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Re: lost the constrictor

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 7:27 pm
by Alex
Eric Walch wrote:
Alex wrote:
Must admit, even in the original Elite on the BBC and early Oolite I found the constrictor mission to be a little disappointing, bit too easy.
Play it with griffs ships. The Griff constrictor has a aft laser. That makes the fight a bit harder because the original has no aft laser.

Or restart the mission with a player score >2560. Than also it becomes more challenging for an experienced player.

However, the Constrictor is the first real mission the player gets. That should be an easy one.
Way back when we were in wire frame ships, the mission was a little too easy.

My Opinion Only.

Same as in any mission I say anything about, My opinion only. :)

Though I have Griff ships now, they little boogers keep shooting me oot their behinds, Durnsnagglefarffs!!
the bigger ones have turretts.. Boogin darnsnaglehaffs :lol: :lol:

Just makes a great game better.
My Opinion :D

Re: lost the constrictor

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 9:24 pm
by Commander Redec
I have just finished the mission. Over all it's a fine mission, but in my opinion it was to difficult to find the bastard - I had to read several clues in this topic. When I did find him at last, the actual fight was a little disappointing - it only took me about 10 seconds to kill him with my military laser.

In my opinion the mission would have been perfect, if I got a clue where to find him when I docked at the first station in Galaxy 2, and if the actual fight was a little harder.

When I killed him my rating went from Competent to Dangerous :D

/ Commander Redec

Re: lost the constrictor

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 10:22 pm
by Eric Walch
Commander Redec wrote:
the actual fight was a little disappointing - it only took me about 10 seconds to kill him with my military laser.
It is not intended to be the most difficult fight possible. When you have a saved game from before the fight, you could repeat it with griffs constrictor installed.

Two benefits:
1) you fight a wonderful ship.
2) That ship has an aft laser, making the fight much tougher. :twisted:

Re: lost the constrictor

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 11:23 am
by Diziet Sma
It still sounds as if some hint to check the F7 screen is in order.

Re: lost the constrictor

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 8:38 am
by Commander Redec
Eric Walch wrote:
When you have a saved game from before the fight, you could repeat it with griffs constrictor installed.
Real men don't take backups, but they cry a lot :wink:

Actually I do make a complete Windows 7 image backup of my hard drives once in a while.

/ Commander Redec