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Re: Vector OXP

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 5:12 pm
by Diziet Sma
marcusrg wrote:
@EV - Relax, your mission is fine. The problem here is the thing between the chair and the notebook, :lol:
In tech-support, we log that as a PICNIC - problem in chair, not in computer.. :twisted:

Re: Vector OXP

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 7:22 pm
by marcusrg
Diziet Sma wrote:
marcusrg wrote:
@EV - Relax, your mission is fine. The problem here is the thing between the chair and the notebook, :lol:
In tech-support, we log that as a PICNIC - problem in chair, not in computer.. :twisted:


In Brazil, we use to call it a BIOS problem (BIOS = "Bicho Idiota Operando o Sistema" , which translate in english as "Stupid animal operating the system"

Re: Vector OXP

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 8:19 pm
by spara

I catched this from my game log.

Code: Select all

23:09:09.749 [script.javaScript.exception.notFunction]: ***** JavaScript exception (vector_news 1.7): TypeError: this.startMusicSet is not a function
23:09:09.749 [script.javaScript.exception.notFunction]:       /home/spara/.Oolite/AddOns/Vector1.7.oxp/Scripts/vector_news.js, line 85.

Re: Vector OXP

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 11:01 pm
by Svengali
Thanks for the report, spara.

Which Oolite version and the versions of Vector, Cabal_Common_Library and Snoopers are you using?

Just an idea, please send your savedgame via pm.

Re: Vector OXP

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 4:12 pm
by spara
Svengali wrote:
Thanks for the report, spara.

Which Oolite version and the versions of Vector, Cabal_Common_Library and Snoopers are you using?

Just an idea, please send your savedgame via pm.
Game: 1.76.1
Vector: 1.7
Cabal: 1.6
Snoopers: 2.3.3

For the savegame, I was testing new stuff and started the game using adderstart-savegame from Switeck's Shipping oxp.

Hope this helps.

Re: Vector OXP

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 5:05 pm
by Svengali
Thanks for the info - I can't reproduce it though.

The posted error looks as if there's a scope problem, but startMusicSet is a function of the same script (vector_news.js). Latest.log may contain more hints, so please post it or send it via pm.

Re: Vector OXP

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 6:06 pm
by spara
Svengali wrote:
Thanks for the info - I can't reproduce it though.

The posted error looks as if there's a scope problem, but startMusicSet is a function of the same script (vector_news.js). Latest.log may contain more hints, so please post it or send it via pm.
:( Seems that I can't reproduce it either. And sorry, I did not take a copy of the log last night. I know I should have :roll:. I'll keep an eye on the log if it appears again. That Vector is a fine looking ship by the way.

Re: Vector OXP

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 10:13 am
by Svengali
Thanks, spara. I'll keep an eye too (and try a few more things).

Re: Vector OXP

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 5:50 am
by Cpt
Hi Sven...

V abj unir 'hctenqrq' shry fpbbc nygubhtu V jbhyq or qryvtugrq gb xabj ubj guvf vf shapgvbanyyl qvssrerag sebz gur byq barf? V gel npgvingvat vg va syvtug naq abguvat nccrnef gb unccra...

V qvqa'g pnyy gur bar ahzore V unir, unira'g sbhaq gur Ynql be gur ybpngvba bs gur cynarg. Fbzr cbvagref gb fcrrq zr hc jbhyq or nccerpvngrq nf V nz pheeragyl va gur zvqqyr bs gur yrsg unaq fvqr bs T2...

Nyy uryc nccerpvngrq vapyhqvat n CZ *teva* Gn!

Re: Vector OXP

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 11:27 am
by Svengali
Hey Cpt .-)

Jung zrnaf 'hctenqrq'? Nea Q'rephyf ShryFpbbcf Rkgrafvba pna'g or obhtug jvgubhg pbzcyrgvat gur onpxtebhaq zvffvba... naq lbh'ir fnvq lbh unira'g sbhaq gur Ynql lrg (cneg bs guvf zvffvba). Vs vg'f ninvynoyr ba lbhe obk, fbzrguvat unf zvkrq hc guvf (naq cebonoyl bgure BKCf nf jryy). V'ir frra guvf jvgu BKCf juvpu ner hfvat vainyvq frggvatf sbe zbqvslvat flfgrzf qngn. Guvf yrnqf gb vainyvq grpuyriryf - urapr gur BKCf jvyy bssre fghss juvpu jnf arire zrnag gb or ninvynoyr.

Gur Irpgbef ShryFpbbcf ner rkcnaqvat gur fgbentr sbe cbqf jvgu n fcrpvny znexre bayl. Guvf vf rkcyvpvgryl gb nibvq nyy gur unmmyr jvgu fgnaqneq cbqf jr unir frra va bgure BKCf naq nyfb nibvqf pynfurf jvgu guvatf yvxr 'serr fynirf'. Gur bireynl vf bayl fubja vs lbh unir funqre fhccbeg (V thrff V fubhyq unir nqqrq n pbafbyrZrffntr sbe aba-funqre flfgrzf).

Gur ybpngvba bs gur flfgrzf gb or ivfvgrq vf fgberq nf zvffvbaInevnoyr (zvffvba_irpgbe_neaivfvgf). Gur flfgrzf ner pubbfra enaqbzyl ng gur ortvaavat bs gur zvffvba (nsgre serrvat Nea). Whfg cbfg/fraq gur zvffvbaInevnoyrf cneg bs lbhe fnirqtnzr (be nyy ortvaavat jvgu 'zvffvba_irpgbe_').

Re: Vector OXP

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 9:34 am
by Cpt
Thanks for taking a look at my PMed save file *grin*

Re: Vector OXP

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 11:11 am
by Svengali
Cpt wrote:
Thanks for taking a look at my PMed save file *grin*
Thanks a lot for sending it .-)

It was a lot easier to find the error in the script. A new version will come soon - I only need to run a few more tests.

Re: Vector OXP

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 1:59 pm
by Svengali
Vector1.7.1 is online.

- Fix for background mission pushing a wrong newsflash
- Various fixes and tweaks (e.g. ... 4&start=28)

Thanks to Eric Walch, marcusrg and Cpt.

Re: Vector OXP

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 7:15 pm
by spara
I noticed a couple of things in this oxp.

1. Wiki page says:
Please note: It is not advised to use this OXP with Oolite v1.77.
Is this so?

2. in shipdata there are definitions like this:

Code: Select all

		like_ship = "cobra3-pirate";
		model = "cobra3_redux.dat";
These clash with any replace shipset that uses it's own models.

Re: Vector OXP

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 11:01 am
by Svengali
spara wrote:
1. Wiki page says:
Please note: It is not advised to use this OXP with Oolite v1.77.
Is this so?
Yes, it's written in v1.76.x. Behaviours (and other things) have changed in v1.77 so I consider it broken until it's updated. It will 'work', but this is not enough for me, so I've added this note. There's another showstopper - if I can't control my own settings and code runtimes anymore (OXPs are uncalled changing accuracy, energy, equipment, etc... or inject code) or entities are simply removed by other OXPs my motivation is nearly not existing anymore. We need solutions, otherwise it gets more and more pointless to write any mission related stuff.
spara wrote:
2. in shipdata there are definitions like this:

Code: Select all

		like_ship = "cobra3-pirate";
		model = "cobra3_redux.dat";
These clash with any replace shipset that uses it's own models.
Yep. It was written quite some time ago when 'replacements' have used different entity names. I'll change it. But CCL needs to be finished before I can even think about releasing anything.