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Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 9:23 am
by Commander McLane
another_commander wrote:
Tell her that your XP points is the number of kills. Then she will be happy.
Depends. There is a slight difference between feeding a virtual toy, or killing it. :wink: And while some wives may love the one thing, they may not exactly appreciate the other. :?

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 9:41 am
by another_commander
I know, I was being sarcastic ;-)

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 9:45 am
by JensAyton
Commander McLane wrote:
Depends. There is a slight difference between feeding a virtual toy, or killing it. :wink: And while some wives may love the one thing, they may not exactly appreciate the other. :?
I’m feeding it tasty laser energy until it explodes with joy!

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 9:47 am
by Frame
Ahruman wrote:
I’m feeding it tasty laser energy until it explodes with joy!
Rather feeding it tasty laser energy until it transcends to the next level of spirituality

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 11:25 am
by Commander McLane
Ahruman wrote:
I’m feeding it tasty laser energy until it explodes with joy!
Frame wrote:
Rather feeding it tasty laser energy until it transcends to the next level of spirituality
Whatever. Anyway, here we are in the middle of the why-I-am-playing-Oolite-without-sound question, and do everything else to preferably hide it from her altogether.

And while she by no means would be interested to feed a virtual pet and collect XP points (what are "XP points" anyway? never heard of that; but then I don't use Facebook), she definitely holds a game that involves shooting at or even killing something to be an even bigger waste of time, if not downright evil.

Mind you, she would never watch an action movie, or anything that depicts violence for entertainment.

I guess being married to a pacifist and professional peace worker has its downsides, too. :wink:

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 11:50 am
by Frame
Commander McLane wrote:
(what are "XP points" anyway? never heard of that;
It is an abbrivation for Experience Points, very much used in MMORPG like war-craft, EVE, etc.

profesional peace worker
is that a modern day title for hippies ???, just kidding... :lol: i love peace as much as the next person

but do you ever dare to call her that... :wink:

your better half(why do we say that, the other might be the better)... well would be very interrested in saving the world then i guees..

Don´t think i come across such a game... ever... not one that does not involve slaying the opponents a bit, and then unite the world...

Or where the hippies understanding of peace is the irradication of all man-kind...

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 9:16 pm
by JensAyton
Ahh, “XP points” – yet another instance of the terrible scourge of PNS syndrome.

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 10:34 pm
by Star Gazer
DON'T!! I used to work in education and that suffered from acronyms to the point where conversations resembled text speak... ....ugghhh... ...and many of them had grammatical redundancies beyond imagining...

(P.S. I think the term XP originated in Dungeons & Dragons, that's certainly where I first encountered the term.)

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 11:02 pm
by JohnnyBoy
Frame wrote:
Because she play some games on Facebook that is on line ... how much she feed or washed some tamagotchi like Cat, of hers and her friends... on line puppets so to speak...
I wish I could find the article but about 2 weeks ago, I was looking at a website that reported that the guys who make those virtual pets for Facebook and sell virtual food and toys, are bringing in about US$100,000 per month!

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 12:53 pm
by Micha
JohnnyBoy wrote:
Frame wrote:
Because she play some games on Facebook that is on line ... how much she feed or washed some tamagotchi like Cat, of hers and her friends... on line puppets so to speak...
I wish I could find the article but about 2 weeks ago, I was looking at a website that reported that the guys who make those virtual pets for Facebook and sell virtual food and toys, are bringing in about US$100,000 per month!
A friend of mine started selling clothes for avatars in Second Life - and is (or was the last time I spoke to her) bringing in more money than her husband. It's a very strange world indeed.

Now, for only £10 I can sell you these upgraded ECM missiles... want a bigger warhead and 100% guarantee against ECM? Look no further... ;)

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 10:42 pm
by Frame
I thought about trying it.

Since when i can model in 3d max, i can model in second life, even did a little research into the matter.. i can turn out models by the 1000´s. however, if i got the skills as a designer for the masses... i´m not sure off.. i would have to consult my wife a lot i´m afraid...

