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Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 1:55 am
by pagroove
Compliments. It looks very professional. I'il print this out.

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 2:42 am
by Screet
wackyman465 wrote:
Scared me there - fingers reached towards i...
You should save your commander and switch to a jabberwocky equipped with a Q-Bomb...and then attempt to use it. I bet you will be much more scared :twisted:


Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 12:42 pm
by Gimi
Thank you for great work. Huge improvement on what was already a good ref sheet.

Anywhere I can get the source document (Word or Open Office or something else.) I would like to modify it to my own needs according to the OXP's I have installed.

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 3:14 am
by KZ9999
Gimi wrote:
Thank you for great work. Huge improvement on what was already a good ref sheet.

Anywhere I can get the source document (Word or Open Office or something else.) I would like to modify it to my own needs according to the OXP's I have installed.
Not a problem Gimi. :) When I've finished the final updates wanted by Another_Commander, I'll post a link to the original word file I created in making it. The idea was that it could be personalised by the user to match their Oolite set-up.

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 11:01 pm
by KZ9999
Ok Folks, once again it's Reference Sheet update time.

I've finished cleaning up the work, done a bit of image rejiging and caught a couple of massive bugs. I've shaved 100Kb off the PDF in the new version so now its only 860Kb. As per request I've uploaded the word 2003 format doc file so people can play with it to their hearts desire, but it weighs in 2.2Mb so you have been warned!

Word 2003 doc file is here: ... S_1_73.doc

Regenerated PDF is here: ... S_1_73.pdf

One thing I found that everyone missed that was for the last 5 versions of the RS, the commodities list was missing radioactives. :shock: That error was in the original Open Office version so I have no idea on that kept being missed. Anyway the word version of the file kept to a set of standardised modules so editing should be easy. If people want it, I'll upload the SVG file that was used to generate the bitmaps for HUD page. I'm currently looking at some webspaces to give this stuff a home. I post links when I've decided on one.

If there are any request for information that you think should be added to it, post it here. I'm tempted to add a 'your first flight tutorial' for cadet commanders. Problem is that it will take a couple of pages and bloat the file size Giles knows how much :wink: So I will only add it if there is a general support for it's addition.

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 8:53 am
by CaptKev
Nice work KZ9999 8)

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 10:06 am
by ClymAngus
Have you considered the possibility of an oolite compendium?

High level html or flash giving complete searchable system information. Maybe even tracing roots. You know the kind of thing you can keep in a sub menue and bring up when you need to find something? Sort of like a galactic a-z. It would be a lot of work but very cool.

KZ9999 wrote:
Ok Folks, once again it's Reference Sheet update time.

I've finished cleaning up the work, done a bit of image rejiging and caught a couple of massive bugs. I've shaved 100Kb off the PDF in the new version so now its only 860Kb. As per request I've uploaded the word 2003 format doc file so people can play with it to their hearts desire, but it weighs in 2.2Mb so you have been warned!

Word 2003 doc file is here: ... S_1_73.doc

Regenerated PDF is here: ... S_1_73.pdf

One thing I found that everyone missed that was for the last 5 versions of the RS, the commodities list was missing radioactives. :shock: That error was in the original Open Office version so I have no idea on that kept being missed. Anyway the word version of the file kept to a set of standardised modules so editing should be easy. If people want it, I'll upload the SVG file that was used to generate the bitmaps for HUD page. I'm currently looking at some webspaces to give this stuff a home. I post links when I've decided on one.

If there are any request for information that you think should be added to it, post it here. I'm tempted to add a 'your first flight tutorial' for cadet commanders. Problem is that it will take a couple of pages and bloat the file size Giles knows how much :wink: So I will only add it if there is a general support for it's addition.

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 10:57 am
by KZ9999
ClymAngus wrote:
Have you considered the possibility of an oolite compendium?
I wondered about that when I was deciding on the area list of thing to cover for the manual. I decided to leave it out as it's pointless in a printed format and the manual is about the game play first and foremost
ClymAngus wrote:
High level html or flash giving complete searchable system information. Maybe even tracing roots.
How about the micro wiki MionMoin which comes with auto formating, text searching and all the other things that the big boys have. It comes in a desktop version that doesn't require a server to run and works like any other wiki. I've played with and found it a very usable system with a low system overhead. Combined with the fact I've just got a add-on for Open Office which exports files to the Media Wiki format natively takes a lot of the druge work out of it.

