalCop Academies
Download Lave Academy v. 1.02b here, from
(Download includes the maps required, hence 11 MB)
In light of detailed mapping information, some of the wiki entry might need "refining".
"Communists control everything in Galaxy 4"