I didn't intend to release this update already but the new 1.72.1 suffers a bug that very likely will also affect all my previous versions. For some missions I let Oolite itself select the target based on conditions. as far as I see the bug is that it now first selects the ship and than when the conditions fail, no ship is added at all. Very frustrating when you search a ship that never was added.
I now changed the way ships are selected for version 1.5.0. Removing the selection conditions from shipdata means that this new version will no longer be usable with the good old 1.65.
New update: UPS Courier 1.5.0
The two most visible changes compared with the previous version are:
- Full use of the players contract reputation. When you do deliveries in the F8/F8 screen your reputation changes. There are 7 positive (for success) and 7 negative (for failure) point to be given. In time those points erode towards zero. When there are less than 7 points the remainder is interpreted as
unknown. From this unknown part Oolite turns always a random part into success. Oolite then translates all these values into a single
success value. This is what Oolite itself always has done behind the screen.
- UPS now also uses this success value to determine if it should make an offer. This could make it harder than before to get a transport offer. UPS itself also increases/decreases the reputation on finishing its own missions but this will probably not keep your reputation high enough to get all transport missions offered. You need to occasionally take some standard deliveries also.
- To get an idea how high your current reputation is, ups will show it in words as a mission description as long there is no active parcel mission.
- I re-added the option to look at the long range galactic map from within some mission screens. Because it is currently not possible to select the page by script, the player has to manually go to the chart. Leaving this page however is detected and at that moment the mission screen will be show again to make the definitive selection.
- Several smaller graphic changes.
You should use this new version with Oolite 1.72.1