Location Location Location & commercial spots... so it needs an investment as these cost real life currency...

Then comes the whole deal of keeping track of how much money you make and report that correctly to the tax authorities, so you don´t suddenly have to pay it all back including the fine that is the same amount as the amount you owe them.... nasty business

here in Denmark that is considered a 2nd income, and as such, is taxed 60%, so in reality I would only be making 40%, if I get a fine, thats 120% of the amount they would claim me to owe them...

Ordinary income tax, is usually taxed at 38-50%, yes it is an expensive country, but that is due to our welfare system... free sick-care, and so on... And wouldn't have it any other way..

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 6:56 am
by drew
Commander McLane wrote:

I guess being married to a pacifist and professional peace worker has its downsides, too. :wink:
Damn - that's a great idea for a story...! No.. concentrate on task in hand... :wink:

Would love to know your wife's opinion on certain aspects of the second world war, conflicts in eastern Europe and the invasions in the baltic states...

...or what she would do when faced by a sci-fi enemy like the 'Borg' from startrek...



Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 8:23 am
by Wolfwood
Star Gazer wrote:
(P.S. I think the term XP originated in Dungeons & Dragons, that's certainly where I first encountered the term.)
Yup, it did - and most other tabletop RPGs used the same term.

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 9:53 am
by JohnnyBoy
Micha wrote:
A friend of mine started selling clothes for avatars in Second Life - and is (or was the last time I spoke to her) bringing in more money than her husband. It's a very strange world indeed.
Agreed Micha, but it's a world that I want a piece of! ;)
Frame wrote:
I thought about trying it.

Since when i can model in 3d max, i can model in second life, even did a little research into the matter.. i can turn out models by the 1000´s. however, if i got the skills as a designer for the masses... i´m not sure off.. i would have to consult my wife a lot i´m afraid...

Location Location Location & commercial spots... so it needs an investment as these cost real life currency...
Why the 'location' problem? Couldn't you just do this from home on your regular computer? After all, it's a 'virtual' business we're talking about here...
Frame wrote:
Then comes the whole deal of keeping track of how much money you make and report that correctly to the tax authorities, so you don´t suddenly have to pay it all back including the fine that is the same amount as the amount you owe them.... nasty business
I'm in the same situation right now, Frame. I'm in the process of setting up a website that sells MP3 audiobooks to students and this means calculating my tax responsibilities. So far, I've discovered that I have to separate customers who are in the EU (and possibly liable for VAT sales tax) from those who are outside the EU (no VAT). But I think that it will be possible because of the sales report statements that PayPal send to their sellers every month.

It's a pain to research and organise this stuff, but I'm so sick of hearing about so many other people making ridiculous amounts of money by selling ones and zeros on the web, that I want to do it myself.
Frame wrote:
here in Denmark that is considered a 2nd income, and as such, is taxed 60%, so in reality I would only be making 40%, if I get a fine, thats 120% of the amount they would claim me to owe them...

Ordinary income tax, is usually taxed at 38-50%, yes it is an expensive country, but that is due to our welfare system... free sick-care, and so on... And wouldn't have it any other way..
Jesus! Those tax laws sound draconian! Isn't the Danish government worried that such laws scare people like you from starting a business?

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 11:01 am
by LittleBear
The Danish Tax System isn't actually that bad! In the UK the self-employed have to pay VAT at 17.5% plus Class 4 NI at 7.5%, plus £2 per week Class 2 (which is annoying rather than a dent in the profit margin!). So even in a 20% income tax bracket, thats still a total of 43% of your turnover to The Man. In a 40% income tax bracket its more like 63%. Plus The Man charges you tax on work done rather than work paid (in many buisnesses - Construction and the law for example), it can be 18 months to 2 years before you are actually paid. Which means taking out an overdraft at 18% to pay the tax on money you haven't actually been paid yet! :evil: