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Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 12:55 pm
by wild turkey
Just built Oolite 1.72.2 on Ubuntu 9.04 using the instructions from the beginning of this thread with no problems.

Didn't have to rename Linux_All_OPT.OBJ to Linux_All_OPT.OBJ. Think it only needs to be done in trunk for some reason.

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 12:14 pm
by zevans
I got it built, and it's working. :D

However the only way I could get the Resources loaded was to copy everything in Resources subdir under into my .Oolite/AddOns in the home directory. (Cunningly I renamed my 1.72.2 .Oolite out of the way first!)

According to the log it's looking first in /usr/bin/Resources/oolite/Resources, which doesn't make much sense - should we add a step to change this in a header somewhere before compiling?

[Edit for directory paths]

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 12:56 am
by zevans
For the avoidance of doubt, I trashed both installs (1.72.2 autopackage and the trunk build), moved all my . directories out of the way, and recompiled. Now sure enough it is using the Resources directory under correctly. Moral: make sure your system is clean of other Oolite versions before you build.

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 10:25 am
by Getafix
The first post of this thread has been updated for 1.73.2

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 11:48 pm
by zevans
Since this is specifically for Ubuntu... isn't

Code: Select all

make pkg-deb
once you've pulled the source a lot easier... saves messing around with the Monkey stuff since that all happens magically this way?

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 7:46 am
by Micha
zevans wrote:
Since this is specifically for Ubuntu... isn't

Code: Select all

make pkg-deb
once you've pulled the source a lot easier... saves messing around with the Monkey stuff since that all happens magically this way?
It would be:

Code: Select all

make -f Makefile pkg-deb
since the GNUMakefile (which is the default makefile used) doesn't include the 'pkg-deb' target.

in either case, Getafix's steps are, with a few tweaks, applicable to most Linux distro's, whereas the Makefile currently only caters to Debian-derived systems, hence these steps are still a valuable resource.

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 8:29 am
by Getafix
First post of this topic has been updated to point 1.73.4.
The section "2.3 Build Oolite" has been simplified.

subversion update

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 8:08 am
by skoondi
Hi Getafix thanks for the guide.

I'm fairly new to subversion and I'm wondering if there is a command I can use to update my source which is currently at 173.2 to 173.4. I see that there are instructions for updating to the latest trunk but I don't need bleeding edge, just the most stable test release. I tried some googling but without success.

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 8:35 am
by Getafix
It is suggested to follow the first post steps again, starting from paragraph 2,
considering that you have done the same for 1.73.2.

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 4:22 pm
by skoondi
Thanks for the response, I'm assuming that will download the whole lot again which I'm trying to avoid as I'm on a very slow satellite Internet connection.

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 4:42 pm
by Micha
Hi skoondi,

Did you check out "branches/1.73-maintenance" or "tags/173.2" from Subversion? You can find out by going into your Oolite source directory and typing "svn info" and look at the URL in the information returned.

In the first case, it's quite easy to do, in the second case I'm not sure - at the very least you'd have to play around with the Subversion metadata I think which in general is not a good idea.

Continuing on in the first case, you can either just "svn update" which will get you 1.73.4 + a handful of minor tweaks, or "svn update -r 2579" to get the revision of the source which was tagged as the actual 1.73.4 release.

@Getafix, sorry for stealing your thunder, I know we discussed this issue on IRC, just not sure if you're still around today and I'm away for the rest of the weekend.

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 6:24 am
by skoondi
Hi Micha,

Unfortunately I have the second situation. I will bear it in mind for next time and make sure I check out the maintenance branch. Thanks.

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 10:48 am
by Getafix
First post has been updated to check out from "branches/1.73-maintenance',
to shorten the download time for the next releases.


Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 8:48 am
by skoondi
For anyone in the same situation as I was, that is having checked out the 1.73.x tagged source and wanting to update it without doing a complete checkoutm the subversion switch command seems to do the trick:

svn switch -r2579 ... intenance/

Just did this and all seems good, now have 1.73.4

Thanks for the work

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 9:18 am
by foxbow
Just want to blurt out my happiness :D

First I have built the standard source pack and ended up with no sound. Next time I just followed this how-to and ended up with a fully working oolite on my Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic box.

And sound can be crucial when it comes to reacting to incoming missiles..

However building the .deb files could work smoother. Using
# dpkg-buildpackage
will complain about missing debian/changelog file and
# make -f Makefile dpkg
will build the changelog file but bail out due to a missing 'debuild' utility. However afterwards the dpkg-buildpackage worked fine and now I can upgrade the other machine as well.

Great work!