Edit: I've just just downloaded the latest version of Moinmoin and it doesn't have the same low overhead stand-alone that previous ones did. I did run across a wiki like system that was pure html and ajax last year, so I'll have a look for it when I've got some time.

As for tracing roots? If you mean flight routes, that's beyond most generalised system and it takes the fun out of the game IMOHO.

Edit: Actually a small list of the common milk runs for each of the galaxies would be do-able. It would be very helpful for the old hands and cadets alike. Maybe highlight which system are isolated in the witchspace web to prevent galactic hyperdriving in to dead end would be important.

ClymAngus wrote:
You know the kind of thing you can keep in a sub menu and bring up when you need to find something? Sort of like a galactic a-z. It would be a lot of work but very cool.
Not really. The key thing with a compendium is brevity. It wouldn't replace the Oolite Wiki, just provide a quick overviews of each subject. Best compendiums I've seen tend to keep the entry text to less than 500 words (1 printed page of a normal size paperback or 1 A4 page of double space courier type at 12 pt.) The smaller the better, say double twitter size (280 characters or 40-80 words.) The links would be the big thing, including links out to the stuff on the net.

The key in making it work would support from everyone else. Considering how supportive this board is, that shouldn't be a problem. I'd boil down the material from other sources into a pithy text. You folks would vet it and error check. The artistic among you could provide the necessary art, music, video, etc to fit where needed. A lot of what would be needed has already been created by others, its just act of compiling that needs to be done.

I'm no coder and my artistic ability is utilitarian at best, but I'm more than happy in becoming the archivist for the great body of Ooniverse. As a former high-end sales droid, I might as well put my overdeveloped verbal skills to a good cause.

If there support for it, I look at doing it after I've got the major work on the manual out of the way.

My files have a perminate home

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 12:52 am
by KZ9999
I've now uploaded the OoliteRS and its source files to a perminate<snip >proper home.

They can be found at right here: If the system met with Thargoid's approval to store files, I sure ain't going diss it. You will also see that I've altered my sig to link to it. It will also be the home of the manual, and the proposed compendium as well.

<In carm agressive but friendly tones,> May I say I've grown to hate Word 2007. Every time do one fix one spot, it brakes something else. Case in point when I fixed the error in the commodities table, it broke the text under the IFF scanner guides.<normal voice> So the files sitting on have the fix, but only grab them if you are bugged by that glitch.

Now back to the manual and the section covering your first interstellar flight. <preschool tv show presenter voice> Let's go to Zanonce and sell some food.<normal>

Re: My files have a perminate home

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 3:42 am
by Kaks
KZ9999 wrote:
Let's go to Zanonce and sell some food.
Zanonce? :shock:

Quick everybody, let's proof check his work!!! :D

Seriously KZ: very, very nice job, everything an Oolite n00b ( & not so n00b! ) could possibly want! Thanks again! :)

PS: <rant> m$ stuff, no matter what you want to do, it knows best...</rant>

Re: My files have a perminate home

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 8:28 am
by Selezen
KZ9999 wrote:
Should I be worried? ;-)

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 1:53 pm
by captain122
There is a typo in the 2nd page:
2) Certain OPXs will add extra types of selfguiding
weapons to Oolite. The game will
use the missile IFF flag to show them.

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 12:13 am
by KZ9999
captain122 wrote:
There is a typo in the 2nd page:
2) Certain OPXs will add extra types of selfguiding weapons to Oolite. The game will use the missile IFF flag to show them.
What Again!? :shock: I swear Word is sticking "'" in when I'm not looking. It wasn't there in the previous version. <sigh> I'll fix it in the next update. Yes I realise that I spelt Zaonce wrong, I haven't added the Oolite Dictionary to my browser spell checker :).

I found the micro wiki I was talking about earlier. It's GPL product called Tiddly Wiki. It does it all in a single page with only a 210kb overhead. I wondering I should release a version of the manual in tiddly wiki version as well as a PDF. Have a visit to the website, which is a Tiddly Wiki in its own right, and see what you think.

Additional craft details

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 12:25 pm
by toconn
Superb work KZ.

It would be really useful if an appendix was added to the reference, which authors of OXP's used to detail additions such as new craft, weapons etc.

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 4:01 pm
by tomsk
Just downloaded this and spotted another error :twisted:

On the first page, Navigation Controls you have

Code: Select all

F6 F6 / F6 F6  Galactic Chart
   F6 / F6  Short Range Chart